What's New - Saturday!
this morning, michael and i are venturing out toSylvania and Whitehouse pick up some things and to go to Weston to my sons'-have to look for two items he lost in the move and clean a bit for open houses coming up/turn the heat up a few degrees ...and the water is off so no potty breaks! (ya know; when someone says you CAN'T -that's when you HAVE to!!!!).
long weekend for me--YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and monday is paid!!!!!!!!!i might not get insurance but i DO get 10 paid holidays off) and i plan on not doing anything out of the house after we return today!!!!!!!!!! some cleaning/some genealogy/ a book//a nap///snuggle with the dogs...
PatR-my gramma is still not well so my mom is in sturgis this weekend--kindof incase it's the last chance?
well-off to the closet to bundle up!!!!!!!!!!!!
hugs and prayers................................................
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Thanks for starting this Laureen.
We FINALLY got the Christmas stuff packed up and in the basement closet! I want to clean that room now from top to bottom. We call it "the parlor" and seldom use it, we have the TV in a little room off the dining room. So once it is clean I probably won't do it again in about 3 months. Housekeeping is not my thing.
I am calling this my exercise for today. I need to go and get groceries this afternoon and hope for a nice long nap. This evening we are going to an Emmaus Gathering about 2 hours away and won't get home until about 11 or so.
It is a good day here, just very cold like every place else.
Hope you all have a good one.
last nite; michael was driving us home form my plasma donation- i had his phone in my hand cuz i had answered a call - and his phone rings-it's my son (my kids and mom know to call his phone when mine is off and it's important! we all know mine is off very often due to bill collector calls)--so--i answer and i hear this wonderful lil 2 year old voice say(with pride and satisfaction)
"I went POTTY!!!!!"
my response was that is awesome and i am so proud of you , aidan!!!!
which i am glad was how i responded cuz i guess my ex had some smartaleck remark!!!!!!
any of you who have potty trained boys will understand hwo wonderful this is!!!!!! with all of the upheaval in their lives these last 8-10 months ; it's about durned time he is doing this but i'm not complaining!!!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...now, everyone go ...awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Here's the weather report from West Michigan -- 11 degrees, feels like 4 below, and snowing. We're supposed to get 1 to 3 inches, according to the Weather Channel. Our local weather folks said 3-6 inches last night, so who knows how much we'll get. I'm not going anywhere other than out to the mailbox.
My knee hurt a lot last night after my big outing but is OK now. It's a little sore but not bad. I mistakenly walked from the bathroom into my bedroom without my cane and it wasn't bad, so that's a good thing. I'll do my PT exercises today and ride the bike for awhile. I want to continue my progress.
Laureen, I think I'm going to beg off the NYC trip. I'm just not sure of my job situation and money is probably going to be tight for awhile. If the newspaper business was a little more secure, I might consider, but I just don't know where I'll be in nine months. I wish I could go, but I think I have to vacation in Michigan this year.
Well, it's snowing and blowing around here, a typical West Michigan day in January. Not much planned. I'm just drinking my Starbucks coffee ... I guess I should do something but not in the mood. Just got off the phone with Nan Horten ... she's coming down to Grand Rapids next week, so I hope to meet up with her.
Have a good day.
The work crew starts on Monday so I asked Tom to clear out the attic. Over the past 43 years I have never been up there. Just hand a box to a husband for storage.
What a pack rat! Most of the stuff is pure nostalgia and junk. Emphasis on junk. At last I threw away all the cards, letters and assorted crap. (no other word fits here.) That feels good.
It has been years since I looked at all my old prom pictures. Oh the memories of being young.
This afternoon I am going to visit my favorite M&M's - Matthew & Melanie. They are leaving next week for Disney, so I need to fill up on love and hugs.
Hi Laureen and Friends,
Left home at 7am, driving down through the Columbia River Gorge instead of over White Pass to see the Grandbabies. Too many snow slides and washouts on the passes right now. Nice drive. A bit longer but we were here snugging by 1pm.
Babies are catching a nap (actually both sleeping!) and it sounds like G-pa is asleep in the other room . Someone smells bad upstairs. . . don't even mind the poopy pants. Not Grandpa, one of the babes. They are racing across wood floors, pulling up to everything, trying to chatter and have upper teeth all in the past 3 weeks.
Can't believe they are 10 months old. Erin ran to the store and G-pa and I are in charge. HI to all. It's actually above freezing over here and not raining. I'm a happy Grandma. We'll be here til Monday.
Got most of the downstairs bathroom done this week. Tile, toilet, sink and mirror. Decided not to put in a shower will do a bi fold door instead for more storage space. I think I hear someone. Gotta run. Hugs,
Karen C