We want our board back!

on 1/5/09 2:09 pm - Tucson, AZ
Jeannie, I have not been hanging around here as much as I used to for the same reasons you talk about.  Bible verses everyday, not for me.  I'll go hang out on the other non-religiuos baords from now on.  Its almost like having them come to your door during dinner.  I appreciate your moxey.  Thanks.


on 1/5/09 9:51 pm


Thanks for the support.  Every once in a while, one or two of the religious ones will ask where everyone went and we are all lurking and wanting to say we're here but we are not comfortable with the way things are going.  Somedays, all that is posted is prayers and testimonials.  Not what I signed on for.

on 1/5/09 11:57 am - Kyle, TX
Jeanne,  I can honestly say this have been very interesting dialogue.  I agree that perhaps the OFF tends to have a religious slant, and as others have said, I typically tend to pass those over.  I came here for the support as and over fifty person and feeling that soe of the folks here know many of the things I am going through.  I have found quite a bit of support here and I appreciate it.

I would like to see some of the 'old timers' that have gone away to return as i am sure you and they have much to offer.  I am relatively new to OH and OFF, but I enjoy it here.  I tend to lurk and don't always make it here everyday, but I find so much support and valuable information.

Come on back and share your wisdom and experiences, won't you?
on 1/5/09 9:55 pm
Hobbitzz, all I'm saying is that this is a support board, not a religious board and those of us who are not religiously inclined or of a different religion should not be subjected to the hijack that the religious or religious posers have done to this board.  You're right, so many of the old timers do have a lot to offer but I've been getting messages from them that this place has changed way to much for them to ever return. 

Mickey S
on 1/5/09 12:40 pm - KS
Actually, not everybody agrees with you.  I was wondering when somebody would say something about George's scriptures.  I would like to know why a select few dictate what is said or posted on this forum.  Like somebody said, if you don't like it, just skip over it and go to the next post. Nobody is twisting your arm to read it.
I myself don't get on here as much as I use to because there for awhile, I was sick and tired of the foul mouth that comes out of some people and you were probably one of the top ones that posted the most with such obnoxious words. But then when I saw you were posting, I didn't read it.
I didn't know the over 50 was your board.  I recall when I first came here you were not here at all. So I don't think you created this board.
I also came here for support when I first started my weight loss  and I got a lot of support from the older members. I wish some were still here, but I don't think they all left because people have asked for prayers.
There was no reason at all for you to START anything, this is all just your opinion and maybe a few others.  But why should your opinion be the only thing that matters.
I hope and pray that George does not take these posts to heart.
Oh by the way, this just is my opinion.


on 1/5/09 10:03 pm
Mickey, you are right, why should a few dictate what this board is about?  Why do they get to decide that we need a religiously slanted board?  I never said this was my board, but I am a member and have a voice and have my own opinons as to how I want this board to behave.  I have respect for all those non-christain members who are here and lurk because they feel uncomfortable.  Mickey you are of the dominant religion so you have no ideal what it is like for those who don't believe like you.  Why should a few, christains, dictate that we are going to have bible versus, prayers, and testimonials jammed down our throats?  Yeah, I have a vulgar vocabulary and I use it; the last time I checked, we still have freedom of expression and I intend to express.  YOu cannot tell me that you believe that all this putting your prayer closeet online is good?  This is a support board, not a religion board.  I have never once had to be reminded what you believed.  I never had to read that you were reading the bible in a year, because your actions told me you read the bible and that you prayed and I respect that.  I, though, don't respect those people who feel compelled to drag us into their spiritual world and we should not feel uncomfortable here because of their need to stand on the corner and say, "look here, I'm a christain, I read the bible, I pray, and I go to the big church on the corner."  That is so what the Bible teaches against.  You know this, right?

Mickey S
on 1/6/09 9:16 am - KS
You don't know what religion I am.  But yes, I am a Christian.  And that is the way you spell it, not the way you have been spelling it.  Which someone pointed out and you did not understand what she was meaning. I have never pushed religion on anyone.  If somebody asked for prayers, I would say I would pray for them.  I did not say I will make sure Jeannie prays for them also.  That would be pushing you in to doing something you did not want to do.
You don't want people to cram things down your throat but you don't mind cramming things down other people's throat. I don't get it, that's right.  I have never understood people who think 
 what they say and do is okay but what other people do and say makes them mad.  You came on here with an attitude like a bull in a China shop and just started slamming and banging things up.  You know you could have just ignored it and not read it. There is other things on here that you could have read.  No one makes you push that little button and open up each and every post.
I belong to quite a few groups. I belong to an embroidery group that off and on people get off the subject and not everything is about embroidery.  But people don't go off have crazed and make a big deal about it.  We are here for friendship not to be harassed because somebody doesn't think you should post something they don't like.
I am sorry you are so disappointed in the way the board is going.  I myself think that the board is the greatest, people care about each other.  But you may have just made it a not very safe place to be.  Maybe you are just disappointed in the way your life is, I don't know. Usually, people who lash out are very unhappy people.  I work with somebody like that.  It is everybody's fault that she has so many problems in her life.  And guess what, she goes around toting she is a Christian and it makes me sick because her actions prove otherwise. 
I agree people should not go around bragging that they are a Christian, you should not have to go around bragging.  People should be able to tell what kind of person you are by your actions and your speech.  And I mean that whether you are a Christian are not.
People get my respect more when I don't here words come out of their mouth that they know good and well are repulsive.  And they get my respect when they smile and make you feel welcome and want to hear how your day is going and they want to cry with you and laugh with you.
Well I didn't mean for this to be a book.  But please Jeannie take a look at yourself and maybe try to see other people side of things before you start making judgements.
A couple of other things and I don't mean to be disrespectful but I have heard it said sooooo many times, people who say they don't believe in God or say they are atheists, when their end is nearing, guess who they pray to. 
And also, I wrote all this without using any repulsive language.



