It's not the bananas that'll get ya... it's the PEANUT BUTTER!
Have you ever given your dog peanut butter? It's just the best way to get them to take pills. Shove the pill down inside a tbsp or so on a spoon and take the spoon and kinda wipe it all off onto the roof of their mouth... then be prepared to hold your sides laughing.... I hope no one thinks this is mean... it doesn't hurt them, it gets the pill in to them and its FUNNY!!
Have you ever given your dog peanut butter? It's just the best way to get them to take pills. Shove the pill down inside a tbsp or so on a spoon and take the spoon and kinda wipe it all off onto the roof of their mouth... then be prepared to hold your sides laughing.... I hope no one thinks this is mean... it doesn't hurt them, it gets the pill in to them and its FUNNY!!
Best wishes,