My Feelings
I am sorry if I let you down by not posting.
I am guilty. I red your post and have not asked how you were. I am truely sorry. I am so glad your biopsy was negative.
I have not been on line much lately. I have gone back to work, and my mother is not doing well.
Without going into any details there is nothing they can do for my mother. We are watching her die. Between work, my mother, getting married and trying to get to the gym there has not been enough hours in the day. Sometimes we get wrapped up in our own little worlds.
I once again am sorrry for making you feel un needed. All OFF is needed. I just dont get to post often anymore and dont read all the posts when I do get on.
I am sorry if I let you down by not posting.
I am guilty. I red your post and have not asked how you were. I am truely sorry. I am so glad your biopsy was negative.
I have not been on line much lately. I have gone back to work, and my mother is not doing well.
Without going into any details there is nothing they can do for my mother. We are watching her die. Between work, my mother, getting married and trying to get to the gym there has not been enough hours in the day. Sometimes we get wrapped up in our own little worlds.
I once again am sorrry for making you feel un needed. All OFF is needed. I just dont get to post often anymore and dont read all the posts when I do get on.
Julia, if I have ever hurt your feelings in any way please let me tell you that it was totally unintentional. I would never dream of hurting anyone and if I knew that I did it would devastate me. I am guilty too of not reading each and every post and sometimes I just plain do the same ones each day, like the What's new, Linda's thread for the meals and of course my Mouthwatering Monday thread. I am so sorry that you felt let out and ignored since I am sure it is not any ones intention to do that. You are a very important part of the OFF family and hope that you know that. I am not offering lip service by a long shot. I am glad that you felt comfortable enough with us to bring all of this to our attention. I have to admit that there is times that I feel that I wouldn't be missed if I slipped quietly into the night. But then I know that if I did that I would be the one that would lose out since I consider everyone here part of my chosen family. Yes, there is some that may be a thorn but then I think of roses which are beautiful and they have thorns too. Please, give us another chance and when we do something that hurts you or even irritates you please feel free to let us know~we are only going to be able to change if we are aware of what our actions are doing.
I guess that I'm going to weigh in here, too; I may regret it.
I did read your post about your cancer scare, and I think that I responded then. Afterward, I waited and waited to hear what had happened. I could not understand why we never heard back from you, but I thought that it was just a matter of time before we would hear the results. I actually had you mixed up with someone else, and I wouldn't have known how to contact you. However, that's not the point.
I am a breast cancer survivor, too. I've been in remission for four and a half years, and I always seem to have twinges and pains that make me wonder if it has returned. However, if I had posted here about feeling scared that I was going to have to go through it all again, I would have returned to let those *****ad the first post know that I was alright and would not have waited for them to contact me. After all, if I was the one to let people know that I was going to have a biopsy, I would be the one to follow up with the results. Wouldn't I?
I'm very glad that you are cancer free and that you're able to share your feelings. I know that whatever you feel is okay - they're your feelings. However, I don't think that you are on target with saying that you were ignored nor do I think you were right in saying that we need to own any piece of your lack of trust.
Sometimes, I post something and people respond; sometimes they don't. I'm not offended. I think it has more to do with the "busy-ness" in the lives of the people who come here than it has to do with being ignored or passed by.
Having said all that... I, for one, was waiting to hear what the results were and thought that I would hear soon. I guess that I lost track of the amount of time that had passed. I'm awfully glad that the results were good.
And as an aside... I'm hoping to get back to the drama-free days very soon.
I did read your post about your cancer scare, and I think that I responded then. Afterward, I waited and waited to hear what had happened. I could not understand why we never heard back from you, but I thought that it was just a matter of time before we would hear the results. I actually had you mixed up with someone else, and I wouldn't have known how to contact you. However, that's not the point.
I am a breast cancer survivor, too. I've been in remission for four and a half years, and I always seem to have twinges and pains that make me wonder if it has returned. However, if I had posted here about feeling scared that I was going to have to go through it all again, I would have returned to let those *****ad the first post know that I was alright and would not have waited for them to contact me. After all, if I was the one to let people know that I was going to have a biopsy, I would be the one to follow up with the results. Wouldn't I?
I'm very glad that you are cancer free and that you're able to share your feelings. I know that whatever you feel is okay - they're your feelings. However, I don't think that you are on target with saying that you were ignored nor do I think you were right in saying that we need to own any piece of your lack of trust.
Sometimes, I post something and people respond; sometimes they don't. I'm not offended. I think it has more to do with the "busy-ness" in the lives of the people who come here than it has to do with being ignored or passed by.
Having said all that... I, for one, was waiting to hear what the results were and thought that I would hear soon. I guess that I lost track of the amount of time that had passed. I'm awfully glad that the results were good.
And as an aside... I'm hoping to get back to the drama-free days very soon.
Well, I'll tell you Margaret... I did say that some of this could be my own stuff. It's just that others on the board have gone through medical things and many worried, posted and wondered how their tests came out. So I may be too sensitive, but after a week of waiting for my results with nary a peep from the crew I was a bit perturbed. And I am not thinking of you in particular- you didn't even know my name. But I've been active here for a year and a half... I thought I was somewhat important to a few.
I am so sorry you feel the way you do. I just want you to know there are people like me *****ad a lot of threads, but comment on few. But anytime there is an illness thread of any kind, I do read and pray for the person. I do not always post on that thread, but I do say a prayer.
Please don't go. This forum needs everyone it can get. We all make up one. Different backgrounds, sexes, ethnic groups, etc. All these different people make one good forum. Please remain a part of us.
You will get more out of this forum if you continue posting, rather than lurking. But if you choose to lurk, please continue to do so here.
I am so sorry you feel the way you do. I just want you to know there are people like me *****ad a lot of threads, but comment on few. But anytime there is an illness thread of any kind, I do read and pray for the person. I do not always post on that thread, but I do say a prayer.
Please don't go. This forum needs everyone it can get. We all make up one. Different backgrounds, sexes, ethnic groups, etc. All these different people make one good forum. Please remain a part of us.
You will get more out of this forum if you continue posting, rather than lurking. But if you choose to lurk, please continue to do so here.
I am so sorry that you feel upset. After reading your post about the biopsy there was no news from you and I feared it was bad news. I didn't want to pry into what seemed to be a very private matter. Shame on me for not taking the time to ask how you were doing. I apologize.
I am happy to hear the results were good. It must have been an emotional wait.
Please stick around and receive support. I will try to be more sensitive and take the time to respond to you and the others who have felt neglected.
I am so sorry that you feel upset. After reading your post about the biopsy there was no news from you and I feared it was bad news. I didn't want to pry into what seemed to be a very private matter. Shame on me for not taking the time to ask how you were doing. I apologize.
I am happy to hear the results were good. It must have been an emotional wait.
Please stick around and receive support. I will try to be more sensitive and take the time to respond to you and the others who have felt neglected.