What's New - Saturday!

on 1/16/09 8:55 pm - Lawrence, IN
Morning Laureen and all,

Today is the quarterly Indiana Board Clothing Exchange so I had to get up early to put the crockpot on.  Brenda made a chili cheese dip this time.  Normally she goes way out and cooks up something fantastic but she still gets tired so easily that she went the easy route this time.  I need to get some of our clothes together that don't fit. 

Brenda got her staples out on Thursday and her incision is healing nicely.  The doctor is interested in the fact that when she eats her stomach bulges out like a small football.  She has to go back in a couple weeks and he'll decide when she can go back to work.  He told us that this type of thing is 50-50.  50% live and 50% die.....so glad I acted fast and she's in the right 50%.  What a scary thought tho.

I can't believe how cold it has been.  Yesterday it was -10 with a windchill of -29.  I know there's areas that was even worse.  I can't even imagine that.

Well, I better get dressed and get moving.  Hope everyone has a great day.


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on 1/16/09 9:38 pm, edited 1/16/09 9:39 pm - Somewhere in, NY
Good Morning, All

I guess the weather ha**** us all.  The temp has been hovering between -4 and +3 for the last couple of days.  I had to go to work yesterday, otherwise I would have been snuggling on the couch wrapped up in my blankie, admiring the new floors. 

Kitchen, foyer, and Family Room are done.  They look wonderful.  The old vinyl and tiles were coming up in spots, and I was so sick of that.  Now everything is smooth and uniform and NEW!!!!  It's worth all the moving of furniture and inconvenience of the past week to have it done.  This weekend I start putting it back together and taking everything out of the 2 bedrooms to get ready for new carpet.  No rest again, but worth it to have the old Harvest Gold semi-shag gone.  I lived with it for over 5 years.  Enough is enough!

Thank goodness for good female friends.  The neighbor across the road has helped me move the furniture I can't handle myself.  Between the two of us we can manage to do even the really heavy stuff, with muscle and patience (and "Moving Men" floor coasters!).  I seldom rearrange my furniture because the peices are so old and heavy.  She's been a life saver! 

I've been sorting and tossing some things while I've had to move 90% of the stuff in my house from room to room. I hate clutter (my own, couldn't care about anyone else's) and I've gotten rid of some things.   Salvation Army and Freecycle will love me.  I'm organizing better, and that makes me happy, because it'll be so much easier to keep clean, and I hate housework.

I've made things a little tight financially, doing everything at once, because I wanted everything done before my income decreases when I retire .  Unfortunately it's cut WAY into my play money.  I really want to go to NYC with the sisters in October, and am working on a plan.  Mostly, the plan involves a whole lot of overtime, which is do-able, if the OT becomes available.  Sometimes there's more than others, and we have to take turns.  I'll know more in a  few months about whether I'll be able to go.

Miss my sistahs.  I hope everyone is hanging in, this cold and nasty winter.



Pat R.
on 1/16/09 9:53 pm - Sturgis, MI
We're having a heat wave......it's actually 9 above zero this morning!   Problem with that is since it is warmer now we are getting more SNOW.....yikes!

Got my groceries yesterday afternoon -- Wal Mart was absolutely packed ..... even hard to find a parking place.
But now I'm all set with food, house is cleaned, and the rest of today is a "me" day....  Got some great soup recipes off bariatriceating.com and will try a couple this weekend.  Soup always sounds so good when it's bitter cold outside.

Off to have something for breakfast now....

Have a happy day,
Pat R.


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Done! Your Ticker: 
on 1/16/09 10:03 pm
Good Morning Laureen and all,

I thought I'd poke my toe in today and join in with you.
I read every day and want to respond to things you all post but be it laziness, or not enogh time or just a little anxiety, I usually don't these days.
While our snow has stopped, it is cold and this week very very foggy.

I am struggling still with 3-4 lbs that crept up and I can't get rid of for the life of me. I am thinking about it 24/7 worrying that "here I go, back to fat again." Gotta get that tape out of my head!!!! I think years ago, years and years ago, I thought I was fat and pretty soon, I was...as a teen I was normal weight but thought I was fat and by the time I was 20 I was well on my way...so anyway...this is what I have been grappling with...still...and always I am afraid.

Other than that, all is Ok. Husband found out that his company is laying off more and more employees and he and many are actually training others, from another country, how to do their jobs. It is looking like his plant will be moving overseas. He has been there almost 12 years. So we are just waiting and seeing...not much to do about it.
Just a new adventure that I'm sure we will figure out along with soooo many others. My job is very secure and stable but my little salary won't pay the bills. I reallly am not in a panic...shockingly, I figure will figure something out.

Beth is home with boyfriend. They came home last night for a home cooked meal. Nice kid.

Work is going well...busy, busy, busy. We are in our window period to get our yearly visit from the state. We usually do really well with state surveys but it is still nerve wracking.

