Saturday, April 4, WHAT'S NEW?
Good morning, ya'll.
I hope everyone is feeling better both physically and mentally.
I LOVE Costco. When we lived in OR we had one within 5 miles of us. Now we have to drive 40 miles. But that DOES save me money. I can't go as often.
"Firing" a client? Sounds like it was something that HAD to be done. I wonder how many others have fired her. In my opinion, finding a good hairdresser is like finding a good doctor or mechanic. You have to have confidence in them and then you LISTEN to what they have to say.
Yesterday was one of the BEST days I have had in a long time. My DIL called before she went to work and began the conversation with "If you don't want to do this, just say so I'll understand." She quite often calls in the AM with a little errand or something she wants me to do, and I am usually happy to do it. THIS time, a co-worker's 2 children were running slight fevers with their runny noses and couldn't go to daycare. Her 'back-up' babysitter was also sick. She has no more sick leave or vacation days, her husband was 'in the field all day' (a Marine). Would I like to go babysit her 2 kids? A 2 yo girl and a 5 month old boy. YES. YES. YES. I had such a grand time!! They were so good. The only down side. My left shoulder was really bothering me so it was hard to lift the baby. But I just took a pain pill when I got home.
Gotta go. A grandson just came for his Saturday morning pancakes.
Have a fantabulous day.
Nice weather. Supposed to go up to 75 or so. It's a BEAUTIFUL DAY FOR BASEBALL!!!!
Most of the responses on the board are not fitting into the little space and words are cut off. Is this happening to anybody else?
I was hoping to visit the M&M's today but that can't happen. Mary said Matthew isn't feeling well so I don't want to be exposed to another illness. Rats - I haven't seen them in two weeks.
My dryer vent broke so I kept Tom company while he installed a new one. When he moved the dryer we found one of Annie's toy balls - plus a ton of dryer dust. She was on the other side of the laundry room door so I scooted the ball under the door to her. She batted it back to me, I rolled it back to her. We played that game the entire time Tom was making repairs. We are so easily entertained.
No plans for today. Jus****ching the snow and wind.
I'm getting ready to go to Sonora for a play. I have season tickets with 5 other TOPS women and we make these plays all day events. We stop for lunch and the drive is almost 2 hours one way. Today the play is "Dracula" so several of the TOPS friends begged off- they are not interested in seeing a vampire play. My daughter is going as well as the daughter of my other TOPS friend.
There is a street fair in my town today and tomorrow- so my husband and I will check that out tomorrow. The weather is perfect here (it usually is- that's part of the higher cost of living here I think) so driving is easy and the scenery is beautiful.
It sounds like most of you are having a nice day also- YEA!!!
So ... ta da! I have made a decision. I am going to tough it out and not restructure my bankruptcy. This way, I'll be done by the end of the year (I think ... at least that's what the paralegal told me Thursday). Right now, I'm feeling good about that ... in June, when the pay cut goes into effect, I may not feel so good. But it will only be 6 months I'll have to deal with it. The toughest week will be the one I have to pay my condo fees ($226 out of probably $300 ... so only $74 to get groceries and gas ... not much wiggle room). Ask me again after June how happy I am with this decision.
I had sent this cute e-mail to all my friends with the heading "The economy sucks!" and it had a photo of three animals, two dogs and a cat, begging on the street. Well, my friend Roxane e-mailed me back with a sob story about how her hours are getting cut at the hospital and her conference budget has been cut (she uses this basically for family vacations ... the last one was to Disney World). She told me, "I may not have a bankruptcy to worry about, but I have to support four people on a part-time salary." Well, I wanted to respond to her that she made the situation where she let her husband not work ... he's able-bodied but when she had her kids, she said he could stay home and take care of the kids. Now the kids are in school, he could go to work, but he doesn't. I wanted to e-mail her back and say, "Why can't Brian get a job?" But I didn't. Didn't want to ruin the friendship. He's too lazy to go to work. She never wants to hear about my financial problems (and granted, I made my problems ... I dug my own hole, I admit that) ... but she made some of her own problems too but letting him not work for this long. I vented about this to my friend Mary Kay ... better to hold my tongue about it and not say anything to Roxane. We've been friends too long to throw away the friendship over this.
I have to work tonight ... my first night in sports. I did some sports last night, just some proofing after I got done with the business pages. So there's not much left in the paper today that I haven't read. Probably the editorial page, a features page or two and the classifieds. Why do I even bother getting a paper at home? I had to laugh last night ... I went from proofing the symphony review to proofing a sports page ... how diverse is that? I'm probably the only person in the newsroom who could do that.
Well, I need another cup of coffee. Have a good day. Enjoy Costco, Cindy ... it's good to see you again.