Nancy B
on 1/15/09 5:09 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

I got a Magic Bullet for Christmas from my older son and DIL(among other things).  With Mother sick in the hospital and SNOW-magedden, our Christmas dinner finally on New Year's Day, and then me getting strep throat,  I've only just now been able to settle down and look at it.

What is YOUR favourite thing to do with the           Magic Bullet?

Nancy B

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George T.
on 1/15/09 5:21 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I use mine every day.  I mean every day.  The main thing I use it for is to mix my eggs before making an omelet.  15 seconds, done mixing it.  I guess I am lazy.  But then I have to wa**** out too.  I just like how smoothe the eggs are when mixed in the Bullet.

I use the blender sized thingy to make my smoothies.  Throw in a frozen banana, 1/2 cup of peaches, 4 oz milk, 4 oz OJ and 1/2 tray of icecubes, along with 3/4 scoop of protein.

Because of my dentures, I have problems chewing up shrimp enough to where I feel it is safe for my pouch, so I put six shrimp in the Bullet with a tablespoon of marinara sauce.  Zap it for 15 seconds, no problems eating it.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

annette R.
on 1/15/09 6:30 pm - ithaca, NY
That's funny, I asked that question not too long ago. Mine is still sitting in the box as I figure out what to do with it.

It looks like a handy gadget, once I get my self in gear to use the thing.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
(deactivated member)
on 1/15/09 7:44 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
I use my Magic Bullet all the time.  Had it for four years.  I'm about ready for a new one.  I use it like a food chopper, blender, 'drink mixer'. It really is pretty handy.  I've got a VitaMix sitting on the floor of my office...albeit, an old one and I paid $275 for it back in the 90's... the Magic Bullet does as much as I did in the VitaMix and I only paid $60 for it.  The Bullet is great for mixing one serving of just about anything...pancake mix, etc.

And you know me, party of one!!!  Woo Hoo!!!

on 1/15/09 9:19 pm - manchester, NJ
sorry i cant help i never use those things, im a low tech person.  the only thing i use occasionally is my husbands immersion blender stick but only rarely

good luck i hope you enjoy





on 1/15/09 10:28 pm - Wales , MA
Cajun Angel
on 1/15/09 11:37 pm - New Orleans, LA
There was a time when I used mine everyday, sometimes several times a day, now it sits on the kitchen counter collecting dust.  My favorite thing to make in mine was a knock-off of Starbuck's frappacino - a shot of coffee, milk, protein powder, ice cubes, and some sugar free flavoring.  Oh, I can't wait for warm weather - it's too cold for frozen drinks.  I also made oatmeal/cottage cheese pancake batter.  George often made chocolate milk using the MB.  I did not like the way tuna or chicken salad turned out using it.  The consistency was mushy - probably good for newly pre-ops who needed their food pureed.
J Brown
on 1/16/09 12:15 am - Omaha, NE
I don't have one, but would love too. I actually LOVE watching the infomercial on it, so many ideas. I have one of those hand blenders that sometimes I think I should have a holster for I use it so much. I bet you will end up having a lot of fun with it..Share with us some of your discoveries, Blessings
on 1/16/09 12:21 am - Pittsburgh, PA

Like George, I use mine everyday too. Eggs for scrambled eggs are great this way. They come out fluffy when you cook them.
I experiment with my protein drinks all the time. One of my favorites is to add a heaping tablespoon of canned pumpkin to a vanilla protein powder(especially BSN Whipped Vanilla Dessert protein). To this I add some SF carmel syrup , and if I have SF Pumpkin syrup I throw that in,or SF vanilla, some ff milk, two ice cubes and sometimes a heaping tablespoon of vanilla or cheesecake SF pudding. See, I do experiment. It comes out all nice and thick and good. Its like having a milkshake or a nice dessert.
Don't ask me to post my recipes for protein drinks,I just throw things in. I cook like that too.
When I make something the family likes I tell them not to expect it to be the same next time I cook. I don't write things down.
My son really likes to cook and he has suggested that we start to actually write down things when we make them and compile a recipe book with things we cook and recipes that Friends have given us. You know,the recipes that you make all the time and you don't write them down and you have to call your friend whenever you want to make it again.
A close friend of mine did that a few years ago and had about 100  printed at Kinkos into a spiral book and gave it to her friends and business associates for Christmas. The only problem was she wrote everything out in long hand and some of the recipes are hard to read. We plan on typing ours out.
You never know I may be doing a shout out for recipes some day..........everyone that contributes a recipe will be acknowledged too.
Boy, I talk a lot don't I????????


          Spring Text  





Lynn J
on 1/18/09 10:04 am - LA
I love my Bullet. I use it to make protein shakes. I drink one at home before I go to work. I also keep another Bullet at work and make one about 10am at work. Then I have a 3rd when I get home from work. I mix 5 oz of water, 4 ice cubes, 1 and 1/2 scoops of cookies and cream protein, and SF syrup. It is so good. I could not live without my Bullet.

Lynn J
Lap RNY 9/29/04
5' 4"
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