Thanks for the good thoughts psych eval complete

on 4/14/09 1:10 pm - Manhattan Beach, CA
The jitters behind me, the dreaded topics did come up and yes I cried a bit, but I didn't melt into a puddle, and that was my biggest fear.  Some pretty personal things from childhood crept into the conversation several times, hence the tears.  She explained that children from an abusive childhood often times bring those issues with them and sabotage weight loss issues, even into the "mature years".  Additionally she said my goal weight may not be viable.  Her explanation was a good one.  She said our bodies normalize at certain weights, and because my goal weight was 43 years ago it may not be doable.  She add the caveat that only my body knows what it will do, but I must accept the way the physical part of me loses weight.  I don't know, what do you think?  I'm chewing that one, but its not going down.  I may have to give in to it at some point.  The final thing I learned was that I am inflexible, rigid and tightly wound.  No???  Really!!!!  Oh my 
Many here *****main in my prayers.  I write you in my calendar book and am faithful about praying for you.  I love it when you post and I see answers to those very prayers.  Tis a wonderful thing.  Good  night all, I'm all in.  It's time for a cup of SF hot chocolate and my blankie.

Walking with you on this journey, Mary
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Connie D.
on 4/14/09 10:50 pm
I am glad the eval is behind you. Sometimes these abuse issues  come up and they are painful to relive. You will make it through it.......I have.

You will make goal weight...follow the doctors rules and it will happen. Sometimes it takes longer but you can make it happen. If will still weigh alot less then you do now...that is just as wonderful!!

Hugs....connie d
on 4/15/09 1:15 am - Manhattan Beach, CA
Thanks so much Connie,
I do so want to pass 200 pounds.  I'll try to be okay with it if it does not happen, but oh how I hope it does.  You're right a lot less would be a blessing too!
Thanks again,  I hope all is well with you,
Hugs back,

Walking with you on this journey, Mary
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Karen S.
on 4/15/09 12:55 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha cute puppy (and oh what a darling puppy it is!!)

Being a retired clinical psychologist I feel I can speak to some of what you are saying. In my practice I can't tell you how many times when an obese person came to me that after much digging, the core issue was abuse as a youngster. It seems that some children put on much weight (unconsciously of course) as a defense against intrusion into their bodies. It is amazing to me how our lives are programed to survive in spite of being through hell.

If I were you, I wouldn't worry about a certain goal weight. I would set mini goals........and celebrate every one....and you will have many!! In my case my goal was 175, and I just chugged right on past that to 155! I'm 5'11" tall. As I tell all the newcomers. PLEASE don't forget to measure your body all over, and take pictures from all angles. You will NOT like it now.....but in a few months you will be so happy to have the comparisons.

Good luck!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
on 4/15/09 1:18 am - Manhattan Beach, CA
Thank you Maui Karen,
What a delightful place to be!
I appreciate your knowledge and your words.  Thank you so much for your understanding.  I really love the part about you chugged past your goal.  I am so hopeful that will be the case.  Okay, I'll measure, but I might not have a tape long enough, just kidding.  I'll hide them until I have bragging rights lol.
Blessings to you,
Hugs for sure,

Walking with you on this journey, Mary
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Elaine R.
on 4/15/09 1:19 am - Dearborn Heights, MI

My psychiatrist told me the same thing about issues from childhood sabotaging my weight loss plan.  She said that one addiction (food) can easily be replaced by another addiction such as drugs, alcohol, etc.  I was horribly stressed at my psych evaluation since I have the abused child issues going for me in addition to dealing with depression most of my life, not to mention a failed suicide attempt in 2005.  They were crazy enough to pass me, so I was crazy enough to have the surgery.  I'm sure your eval was just fine and you will do WONDERFULLY well!   

I don't know what to say about her comments regarding a set point in weight loss.  I know I can't make the fat fall off my hips faster than my breasts, but that's a generic issue to any weight loss.  Maybe she was trying to let you know that sometimes specified goals don't always get met and you need to give yourself a little slack in accepting a lesser goal. My body didn't normalize itself any weight, it was never satisfied with where it was.  Perhaps that's the difference between a normal weight person and an obese one???       

All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press
on to your destination.

on 4/15/09 6:33 am - Manhattan Beach, CA
I hear you Elaine,
Our stories are eerily familiar to one another.  You know exactly what I was feeling the combination of the abuse and later the depression was really something I don't talk about.  But, I pretty sure I passed.
I guess I'll just wait out the weight loss.  When I look at before and after pics I see so many that were my size or larger and now are down below what I planned for goal.  It can be done.  I hope I can be one of the ones that can do that.  We'll see....
Blessings to you in your journey as well.

Walking with you on this journey, Mary
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

on 4/17/09 12:00 pm - BENTON, KY

I'm sure you did well.  You know, you don't put on 150+ lbs without some skeletons in the closet and some serious issues.  All of us have them...and I think a lot of us have childhood abusive issues and chronic I don't think that is going to stop your psych eval.  Also, I think it is true our body creates a new set point. But I think those can be changed....WITH MUCH WORK.  I think weight training and much aerobics (?)  can push you past what the body wants to stop at, but I think it is tough.  Good luck...Kat

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