It's almost Monday! What's New?
I can't believe I'm still awake. I've had my head into "head hunting" on When I get started at that I lose track of time. I've managed to just stay totally busy all last week. Don't know what I accomplished if anything but the week just flew by.
We're finishing up our outdoor landscaping, planting containers, and finishing up some concrete work including yet another walkway. Then we can begin our vegetable garden.
Went to a friend's house for dinner today and am now just checking the computer. I've missed you all. I think about you and wonder how life is treating you.
I have a new reason to get my rear back in gear exercising. My friend that I was supposed to go to Italy with last week and I. . . .just booked 5 days on Maui June 4th. Maui Karen here we come! My friend had surgery two weeks ago and is healing nicely. We decided that we just couldn't wait for October when we'll go to Italy. . . We got such a good deal on a package that we just couldn't pass it up.
I really must try to get some sleep. Midnight here; almost time to get up on the east coast. Have a good day everyone.
Karen C
Good morning Karen the world traveler and all you other OFFers.
Great day Sunday. Early service, Sunday School, then off to my daughter's house for Easter dinner. Relaxing day watching the Rangers. After that, went home as Mary was not feeling well. She rested while I started laundry. I played on the computer a little bit while I was cooking Turkey Meatballs. Then I took a nap. On the way to work, stopped to buy gas and decided to get a few lottery tickets (I normally do when I get gas). Spent $5 and won $22. So I am smiling again today. Gonna stop at Kroger on my way home and see if they marked down the Easter candy yet. Just looking for an inexpensive way to buy SF candy. Did the same with SF cookies when a local store closed. Their SF cookies were marked 75% off. I still have about 20 boxes in my freezer, in addition to the five in the cabinet.
it is a well known fact that i hate mondays and today is no different! i went to bed a bit after 9 last nite since i am still working extra hours this week- and laid wide awake til almost 2 am!!! so that means i got about 3 hours sleep--NOT ENUFFFFFFFF
so watch out world--don't mess with me today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
michael has his follow up to last week's hospital stay with his pcp today and then i am napping.....
we had a nice visit with my kids (2 of the 3) yesterday-my ex and his wife and her mother his dad and brother and then DIL's parents and grandparents and an aunt and nephew as well as michael and me and my daughter and oldest granddaughter-of course son and DIL an dtheir 2--there were 19 of us--waaaay too much food-- didn't do anything but eat and talk but it was good.....
time to go get lovely...
hugs and prayers..............
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I gave her the basic plan that the dietitian gave me to qualify for WLS. Kari commented that it seems like a lot of food. Exactly what I thought when it was presented to me also.
My new car has a name - Christine. It has an electrical glitch which is driving me and the mechanics crazy. In the movie, Christine had the ability to regenerate and repair herself. My Christine doesn't do that, she just keeps putting her windows down at will. Rather spooky.
I, too, name my cars. My van I brought from the mainland was named "Gracie" and she was a wonderful car. When she became unreliable I almost gave her to a mechanic friend and he now uses her to take kids, surfboard, boogie boards to the beach. It's a good life.
My new car is "Penny".........a sweet little bitty copper colored car that will be paid off in 11 months!! Oh yeah!
Anyway...hopefully this will go through.....and thanks for the grin this morning.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Good morning, ya'll. Sounds like everyone had a great Easter and we did as well.
Saturday was our grandson's bar-b-q celebrating his 18th birthday. Great time. Lots of people and food and horseshoes and fun. I like big things like that, no one notices what I eat, or if I eat! Only down side - his car keeps breaking down. He'll get to the end of the street and it dies, or gets somewhere else and it won't start. Our son has towed him home 4 times in the last 2 days. He put in a HUGE new amp for his sound system, could he have done something wrong? They will investigate that today.
Easter dinner here. Glazed ham and all the fixin's. Our DIL called 2 hours before dinner to ask if there would be enough if someone else came? Is she kidding? She knows I ALWAYS make way too much for family dinners. One of their friends had surprised his family and come home for Easter. She had NOTHING planned, so the 4 of them joined us. I just threw in more veggies and rolls.
Spring Break here. The boys have a high school baseball tournament today through Wed. Seems a little crazy to me, so many gone for the break! The younger grandson, who is on JV is being pressed into service on the Varsity team. He is thrilled.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
We went to the Biltmore Estate and toured thee house. Went to the Grove Park Inn toured their. Saw an antique car museam. Then went to Panera for lunch.
It snowed the first day we were there. Rained and was sunny one day. and it was very cold there.
I am glad to be back home in Florida where it is sunny and warm.
I am now getting ready to go to Michigan and meet up with Margo, pat R, Paulette, Brenda Eileen Jean B and who ever else I can find.
From Michigan nan H is driving to paulettes and then we are driving to Denver.
Ill be gone for about 2 months.
have no fear I wont be without a computer. I have my notebook.
Well I have to call the doctor for Carl. he has pink eye and needs attention.
Easter church started at 6 a.m. and went until 12:20 p.m. I got home and then Bill told me that our nephew wanted us to come to visit. So I leave home again after being here for 10 minutes and go there. Then to Wal Mart for things I needed today and then home......finally I got to rest at about 9 last night. I got up at 5 a.m. after 4 hours sleep and I was exhausted. What a day and today is going to be just a bit better.
Today is the last ultrasound for Carol and baby Kayden. At least the last one that is scheduled I should say. Those things can pop up at any time but those that pop up are stat ones.Tomorrow is the last doctors visit and he should let her know when she is to be at the hospital on Wednesday. Boy it sure is busy getting ready for Kayden's grand appearance. You will be one of the first ones to know when he is on his way and as soon as I get home I will let you all know about my grandson.
I have a day full of things to do so I better get going. I should have been out of here by now. So much to do.....can I add a couple more hours to today? Ohhh noooo.....there is already to many hours in a day to add more....what was I thinking? I must not have been thinking that is the problem.
I am sending love and hugs to all along with prayers being said for everyone. Have a wonderful day and know that when you smile you make someone else smile too.