I am curious

George T.
on 4/8/09 4:43 pm - Grand Prairie, TX

I post here, because I am over 50.  I was posting on the Texas Message Board, but there was an issue there with my honesty.   Honestly, I feel uncomfortable posting there.  What I would like to know, and please be honest.... How many of you feel I do not belong on this board?  I do not want to take over the board.  I just want to share with people.  And if there are those that would rather I leave, for the betterment of the board, I will.  I know it is OFF, not OFF Females.  That is why I started posting.  I see Marc has basically taken a back seat.  I see Floyd post once in a while.  I post more often than the other guys, probably because I have a job that is boring at times and gives me a chance to.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Linda S.
on 4/8/09 5:02 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
I for one,enjoy having you here,and would really miss you if you left. This is not a female board...
Hmmmmm,should I only be posting on the Black American board?
I think we are kindred spirits here,it is neither about gender,nor race..yes?

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


annette R.
on 4/8/09 7:18 pm - ithaca, NY
There is absolutely NO reason for you to leave. How sad that people can be so mean to others.

Now ... lean back in your chair, relax,  and keep on posting right here.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Margo M.
on 4/8/09 7:33 pm - Elyria, OH
i see no problem-unless you get uncomfortable when we talk of female issues-knowing your history with mary , i don't see that happening! floyd would post more, i think, if he didn't work so darned hard! and marc is missed by some of us...a very wonderful man named vince was instrumental in bringing me here years ago...

i understand where you are coming from and i am sorry that it happens...and i, myself, still don't feel like this is quite home anymore here .....i'm trying to feel that way but don't.....

if you are being dishonest about something-well- that's a diff story---but then we all take things for face value when it comes to posting on the internet....don't we?!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


George T.
on 4/8/09 7:47 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Thank you Linda, Annette, and Margo.  I guess I was feeling kind of icky last night.  Sorry I posted this, but I just needed a pat on the back.  Thanks.  You all did that for me.  I feel better now.  Don't know what got over me.  I guess I feel bad about the goings on on the other board.  I actually know a lot of those people.  It hurts some times.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Linda S.
on 4/9/09 2:47 am - PHOENIX, AZ
"Feeling icky"...sounds like you are in touch with your fem side.

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


on 4/8/09 8:48 pm - Culpeper, VA
Hey we need all kinds folks on this board.  Liven it up.  Don't go away!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 4/8/09 10:16 pm
Hi George,

I enjoy reading your posts and hope you continue to share.  I get a kick out of hearing about Eddie's games.  I often times don't post in response to every person because of time constraints; things have been pretty busy for me lately.

As on any forum, there will always be someone trying to stir up trouble.  If these people are ignored, they will go away.  My saying is "You can plan the perfect wedding and still have a dissatisfied guest."  Some people just like to complain.

I'm sorry that someone hurt your feelings or made you doubt yourself.  I hope you continue to be wonderful you and ignore the negative.  Life has enough hard balls thrown at us, we don't need people saying hurtful things.

Have a great Thursday!

Brenda R.
on 4/8/09 10:09 pm - Portage, IN
George, I am glad that you are feeling better about this whole situation now. Sometimes we need the......for lack of a better word to fit......validation. You are valued here and I am glad that you decided that this is another place to call home. I consider this place one of my "soft places to fall", which we all need in our lives.

There is times that I don't feel needed either but then I guess that is something that we all have at times. We have to come to terms with those feelings when they arise.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Connie D.
on 4/8/09 10:20 pm
George...you are a valuable part of this board. I always look forward to reading your posts. There is NO reason for you to leave!!  Sorry you were treated so badly elsewhere.

Glad you are feeling better today!!

Hugs....connie d
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