I'm almost 4wks out...should I....
I went back to work on Saturday..that was tough but people helped me with lifting since I'm still on restriction.
I try to drink at least 8oz fluid when I get up then wait the 30min before breakfast. I eat 1/4-1/3cup pureed foods which I concentrate on proteins. I wait the 30min after eating then try to get in more fluids. I usually get at least 60oz/day fluids and at least 60gr protein/day. When I drink protein shakes I can only get down about 6oz. I've tried different proteins for breakfast to see if that makes a difference...no. I'm not shakey or weak kneed later in the day tho.
I have my post-op appts this Thursday and will ask all my questions then but anyone have any thoughts on this?
I don't weigh myself till tomorrow but I have lost 18# in 3wks. I want to start more exercise but feel too wobbly to. At what point in time did you feel stronger?
I love Spring!!!!!!
Alice, Hang in there. The first couple of months involve so many adjustments not just to your body physically but also to you mentally and emotionally. It sounds like you are doing really well following your doctor's orders. Just keep doing that.
You had a major surgery. It takes time and each person is different. Just remember to work up to things gradually; little baby steps as the saying was in the movie "What about Bob?" I need to watch that movie again!
Please report back on your post op visit. Wow, I couldn't stay off of the scale. I know that's the best way to do it, but I just had to check it every couple of days. That first 6 months was such a rush to see the weight falling off!
What time of day are you feeling weak and shakey? Just a thought. B12 makes an incredible amount of difference in how I feel and how much energy I have. Also keep trying to up that protein whenever you can. Take care,
Karen C
I take a sublingual B-12 each evening along with my second multivitamin. I had just thought about that so I did take another B-12 before posting today. I take extra Biotin, folic acid, zinc, C, and 1600mg of calcium.
I'll keep that in mind about the healing time. I'm not expecting any specific amt of wt to lose each wk. I figure as long as I follow my Doc's orders, I should be ok. That's why I don't weigh myself more than once a wk...I want the focus to be in "intake".
Thanks Karen, and I will post after my 3 appts.
I want to stay in touch here more but have been focusing on recovery.
Thanks again.
I love Spring!!!!!!
i went back to a nursing job at three weeks also. It was rough and I felt weak for about 5 weeks total. Upping the protein helped but I think time did more than anything. When you only have those little incisions on the outside it is easy to forget the major work they did on the inside.
Sounds like overal you are doing great!
I never felt weak & shakey, so I don't know what to say about that. I did feel very, very tired, and took naps for a couple of months after surgery. Maybe it's a little too soon to be back at work? You're doing a good job on your protein & water, congratulations! I'd wait till you feel stronger before beginning any excercise other that walking. Of course, it's good that you're going for your post-op appointment soon ---- be sure to tell them all this and follow their instructions. It does get better & easier, so hang in there!