What's NEW with YOU on this MONDAY morning?
I talked to the Vet and we agreed to try putting him on a special diet for the next week. It is a high protein, vitamin enriched food. Next Monday she will examine him again and we will go from there.
He eats best when Tom sits with him in the bathroom. That way, the other cats can't nudge him away.
I also had a stay at home jammie weekend! But then, when you are retired you can have a jammie day anytime you want!
Began planning my packing for my babysitting trip to OR on the 19th. My daughter called to say, there is really no reason to bring anything except undies. She and I wear the same size, I can just wear her stuff. Good plan, but she prefers shorter tops. And most of her clothes are business type. I'll take my own. We wear the same size, but she is 30 pounds heavier than me. She is MUCH more solid than I am.
The grandsons here off and on over the weekend, as usual. Eating and watching TV and being 'bored'. They won't admit it, but I KNOW they will be happy to get back to school. Our DIL back to work (she works at a DoD school), our son back to work (he has been on leave). It's gonna be quiet around here!
Tons of errands to run today. The result of my jammie weekend! When gas went so high, I always made sure I had 2 or 3 places to go before I would go anywhere. I have continued with that. That usually gives me one busy day a week, instead of feeling like I'm on the run all week.
I hope everyone has a fantabulous Monday!
Well, we have more snow. Just a couple of inches but really...I think it's enough now. All the schools and colleges are closed today on recommendation of the sheriff. Never heard them do that before, I mean be closed because the sheriff said so. I think it is because so many roofs have collapsed. Also no where for people to park and the streets are so narrow that buses are having troubles getting through. It is suppose to rain later this week, so that will not be good...flooding to occur...
Back to work with no days off in near future...
Took Beth back to school and is just me and husband again.
I am going to get back on a better eating plan to get these new lbs off before they get out of control!
Not much new here. Just want to stop in and say hi.
Keeping Brenda and Carla in prayers today.
Margo too.
Take care all,
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
It is a chilly morning here, but not too bad really, I think it was in the 20's when I came to work.
The new kitten is a joy! He came up to me this morning and purred and rubbed my face, snuggled up to me! What a sweety! and he gets along with the dogs too, another HUGE plus as I doubt the feral cats ever would have gotten along with them - and the dogs are used to cats! Dear sweet Melissa has agreed to take the cats into her barn in the spring when it warms up. I'm so glad they will be going to a great home with Melissa and Greg (yep, our very own Melissa S!). I keep trying to win their trust, but so far, no go. I still cannot approach them or pet them. they do come to me when I have food on my finger and thats it. If I make a move with the other hand to pet-dash away!
Yesterday was a not do much day, although I did battle with the head last evening. I have 2 pieces of peanut butter freeze in the freezer and they were calling my name. I was not hungry in the least, but the HEAD was trying to make me want it. I fianlly got ticked off, put my nightgown on and went to bed! Looked at myself in the mirror and said "you know you lost 165lbs before, you CAN ignore this and lose these 20# now!" I can tell you my queen sized bed with a medium sized (52#) dog, a small dog that is a chunky monkey (40#) and a little 6# kitten take up a lot of room! Of course they ALL want to lay close to mom. and when a hot flash comes.....OMG! I'm lucky I have about 20 inches of the bed to lay in. Such is life, at least I am surrounded by love right? LOL!
George you and Mary are to be commended! I hope all is well with Brenda. I guess no news is good news in a way. Everyone, my thoughts are with you. Carla, please post after your appointment so we know what's going on! Take care all!
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
i got up this morning and to behold i was reading and saw where the bible versees has already made people mad.i sorry they are not christains.and dont like to hear any thing about the bible.i guess we have to prayer for all the lost souls.any way it has been a bless weekend even i didnt find the antiques i was looking for.and its also raining.but im off to the gym to try work this scar tissue out of my leg.hopeing that it will go away by itself soon.it will be a year in april and still hasnt gone away.
have a bless day
Got back yesterday from five glorious days with son, dil and grandkids.
Prior to WLS I would not have put on a bathing suit nevermind haul myself in and out of a pool. But for the second time we got a hotel near the grands with an indoor pool. (They live in upstate NY - it got down to -7 while we were there.) We spent an hour and a half in the pool with the grands. It was great and memorable for the kids. Little Morgan, 3, said, all excited, "Thank you Gramma and Grampa for taking us swimmin'. I jumped in the pool and you catcheded me Grampa."
I am able to play with them so much now. Being able to get on the floor with them and then being to get up again is a miracle. Wyatt, 5, is smart as can be and Sadie, 17 mos., is all smiles.
I'm starting the five day pouch test today with Judy G. I've been letting chocolate slip into my daily diet. And not through SF chocolate pudding but through Hershey kisses. Yikes. I feel this great now moving around, I can't wait to get down another 30 lbs. I can do it.
Have a great day.
I had a very quiet weekend too. The weather was so cold and snowy...freezing rain too...we stayed in most all the time. Rented some movies and kicked back!!
Sounds like things have been active here....Carla, prayers continue for you. Margo, you are special...I wish you happiness. George and Marc....good luck with your exercise programs. Sounds good to me. Annette sorry to hear about Joey....my thoughts and prayers are with you. Eileen I hope you are feeling better each day. Linda S., I am here for you sweetie! I have CRS and can't remember who I was going to post to next. Love to you all!!
I am getting more anxious as time nears for Nic to go to New York. He wants this to all go away. He is so sick of dealing with this cancer. He is my hero!!
My family is doing well. We are all glad the hustling and bustling of the holidays is behind us now. Loved the getting together but hated all that traveling in the cold.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Love and hugs to all.......connie d
I have a pcp appointment this afternoon. Nothing much just a normal check up time. Ready for refills and such. I can't stand going but what is a girl suppose to do? I need the scripts and she can do it so..........I am just really waiting to find another doctor. I am sure that will come. I just have to do the leg work and that isn't coming right now.
It is cold out this morning......the temperature is 12 with a wind chill of 0. I am soooo ready for spring to get here. At least the sun is out a bit. It isn't bright but you can see a little of it. With that I am going to take it......you know that old saying....if you can't be grateful for what you have be grateful for what you don't have. I don't have a dark, cloudy day so that is good.
Yesterday we got the Christmas tree down and everything put away. That is great. I usually keep the tree up for Epiphany but not this year. I just couldn't stand to see it another day. I have a lot more room and Misty is kind of glad she has the whole sliding door to watch her back 40 acres and she doesn't have to go around the tree....you know the one that she use to sit under and peer at us around the branches.
I better get going. I want to do some stuff around here and sitting here isn't going to get the stuff done. But then I don't guarantee it will get done anyway. ha ha I hate doing housework but since no one is going to do it for me I have to I guess.
Have a wonderful day and I am sending big hugs and lots of love to go with them. Keep smiles on all your lovely and handsome faces since that helps to keep the muscles firm. That sounds like a winner to me. I am sending everyone special prayers......in times like we are living in we all need them for something.