What's New Sunday?

Eileen Briesch
on 1/18/09 1:54 am - Evansville, IN

I loved "Pillars of the Earth" and am almost done with "World Without End," the sequel ... very good book, too. I almost think it's a real cathedral, but I know now it's not. It seems so real. Next up, "The Other Queen," by Phillippa Gregory, who wrote, "The Other Boleyn Girl." This is about Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots. I love her books. If you like historical fiction, she's great.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




annette R.
on 1/18/09 8:31 am - ithaca, NY
Vent away anytime. We all need that.

Tom is eating the good stuff but too many servings at a time. He's trying and I am still keeping my big mouth shut.

Thanks for asking, I am feeling better.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 1/17/09 10:17 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning everyone.  One busy day here.  I leave tomorrow for 9 days of babysitting in Oregon.  Also tomorrow my DH begins his 2 week pre-op liquid diet.

So, today I am doing last minute packing, and cleaning.  Also, my DH wants his last meal this afternoon.  His favorite: rib eye, bakers, green beans, rolls and a lemon meringue pie for dessert.  Of course, too much for just us.  So our son and his family and the grandson's girlfriend will all be over to share it with us.

I am of two minds.  I feel like I have tons of stuff to do before I go away for awhile, and would rather not have the extra work of feeding 5 more people.  But, I also know that a last meal is important to Ray.  And he doesn't drive and will be stuck here in the house for the next 10 days, and he will be lonely.  Our son comes and puts his TED hose on him in the AM.  A grandson will come take them off in the evening. The younger grandson loves to come down and hang with 'Poohpa' and watch movies,  but baseball practice begins in earnest this week and both boys will be busy every day after school.  So I did most of my other stuff yesterday and will be feeding the masses at 2.

At least the snow is gone in Portland and it is warmer there than it is here!

Have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Brenda R.
on 1/17/09 10:24 pm - Portage, IN
Good Sunday morning to you, sister Annette and my other sisters and brothers. I hope that you are all safe and warm today. But somehow I doubt that is going to be case for all of us.

I am sitting here finishing up with my OFF fix for the morning before I finish getting ready for church. I got my shower a couple of hours ago. I thought that it would be better to get it early since it is so cold out. I have to finish with my make up (it takes a ton to make me look decent!) and then get my breakfast and such. I do the service this morning. I am a bit nervous but not to much. I never go into one that I do and not have some nervousness.
I am picking up my sister after church and taking her to Walgreen's and then we are going to lunch. I get Brittany (my great niece) at 9:30 for church. Autumn, my niece is working today so after we all go for lunch and such Brittany is going back to Carolyn's house until Autumn gets off work.

Bill and I got into a huge argument last night. I made a mountain out of a molehill and just exploded. Not sure why but when he gets up this morning I need to apologize to him for that. He was coming to church with me this morning but then he said last night that he isn't going. I told him fine. I figured out that if he is just coming to please me that is the wrong reason for him to go. I don't want him to go with me just to make me happy. He should be going for himself and no one else. I am planning on telling him that one too. I will not have something held over my head like that. I know that I was wrong but I do not feel that I am wrong about this though.

I better get to moving. I have to take time with the make up since I am a total loss without it! ha ha I am hoping that everyone has a wonderful day doing just what they want to. Do whatever you want to with big smiles and you will be happy. I am sending love and hugs to all along with prayers and special thoughts.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


(deactivated member)
on 1/18/09 12:15 pm
I am reading posts late today because I had a busy active day out of the house.  I may be too late but I wanted to tell you that if your husband is only going to church for you that is ok.  I know that is the only reason my husband goes since he is of a different religious persuasion.  I am still glad he goes.  He listens and coments on the sermon and usually finds something of value even if he doesn't share my beliefs.  He tells me all the time that he only goes to be with me.  I sing in the choir so he sits with friends if they or there or alone.   I make sure that when it is time for the passing of the peace I leave the choir loft and greet him .  He doesn't hold it over my head. ( I am not quite sure what that entails with you).  I am happy to have him there whatever the reason.  Who knows maybe one day that will change.  I have never tried to convert him and would never attempt to do so.  If he came to that decision on his own I would be extremely pleased so I am just grateful that he comes.
Brenda R.
on 1/18/09 11:25 pm - Portage, IN
Linda, thanks for that. I was kind of surprised but Bill did go to church with me yesterday. I told him that I didn't want him to go just for me. He told me that he wouldn't. So when he got ready I asked him where he was going and he told that he was going to church. I told him not for me and he told me that he wasn't going for me. So.......

Bill is of another religion too. We were married in my church and for some reason he won't go back to his church. I was told that something probably happened there that hurt him. When he is ready (if he ever is) he will talk to me about it. If not that is alright too.

