We want our board back!

on 1/5/09 7:05 am
So, that is just plain ignorant, but anyone *****ad your post could see that.  There is no way reading a post can be compared to be nosy.  First it is a public board and a support so we should read the post. If there is something so personal that not everyone should read it, then send a message.  I should not be compared to nosy or anything else. I'm here for support not propaganda. 

on 1/5/09 1:34 am - manchester, NJ
i agree, while on one hand the forum should be open to everyone who wants to post, on the other hand, there is an unusual amount of religious stuff that gets posted here.

i for one, could do with a little less, as i am not christian, and basically i believe that we should all be good to one another and support each other through the changes that have occurred in our life thru weight loss.

hugs to all, jacki

and marylyn i do not mean your thoughts of the day, they are not of a religious nature and would be welcomed by everyone i think.



on 1/5/09 5:27 am
Mystic, Thanks for the support.  I do not want to ban anyone, what I want is this to be less prayer meeting, Bible study, and more support.  There are times and places for those kinds of activities and a weightloss forum isn't the place.

on 1/5/09 1:43 am - Cary, NC
Guess I'm not reading them cause I don't know what you're talking about.
I will agree, while I am a Christian, I think the boards are for weight loss support, not religion, not politics, not selling things, etc.  Weight loss support.

Starting a religious thread is a good idea - the people that need spiritual support can go there and if you aren't interested, then don't go there.

I have a new philosophy, I'm only going to dread one day at a time.  Charlie Brown
on 1/5/09 5:25 am

Dear Avid Reader,

Thank you for the support.  I am not opposed to Christainity, I have many friends who are just that, but they don't shove it down my throat.  It is disconcerting to open the board up and see, for instance, Bible verse readings, or prayer lists, ect.  I think it's time to take the board back. 

on 1/5/09 2:35 am, edited 1/5/09 2:37 am - Plymouth, MI

Folks, there already is a Christianity board.  Go up to Groups, Off topic, Member interests, Christianity.


Of course, keeping the Christian threads there means preaching to the choir, which may not be as rewarding as the incidental evangelizing that goes on here.  Didn't Christ say something about loud public prayers as their own reward?  And didn't he say to pray out of sight for maximum results?

There are also boards relating to other belief systems, take a look.

OFF is about old folks and their obesity issues, and their lives, as they relate to their guts.  Perhaps we can convince the people with other agendas to develop a signature line that will direct the interested to other boards.  Or maybe they would consider a subject line that says "Caution, Christian content"

I come here to learn about health-related issues, specifically those relating to weight loss.  I come here to offer encouragement and information about the same things.  When I want to discuss theology, I go to other boards. 

That said, I love reading about grandkids, new homes, old cars and feeling that I know a little about all who wish to share their.  Some are more reticent than others, some tell much more than I would feel comfortable with putting out on the interwebs for the world to see..  I have this magical keyboard and mouse at my disposal, and I can always move away from that which does not interest me.

ETA  Good to see you posting, Jeannie.  How is the family?  How is the schoolwork going?  How's your body treating you?

on 1/5/09 5:33 am

Hey Jane,

The kids are fine and my goal is to have the dissertation defended by Christmas of 09.  I could do it now, but I have been awarded a huge fellowship and would be an idiot to turn it down.  You know, it isn't so much that I can move my mouse and ignore the post, it's why should I be the one to censor when this isn't a religious board.  You have no idea how frustrating it is for non-christains.  I agree that going to religious board would take away from their glory and limit them to their hypocrisy.  My sister is this huge Christain and she lives it every day but you never see her on the street corner talking about what she does for the poor or how much of the Bible she reads in a day.  It's like they are on this quest to prove they are authentic when, it's like you said, they are out of the prayer closet.  Yikes, did I say that.

peggy H.
on 1/5/09 4:32 am
 Girl, Thank You.
Jeannie, I  don't give a flip if you are pink, blue, green or red, Christian or not, you speak the truth.
So very refreshing. 
I 'am a 3 year old, old timer and have been lurking a bunch.  
Go get-um , Peg

on 1/5/09 5:35 am
Peggy, thanks for the support.  I come here and try to read and try to get the help I need and get so freaking frustrated with all the Wed. night prayer group crap.  And, you and I both know the lives many live are far from the propaganda they are trying to spread.  Again, thanks.

Jean M.
on 1/5/09 4:59 am
Revision on 08/16/12
I'm sorry if anything on the OFF board has offended you.  I have found it to be one of the most supportive, accepting OH boards (want to be offended? visit the Rants & Raves Forum).

As they say in 12-step rooms: take what you need, and leave the rest.

You don't have to read Christian posts.  If you start reading a post and bothers you, just stop reading.  If the poster really, really offends you, use the Block feature and you will never have to see another post from that person.

I do, however, recommend the use of "OT" (off-topic) at the start of any post that isn't about weight loss or related issues.  Saves time for many of us.


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





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