It's Sunday here in SWNJ, What's New?
I think of you often Laureen... I'm hoping for something wonderful for you. Karen- Wow- I would be pissed too. If you end up paying the taxes I would think the house should be yours. Your brother-in-law needs some tough love doesn't he? Giving him the house was probably not the best thing for him. I know this sounds mean (my big mouth) but we have a tent city in Sacramento that he would fit into. The sad part of that is that there are lots of people in those tent cities that truly don't deserve to be there.
Today is going to be a street fair/bike riding day for my husband and I. We'll ride to the fair, lock the bikes up, and stroll for a few hours. I also have some bedding plants to plant before they die in their packages. This is a four day work week and then I start my spring vacation. We are in the final surge toward the last day of school. The little girl "Sandra" that is missing from Tracy, CA is from my school district. It's a sad, sad time there.... so many are trying to find her and there is no trace. I'm hoping that she will turn up just fine and the whole town can celebrate. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Mike says he'll have him sign over the house. But, . . . other issues. He added a wood stove himself. . . . So would we even be able to get insurance on the house? If he burns it down which is a real possibility between the stove and his drunken smoking. . . .We would be liable for any damages to neighboring properties. . . Just sounds like something we'll regret getting into.
Sometimes I think he'd be better off in some kind of subsidy housing. He is the kind of guy who if he has a dollar he shares it. Problem is he seldom has one! I do feel for people who are trying their best and just can't get by. This one is not that case. Mike's dad would kick him out when he had enough and then feel bad and take him back in. Mike knows that him coming back here is not an option. He doesn't want to do it, but is kind of caught in the middle.
I am trying to keep my mouth shut. He knows I don't approve of it. . . .
Have fun at the street fair.
Missing children stories are so sad. But then there are the occassional ones like Elizabeth Smart. I hope that she will be found alive and soon. I can't imagine anything harder for a parent than not knowing where their child is.
Karen C
It's almost evening here ... I got a real late start today. Stayed up til after 3 a.m. and didn't get up after 11. Well, I worked til midnight and got home after that and then wasn't tired enough to go to bed. Now I'm just vegging. Doing some laundry. Talked to mom and my brother Gary. Need to dump at least one litter box, maybe two, today. Cats are restless today ... they've been on my lap a lot, which is unusual; they usually snooze on the bed til 4 or 5 and then come looking for treats.
First night on sports was really boring. They gave me one page to do; I know they were trying to take it easy on me, but c'mon, guys, I can do more than one page. I do 2-3 when I'm on the news desk at nights. I got in at 4 and sat there til 5 with nothing to do. It was almost 6 before I had my wire stories ... like I said, boring! And they don't proof a lot of their pages until they send them, which surprised me ... the guy in charge proofs some of the pages but mostly for "big stuff" ... we do things a lot differently on the news desk. I hope things pick up over there ... I'll be really bored otherwise.
Baseball starts tonight! So I have something to do after 8 ... but until then, it's pretty dull. And I like it that way. I wanted to go to this pet expo in town, but as this is my only day off this week (I'm working Mon. through Fri. because I need Saturday off for my grandnephews' birthday party in Illinois), I decided not to go ... plus I don't have the money to spare. It's $5 to get in, plus then I'd want to spend money there on stuff I don't need for the cats ... so it's best to stay home.
We're supposed to get snow today but it hasn't started yet. It seems cold, but it's still in the 40s (44).
Laureen, I'm glad your day yesterday was so uplifting for you. Sometimes it helps to get out of yourself when you're down. I hope today was good, too.
Have a good day.