What's New This Tuesday?
Good morning to you Floyd and my other OFF brothers and sisters. I am hoping that everyone has a wonderful day today.
I am so glad that the hostility of yesterday is done. I am not one that likes discord of any type. We are who we are and that is part of what makes this place a great one. We are suppose to accept everyone, warts and all. We may not like everyone but we still love them. That is what life is about~differeces. I, too, found that original post to be mean hearted and that is what bothers me the most. I have always thought of this place as a spot that I can go to and even if we disagree with one another we still care for them and show them unconditional love and acceptance. I did not feel that yesterday. I, too, thought of leaving but then thought that I am able to be me and if someone doesn't like the person that I am they can just not read my posts or block me. That won't hurt my feelings in the least. I am not going to block anyone at this point but I can and will chose to either read their posts or just jump over them. With that being said I am closing the door on yesterday. It is done and over with and today is yet another day.
It is snowing here. I guess they said that we could get about and inch or so. I personally don't think that we will get that much tho. I am so tired of January already. It is a month that I just don't like. It seems to go on forever and the weather is icky (boy do I love that word for some reason) and it brings back bad memories for me too. I will be glad when it is over and done with.
Nothing happening here today. I have thought about staying home and doing what I want to but I should go to K Mart and to Wal Mart too. Nothing much but should go since I have been putting it off. I guess I will be like my mom and just say "Maybe I will and maybe I won't.". She use to tell my dad that when he would ask her something when they were kids.
I have to fix Bill's lunch so he will have something to eat when he goes to work. He just had soup for lunch so that is done. Brother! Sometimes I just hate being a housewife. It is just such a drag at times.
I found out a few minutes ago that our lease is up in April so I guess we will be staying here for another year. I just won't be able to come up with all the money that I would have to in order to move. It is impossible. I did hear from the office that the rent is only going up $15. so it isn't near as bad as I thought it would be. But then again it shows me that we have paid for most of rent increases long before anyone else has since I KNOW that the rent has gone up more than $15. in 2 years. I am not stupid all the time. Maybe some of the time but not all. ha ha I really wanted to move since I loved that apartment so much but it just wasn't meant to be right now. Oh well, if this the worst thing that happens to me in my life I will be a very lucky woman.
I better get going, since time is marching on. I am sending love and hugs to all and special prayers are being said for each and every one of you. Have a wonderful day and bloom where you are planted.
I am so glad that the hostility of yesterday is done. I am not one that likes discord of any type. We are who we are and that is part of what makes this place a great one. We are suppose to accept everyone, warts and all. We may not like everyone but we still love them. That is what life is about~differeces. I, too, found that original post to be mean hearted and that is what bothers me the most. I have always thought of this place as a spot that I can go to and even if we disagree with one another we still care for them and show them unconditional love and acceptance. I did not feel that yesterday. I, too, thought of leaving but then thought that I am able to be me and if someone doesn't like the person that I am they can just not read my posts or block me. That won't hurt my feelings in the least. I am not going to block anyone at this point but I can and will chose to either read their posts or just jump over them. With that being said I am closing the door on yesterday. It is done and over with and today is yet another day.
It is snowing here. I guess they said that we could get about and inch or so. I personally don't think that we will get that much tho. I am so tired of January already. It is a month that I just don't like. It seems to go on forever and the weather is icky (boy do I love that word for some reason) and it brings back bad memories for me too. I will be glad when it is over and done with.
Nothing happening here today. I have thought about staying home and doing what I want to but I should go to K Mart and to Wal Mart too. Nothing much but should go since I have been putting it off. I guess I will be like my mom and just say "Maybe I will and maybe I won't.". She use to tell my dad that when he would ask her something when they were kids.
I have to fix Bill's lunch so he will have something to eat when he goes to work. He just had soup for lunch so that is done. Brother! Sometimes I just hate being a housewife. It is just such a drag at times.
I found out a few minutes ago that our lease is up in April so I guess we will be staying here for another year. I just won't be able to come up with all the money that I would have to in order to move. It is impossible. I did hear from the office that the rent is only going up $15. so it isn't near as bad as I thought it would be. But then again it shows me that we have paid for most of rent increases long before anyone else has since I KNOW that the rent has gone up more than $15. in 2 years. I am not stupid all the time. Maybe some of the time but not all. ha ha I really wanted to move since I loved that apartment so much but it just wasn't meant to be right now. Oh well, if this the worst thing that happens to me in my life I will be a very lucky woman.
I better get going, since time is marching on. I am sending love and hugs to all and special prayers are being said for each and every one of you. Have a wonderful day and bloom where you are planted.