We want our board back!

on 1/4/09 10:27 pm

I know I am going to make enemies here, but, frankly, I don’t care.  When I started coming here so many years ago, it was a forum where we all were here for one thing, to get support.  It wasn’t a religious board, or a meet and pair off board, or a board where men and women came to make their egos grow by trying to seduce each other behind their spouses backs.  Anyway, several of the old members left when the board took a turn to a more fundamentally religious one and I was one of the ones who left.  I mean, if you are going to read the Bible in a year, do you need to put it on our support board?  And, do we have to pray for all Judy’s exes?  I mean, did we forget that she did sleep around on her husband before they were divorced, not very Christian if you ask me.  And when someone messes up their finances because they need to splurge on expensive shoes or trips to meet other board members, do we need to pray for them to get it back on track?  Really, I’m kind of sick of all this and wish you would take your religion and start your own board and leave this one alone.  Many of the old timers have been in touch with me and we all agree that we want our board back, so unless the OH has suddenly turned from all members to only Christian members, please take it elsewhere and please don’t try t o message me about becoming born again, I am, after all, an atheists.  And I’ve read the Bible over and over and studied it over and over, it was one of the texts that I studied for my masters in comparative lit.  Oh, and if you must know, NOT EVERYONE WHO COMES TO THIS FORUM IS CHRISTAIN.

on 1/4/09 10:44 pm
I must agree with you on this,, there is just a bit too much religion going on. One of the reasons I left, felt like I was in Wed Prayer meeting all the time, just we can wish people well and all, but I am not a religious person, I am a spiritual person in my own beliefs. 

It is too bad the board is not like it use to be, so many good people have left here. I feel bad for the new people that will never have a chance to meet the "long timers"....such great support out there that could be here.

Thanks for posting this, this took some doing and I for one will not flame you, I have had enough of my own thrown at me.....

on 1/4/09 10:51 pm
Thanks Darlene.  I'm still shocked at how the board turned on you.  You have always been a great source of information and support.  In fact, when I came here, you answered all my questions and made me making the decision to have the surgery an easy one.  People come and go and, like me, some go and come back and try to glean a little support, but this thing that has happened, well, isn't there a religious board somewhere?  I'll be honest, the one thing that angers me the most is that the christains here assume we want it shoved in our faces. Now, what if I began a daily analysis of the Bible, and gave them what I know; they'd be pissed for sure.  It's a myth.  come on. 

on 1/5/09 1:05 am - Underwood, MN
on 1/5/09 1:06 am - Underwood, MN
Darlene, I really miss you. Nancy
on 1/4/09 11:12 pm

i was turn on by my thought of the day.someone e-mail since i havent been around for awhile.that i didnt need to start that.for there information i have had 3 knee replacement.so i pray about it and came back.so i told them if they didnt want to read it dont read it.so im telling you the same thing dont read it.i e-mail the owner of the this site or who ever got the message about people e-mailing me.there is know one who is  over this board but the ones that works in that office.so i came back for the thought of the day.

have a bless day

on 1/4/09 11:41 pm
Here's the thing, it's not about reading or not reading, it's about offensive materail.  Now, if I wrote a huge post about, say anal sex, and others found it offensive, then, I'd certainly not post again; however, you guys, like those during the crusades, think that because you put everything under God, that you can offend, insult, harrasse, and it's okay, cause, you are Christain.  I think a little manners here would be appreciated.  You don't see other religious people trying to shove their religion down your throat, so why are you guys hell bent on shoving it down our throats.  For instance, our wiccan sisters or our muslim friends or our athiests friends are not spouting their religious text for your consumption.  What if we did?

Jean M.
on 1/5/09 5:40 am, edited 1/5/09 5:48 am
Revision on 08/16/12
I would hope that Wiccan, Muslim, Atheist and other friends would have the confidence to post here.  They certainly do on other OH forums.

The "Christian" slant on OFF may be due to demographics and probably has nothing to do with shoving religion down other people's throats.

I just can't resist mentioning that I once had a Wiccan employee who was (I am convinced) evil, as well as many Muslim and Hindu business associates, and if you think you've been discriminated against, you might want to think again.

I have traveled all over the world, and if you want to feel uncomfortable about other people's religious beliefs, try being a woman Westerner walking through a factory full of 1000 male Muslims who were shouting at you, throwing tools at you and calling you names, or how about walking through the blood of a recently-slaughtered goat in the courtyard of a Muslim business associate after a Muslim holiday, or how about visiting Buddhist or Hindu temples in Asia, with bare feet and a bowed head (as instructed by your host) and having fellow-worshippers hiss at you and run from you?

Did you ever travel on the back of a bus in Georgia when de-segregation was a new concept?  Were you ever stoned trying to enter a de-segregated school?  Did you ever have to use a separate rest-room because you were black?  Were you ever denied a vote in your country because of your race, sex, religious beliefs, or sexual preference?  Were you ever denied the right to marry because your partner was the same sex as you?

And, how about walking down a street in China and having children run from you, shouting, "Guayloo!  Guayloo!" ("Ghost foreigner!")

OH is an open forum.  Everybody should feel free to express themselves here.  Even Christians.


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





on 1/5/09 6:44 am
Here's the thing, I, like you, am not black so no to that.  I am not comparing the religious propagand here to anything. I'm just saying that, why should I have to have my wls board turned to a religious forum.  And demographics has nothing to do with it.  Again, you are trying to take a dramatic twist to a simple request.  I just don't want religion shoved down my throat and should not have to have it so. 

on 1/5/09 6:58 am
your right they dont need to read the post made.but you know how it is they have to be noseing and still read.it gets the best of there cure-----------up.


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