Laureen, my goodness, you are so full of life! I wish I could go to the get together...
Karen, hope you have fun with the twins.
Maui Karen, hope you are enjoying the boys.
Carla, you are still in my thoughts and prayers,,,Hug, hug, hug.
Margo, hey there!
Kathi, can I come visit and sit in your sun? Hope your hubby gets to feeling better.
Debbie, we are not allowed to have a heater in our office...but I would love one under my desk...I wear long underwear too...would of never been able (or needed to do that 85lbs ago!)
Debbie, would love to see your doggies and kitties! What a kind heart you have.
Floyd,  so glad to hear Brenda is doing well.
Judy, hope you get weekends off soon.. that is crappy.
Julia, would love to see you on here!
Sandy, Hey there!
Brenda, you little butt! size 4!
George, I am so glad you are better,
Mickey and Pat, hi ya there!
Eileen, hope your knee is getting better and better,
I am so sorry if I am forgetting someone...I am doing this by memory...and it ain't so good sometimes
Millie, I think we are having similar weather but I think it's a tad warmer where you are...
Jeane, you sound busy. I know you don't get Sunday off, what days do you call your weekend?
I hope our Linda is OK.

Well, I'm gonna go sneak back to bed for a little bit and then get up to go get groceries at Walmart. Yuck!

Take Care,

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 1/16/09 11:09 pm - Scottsville, VA
Hi Cheryl:

Thanks for thinking about me!  I don't really have a weekend off.  I try to take a day every so often (about once a week.) Very few complete days without something I need to do for my 'calling"
But I knew this was a 24/7 type thing.

Today is a good day (look at previous thread) and I am thankful for it.

Hope you are having a great day!

karen C.
on 1/17/09 7:48 am - Kennewick, WA
Whew! I'm so relieved to see that you aren't buried under a snowbank! What's it like up there? Our snow is gone. Chinook came and took it all off in a couple of days. We're in Chehalis for the weekend. I'll be in Spokane Saturday Ja 31 for "Annie" matinee performance. We'll be coming from Chelan that morning. Any chance you're going? I've missed you!

Karen C

on 1/18/09 3:49 am
It is 32 degrees right now and the sun is shinning! We still have a good amount of snow but also the ground now shows through. Huge mountains of it all over where it was piled.

My sister and I are doing a 3 day scrap thing the 30th, 31st, and the 1st. It's at Scrapper's Attic in the Valley. Annie sounds fun. Tom and I and my sister and her husband are planning to go to Spamalot this spring.

Hope you are having fun with the kidletts.

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Connie D.
on 1/16/09 10:06 pm
Good morning Laureen and everyone......

I posted a separate post about Nic's NY test results. We are all so happy!!! Thank you everyone for the endless prayers,good thoughts, and wishes!!

I  am enjoying my long weekend.....my office is closed on Monday so that makes it extra good!! Love those paid holidays....wooohooo!!

My granddaughter Kyleigh is still struggling with her anxiety and depression. She started a new medication and we are hopeful that this will help. Last night she sounded so much calmer.

Nothing much else happening around here. Did some shopping I neeeded to do yesterday. No real exciting plans for the rest of today. I like these "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of weekends!!

I need to catch up on the board as I missed yesterday completely. I hope all is well with everyone here. Special prayers to those in need.

Love and hugs to all......connie d

on 1/16/09 10:08 pm - CYGNET, OH
Happy Saturday Laureen and everyone!

Cold here today so cold even my tons of doggies do not want to go out.   I think the thinner I get the harder it is to fight these dogs that weigh more than me to push them out the door to potty.  Gosh I never thought I would be able to say that.   The news here said we didn't hit the record low for the day which was -17 we only got to -14.   

I am looking forward to the the NYC Fall Fantastical GTG to see everyone again.   I won't tell the grands that gramma has to start a NYC piggy bank they will think it takes away from their Disney banks.  

Hope everyone stays warm!


Brenda R.
on 1/16/09 10:28 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning to you, Laureen and my other OFF peeps. I am hoping that the weather is co-operating with all of us. Make sure you all stay warm. It seems like the cold is everywhere.

It is 13 here this morning. I am so happy since this is the first day in a long time that it is above zero. This wind is stronger this morning though. The snow is blowing all over. So I am hoping that today is a stay close to home day. It is a good snuggle day with my I Love Lucy cover but no Lucy on t.v. I am so sad with it going off. I can't get it anywhere.

I am still in awe of the small pants from last night. I woke up thinking of them. ha ha  I know that sounds almost sad~have I no life other than that? I know that they have some give in the material but as for jeans I am still in the 12-14's. I just love these new ones simply for the size. They are a size small and the large that the jeans are. Oh well~at least I am in jeans~before surgery I never got them on my body. It is like I told the wls doctor~I am taking the size and running like I never run before in my life. As for the new avatar~I still don't think I look any different. But I do agree that I need a new one. Now if I could get some help in that I would appreciate it greatly.

I just got a call from my cousin, Dianne. They are rushing my uncle to the hospital. He had a procedure the day before yesterday for his kidney's and he got back to the nursing home yesterday. Now he is bleeding all over the place. He said the night before last that he was going to die and he just might know more than any of us want to believe. Most of the times they do know. I would appreciate and prayers and/or good thoughts that you can say for him.

I am all ready for the church service tomorrow. I was told by Pastor that he is only upset about one thing and that is that he isn't going to be there to listen to me. I never had one tell me that before. He read the sermon and he said that it is good. Coming from him that is a compliment. Of course we all know what I am wearing tomorrow~my new brown slacks! Hey now what else would there be to wear?????

I better get to moving. I am sending love and hugs to all along with prayers and good thoughts to everyone. Have a wonderful day today and even though we are having a tropical heat wave (hey I hear a song there!) work on staying warm. It isn't always as tropical around here as where sister Karen lives. ha ha Keep on smiling and warming every ones hearts.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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