He loves our new Pastor since he was raised with the religion that Bill was too. They have a bond. Pastor calls Bill his good friend. He is a help I think with the questions that Bill will have and I think he is open enough to talk to Pastor too. I know that Pastor has helped me a lot since we talked about the things that I find are strange with Bill where religion is concerned. Our new Pastor has been a blessing to both of us and I am grateful for the help he has been and will continue to be for us.

Thanks again for the information and I will take it to heart too. If he comes with me I will rejoice and be glad. I think he will continue to come too.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Margo M.
on 1/17/09 11:00 pm - Elyria, OH
morning! i was up at 5something but didn't feel like starting the thread....thanx annette!

wow- we had a major change of plans yesterday- did some of the picking up of things from freecycle and craigslist but then had to come home cuz the car was full! called the gal in whitehouse to beg off til monday and have to also go back to sylvania monday-ugh! so we cam ehome, unloaded, grabbed lunch and  headed out to my sons...- omg --i was appalled at how much stuff they had left behind-he told me that they had planned on coming out -(it's over 100 mile drive and they would have to egt a sitter blah blah blah--what am i chopped liver??? )but decided just to leave the stuff-well- open houses scheduled to sell short sale and i simply could not abide by his mess-i mean, it was neat mess but shouldn't be left behind--in the baby's closet are the wonderful things sent home with a newborn-bracelet and papers form the crib and stuff-also a beautiful set of luggage-in chris and jenny's closet are enough clothes for a year! AND -this is the kicker-some wonderful things knitted and crocheted by Chris' deceased gramma and great gramma--oh i cried to think they were left there--- ah well; you get the picture-so we cleaned and loaded the car -did i mention their garage has an "attic"? hahahahah --oh-and the downstairs rooms do NOT have overhead lighting so --we'll vacuum today in teh daylight! so--we loaded the car to the gills 9there are probly 3 more car loads there and i pray they got everything out of the backyard shed! and i didn't look to see if he got his hugamungous bbq grill etc out of the back yard) and then stopped in bowling green to pick up 3 parakeets --so i rode home with a huge (tall round) cage on my lap (and had to pee cuz no water at my sons) and then one of the back windows suddenly went down and wouldn't come up--jeez --i wanted to cry..we thought the glass had blown out somehow (hey! it was already a twilight zone nite!!) finally the window came up --so we got home in one piece i think-unl;oaded the birds and me and had some supper- i collapsed and went to bed at 930-started watching a movie and decided i had to hit the sheets...

so-we are going back in a bit and i pray we can make a dent-oh -yea! so their driveway hasn't been driven on isnce it starte dto snow and we had to shovel just to get in then michael decided to simply drive back to the garage-well- he didn't get stuck thank goodness! but it was close!

in all of this ; i have been inwardly quite upset at the waste my son and his wife are allowing- the frivolity --"oh well we'll replace it attitude"---i am maybe not expressing self well but it really burns my cookies that they feel money is so easy come easy go--he was NOT brought up that way, nor was she....there are a few things i will offer back to him but most will be disposed of to ppl who can benefit....

so much for a snuggle in with a book weekend!today and tomorrow will be filled i with this ....

and sorry for my griping...had to get it out!
hugs and prayers .....................

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Susan H.
on 1/17/09 11:22 pm - Columbus, OH
Ohhhhhhhhh Margo ... the things we do for our kids! Hang in there sweetie!

          I'M AT GOAL!       
on 1/18/09 12:37 am
 Sounds like a mid-winter garage sale is in store for you.  What can't be sold could be given to charity.  I too a amazed at how we have become a disposable society.  Sounds like a keepsake box is in order for the babies..  hospital items and the gramma crafts.  

Sounds like a frustrating day for you but could be profitable.... Hang tough gal....  Millie

(deactivated member)
on 1/18/09 1:01 am - Somewhere IN, TX

As you know, I sell foreclosures.  I'm always amazed at the pictures of the personal property that people leave behind. Things I would NEVER, EVER consider leaving.  It's sad but just the way it is. When you find that you know why things are being foreclosed. No common sense or financial responsibility.  Personal foreclosures are the worst. The sheriff sits all their belongings on the curb while the homeowner gets to stand and watch and can't do a thing about it.  We would rather the homeowner take this things than do a personal eviction but boy, those trash-out people charge us a lot and they get to keep the good stuff, too.  Most trash-out companies do a bumper business in used stuff. Kinda like bidding on a rent-for-storage shed where no one has paid the rent. 

I know it was a heartbreaker for you to see what he left behind. It would have been for me. 

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