Help with constipation

on 4/12/09 11:18 pm - exeter, PA
Hi Everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful EAster. I am having awful bouts of constipation lately does anyone have any ideas of what I should do about this. I do take stool softeners already but I was thinking maybe something like benefiber, what do you think?
Brenda R.
on 4/13/09 12:33 am - Portage, IN
Gail, I had problems with that too. I mentioned it to my wls' PA and she told gave me a script for stool softeners. I had to take 3 of them a day for a while and then later on it just got worse so they took me off the iron. They just really watch the iron count for me. So far so good.

I know some who have taken Benefibre and it helped. If it keeps up though I would call the doctor and tell him. They may be able to help with something else, sometimes the otc things aren't as strong as we need them to be.

Love and hugs to you!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 4/13/09 3:58 am - exeter, PA
Thanks Brenda,
Maybe I will try 3 ss and I just bought some benefiber. I hope this helps its an awful feeling as you know. I don't even know why I have such problems I barely eat. That worries me to I just don't like food lol.
Love and hugs back at ya
on 4/13/09 4:01 am - Williston, ND
Hi "Pretty Lady" Gail.  I guess Brenda and Karen have already said what I was going to.  I too, take a stool softener and Benefiber because I have been "FULL OF IT" on occasion and it can be miserable.  Hope you have a "BREAK THROUGH" soon.

How ya doing otherwise Gail?

on 4/13/09 7:18 am - exeter, PA
Hi Sandy,
I have it all now so we shall see what happens. As far as everything else, I think I am a problem child lol.
I don't like much of anything anymore, I am finally getting the shakes in thank god cause I need to get protein somewhere. With all the vitiams, and pills I take and water I drink I don't get where the food goes lol. I hope one day this will all work it self out and I can eat without gaging. The scale seems to stay the same and I hope it is not because I am not getting much in but then again maybe it is. Oh Well. I hope as you say have a break through soon lol
Hugs Gail
Karen S.
on 4/13/09 3:07 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Gail and I'm so sorry you are going through this. I did too for a few bad sessions. I take two stool softeners daily, PLUS a heaping tablespoon of benefiber in my protein shake. I haven't had a problem for a long time.

Also, remember to drink LOTS of liquids!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
on 4/13/09 3:59 am - exeter, PA
Aloha to you to Karen, I bought some benefiber today so I am drinking as we speak and I do take the SS already. So hopefully this will help.
Love and Hugs Gail
Pat A.
on 4/13/09 4:17 am - Ewing, KY
Hi Gail, I also am a sufferer of constipation!  My surgeon's office suggested that I drink "Smooth Move" tea before bed at nights.  I do this every other night plus 2 ducolax per day and also benefiber.  See, I'm really full of it, hahaha.  But, it's no joke.  The "Smooth Move" tea can be bought at most grocery stores.  They also suggested "Dieters Tea", but I haven't found that one.  I have to take Iron tabs twice each day, so this is part of my problem.  I hope this helps, if you have any other questions about the tea, just holler!
Big Hugs,
Pat A


on 4/13/09 7:20 am - exeter, PA
Hi Pat,
I will definately try smooth move tea sounds good. I also take iron so thats a problem, but thanks for the advice.
Hugs Gail
on 4/13/09 6:51 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
I had chronic constipation for 11 years. I tried: more fiber, less fiber, soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, no fiber, both fibers, stool softeners, Smooth Moves & Correctol teas and Metamucil wafers, together, apart, more water, less water, cut out anything bu****er (and protein), senna, cascara sagrada, everything one could possibly try until I was basically dependent on enemas for 3 yrs.

Miralax helped the stool be passable. It was rx and finally became generic, so went from $80 for 3 months to $20 for 3 months. Now it is OTC, but is about $8 for 5-6 servings. If you can get the rx, it is much cheaper, safe, daily, for life, according to my GI doc.

The stool softeners are store brand equal to Colace, not PERI-colace.

Word was that magnesium citrate was such a great thing. This is pills, not the green bottle, so I tried it and nothing happened, and so I kept increasing it. What DID happen is that my foot and leg cramps ceased. So, I kept doing that and tried magnesium oxide. This is small, cheap, found anywhere, like drug stores. And finally, it worked. Mine are 500 mg and I take 2.

My final formula:
1 serving MiraLax (rx) *
4 stool softeners at night
1 mag ox with lunch, 1 with dinner

In the morning, hot beverage first thing on empty gut

This has worked for several years yrs now.

* MiraLax was rx only until the end of 2007, and is now generic by rx. The original name brand is available at drug stores at about $20 for a large bottle. You might want to try one first, taken daily, at about the same time. If it solves the problem, then ask your doc for rx. It is NOT a laxative. It is safe, daily, taken for life, per 4 doctors I've asked. It was a pediatrician who introduced me to it. My rx plan allows me to have 6 of those big bottles every 3 months for $20. Check with your doc and your insurance to see if it's beneficial to buy it by rx. BTW, my doc writes for 2 servings per day, because they might SAY there are 30 servings per bottle, but somebody can't count. Me or them? I use only one, but if I spill or get too much, I still have enough to last til next refill.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

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