What's new Thursday?
So glad you posted today. I was going to start itas I didnt sleep all night. This ringing in my ears is driving me batty.
Any I got shocking news today. It seems to my ENT Doctor that I have had the predisposition for the Thyroid cancer since birth. It took a whole lifetime to evolve. Thinks it was heredity from somewhere down the line. Guess Il never know from who!!!!!!!
Making more plans to get to Denver on March 2nd. I cant wait to get there!!!!!!!!
The docs here really want me to go see my Gastric Bypass Doc and gave me all the reports to take to him. I have an appnt on March 3rd. Should be interesting. Im eating like I just had my bypass and I am 7 years out tomorrow.
Ask me if Id do it again? The answers is yes!!!!!!! I can proudly say I am 5 pounds below my doctors goal weight and that feels like thin should be at my age.
Hi Vera and Friends,
We got home from taking care of the twins Tuesday afternoon. Don't know where this week has gone. We had a great time with the girls. They are really developing personalities. Hannah will give a little fake cough and Clara just cracks up laughing at her. They have a new game. It's called the "blanket game" for lack of any other. We put two blankets on the recliner, Hannah and Clara pull them off and laugh and laugh and laugh. We put them back up and pretend to be shocked when they pull them down again. . . . repeat, repeat, repeat. . . And we have just as much fun as they do!
On the way home on Tuesday we had snow, snow, snow. We stopped at an elk feeding station on the pass and there were hundreds of huge elk there for a free meal. They were walking down the mountain side trails in single formation heading to the hay. How magestic they are. We watched them for about an hour before heading home.
I'm still trying to do my taxes. Think I've finally given myself permission to pack up the whole mess and take it to a professional. I've always done our taxes but we've sold a house, bought a lot, built a house and I don't have a clue as to what is deductible and what isn't. Maybe I can do it again after this year. Just hate to admit that I can't do it!!!
Not much else. I've been walking just about every day. Can't say it's doing anything as far as losing any pounds but it feels good to get out and get some fresh air. I heard some spring sounding bird chirps the other day. I am so ready for spring!
I've popped in and read enough to try to keep up with you all. Happy to hear that little Hunter is home. Hope Debbie's George is on the mend. Sending positive vibes to all who can use them. And, Annette, hoping the insurance "gurus" get it figured out.
I've been trying to figure out our homeowners covenants. They want us to abide by them but they are written in legaleeze (sp!) and so tiny that even if I could understand them I couldn't read them. You bet I'm attending the first meeting in March! Not sure they want me there but I'm going!!
You all take care.
Karen C