on 1/6/09 9:27 am


I am not an unhappy person.  I am a horrible speller.  I have always had that weakness.  I am sorry you do not understand my stance on the Bible posts ect.  You never will.  I will just say to agree to disagree.  As far as when my end nears, I am certain that I will not repent of any wrong doing. Unlike many on this board, I am a very giving person and donate my time to many charitable projects that include battered women, the rape hot line, and teaching ESL to folks who are not English speakers.  I don't consider myself a hero but I do consider myself a good person.  I don't, however, think that I am obligated to sit quietly by when others, like myself, are being made uncomfortable.  All I ask is that the relgious slant be reserved for those boards where it is appreciated.  I knew you were a Christain and have known for a long time.  I appreciate that you are not one of those Bible thumpers who say praise god on one side of their mouth while living in sin and having affairs and telling filthy jokes and on and on.  My point is that I don't give a flying fig about what you or anyone else thinks about me, I am who I am take it or leave it.  I, like many, left the board because the flavor became too religious and now, after talking to many, have come back and just want the board to be what it is designed to be, a wls board.  That's all.

on 1/6/09 2:07 am, edited 1/6/09 2:21 am
Jeannie,   I have waited over 24 hours to post a reply to your thread. Don’t know exactly how to start  this sort of reply, confrontation, whatever. This is usually something I run from. I have been posting here for about a year and a half. I have made some wonderful friends here and have even met a couple. I am a shy person and have had to MAKE myself post, as I often feel very self-conscious and worry that someone will respond rudely to me as they have to others sometimes. I NEVER see a reason to name call or respond rudely to another. I may not like what they say but I just don’t read them again or take it with a grain of salt or consider the source etc. etc. Anyway… I have to say that I am a Christian but I don’t preach about it to anyone. I keep others in my prayers, my thoughts. I pray and I meditate. Other non-Christian religions also use prayer. Praying does not mean one can only be praying to a Christian God. I respect other views and try not to hurt anyone. I must tell you that you have very much hurt me and offended me by calling me a christain. I don’t think that is respectful or necessary to use that term for there are many of us who are not fundamentalist,  or show off or whatever type that annoys you kind of Christians. If I have ever mentioned any of my church activities it was only in relation to the What’s new Thread and in a way that was telling about me and how with my WLS I was now able to be more social, going to some of the activities and functions offered at my church. I may also have mentioned something in relation to me as how I grew up but regardless; I have never tried to shove any of my beliefs down anyone’s throat nor called anyone any sort of name.   I remember reading your posts last summer and spring and before and always thought you were witty and funny. I now have seen a side I don’t care for so much.   I, like, some of the other posters have mentioned, get physically sick to my stomach when this kind of stuff goes on. That is why I have responded; as I did not want to keep going over it and over it in my head. I also figured if I was ever going to keep coming here I would have to request that this remains a SAFE place for all. I am not sure if I will continue to post here at this point. I see that this is a sort of bullying and it makes me feel really sad.   I don’t care for all the religious stuff, but I just don’t read. I don’t like some of the info that is really in the group of TMI and usually I am just embarrassed for that person but not angry at them.   Anyway, Jeanie, while I can understand your annoyance, I don’t agree with the nastiness and name-calling. Please stop using the term christain. That is just mean to those of us who are here for support and do have some beliefs that are not yours but that we do not spout off about and may be Christians.   On the lighter side, I also realize that I have ended many of my sentences with prepositions but hey, at least I got up the courage to post when I would have never said a peep before I lost all my weight and had become a part of this wonderful group of people.   Cheryl

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 1/6/09 3:07 am
Gee Cheryl, I thought that you guys liked being called christains.  HMMM, that's new to me that it is a slam.  I do not see how my having an opinon makes this board unsafe and, frankly, I don't give a rip what you think of me.  I, unlike many of the others, will never try and shove my religious belief down your throat.  I'm just saying that this is a place for wls not religion.  But hey, if you want to do it, go for it.

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