Judy G.
on 1/6/09 3:11 am - Galion, OH

hi jean!!!! hang in there it gets easier as the day goes on!!! i had a couple near misses yesterday but i nipped it in the bud!!!! hey i have to be good...i started this test for all of us so i have to be a good example!!!! LOL

sounds like you are trying real hard to stay on track...keep fingers busy and it helps stay away from food!!! also drinking the water try using some lemon juice in it for added flavor and also using a blue colored glass helps make it more pleasing to the palate...good luck and see you tomorrow on here!!


Carmen G.
on 1/6/09 6:43 am - Lincoln, AL
Monday was great...however, I have been hungry today because I forgot my blender and I have not had a protein shake...just soup.  I am gonna do it though!!!!  I have to.  I am also looking forward to the soft proteins tomorrow.  YIPPPEEEE!!!
Judy G.
on 1/6/09 7:24 am - Galion, OH

hey carmen...are you drinking enough water to stop the hunger? i am drinking enough to make me go potty every hour...LOL had some tomato soup and man that was heaven....and i don't even like tomato soup!!!! LOL

i am also looking forward to having fish tomorrow for supper!!! also making an egg or two...can't wait to have food again....but this is gonna work for us all if we just follow the program...keep up the good work and see you here tomorrow!!!


Carmen G.
on 1/6/09 9:10 pm - Lincoln, AL
Hi Judy!!  Yep...I am drinking bunches of water.  I have always loved water, though.  I love tomato soup with pepper.  I am going to get me a couple of eggs in a bit.  I can't wait.  Chicken salad for lunch and refried beans for supper I think. 
J Brown
on 1/6/09 1:41 pm - Omaha, NE
11:30 PM and I'm about to go to bed with a cup of camimile tea.I got over 70 ounces of water an had a second protein drink tonight and have been quite comfortable.( protein drinks give me immediate diarreah, if you call that comfortable) I was preparing for tomorrow and I am a bit confused. For some reason I was thinking we added new things each day, tomorrow being soft protein, but it looks like ONLY soft protein.. so no protein drinks? I will look on the 5 day to see if I can find the answer.
Judy G.
on 1/6/09 9:51 pm - Galion, OH

i am thinking that you can still have the protein drinks along with the soft protein...but i am going to try to use all soft proteins instead of the drinks...sounds like you are doing pretty good jean!!!


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