Thank you all
Hugs and love, Monica
Alcoholism is a part of almost every family I know....and it was in mine as well. My father became an alcoholic after we kids left home. I had no clue because I grew up in a household were NO alcohol was consumed. My dad became a closet alcoholic and only after a visit home when my children were babies and my father yelled at them for no reason and I told my mother I was leaving and not coming back that she told me..."Karen, your father is an alcoholic...that's why he is acting like that." Well, being young and not understanding such things....I marched out in a huff and went back to Wisconsin (my husband was in the service there). That very day I left, my father went to AA and never had a drink again. He went back to being the sweet, gentle loving father I knew. I will always be thankful to AA for bringing him back to me. have come so far in so many ways. I admire you, respect you, and feel honored that you have shared your story with us. You will never know who you may have helped out of a dark place.
With so much aloha,
Maui Karen
oh my goodness monica!!! how did i not see your post before?? i am so sorry i missed it!!! i am proud of you coming out telling your story of a different addiction since WLS!!! i also have started drinking...not alot mind you but more than i have before in my life...used to be about 1 or 2 drinks in a year...maybe 3 or 4 but never like i am drinking i have atleast 1 or 2 a week!!! i guess i just need the taste of something that is differnet than plain water or vitamins or crystal light....i love my smirnoff ice!!! one makes me feel good and sometimes i feel drunk but i am almost always in control....if i don't feel in control i stop drinking and get in control again....i don't see me going any further in my drinking...i never really liked drinking before WLS so i don't see it as a problem now for me. maybe its because my life is a happy one now? i am sure if i was still in my past life, drinking would become an issue for me!! i know what its like being lonely and i can also see drinking would become an issue for you or anyone for that matter...i know how you must have felt being lost without OH and the internet....i have felt that way since not having MY pc up and running...but atleast i DO have OH and my OFF family now so it helps...i still miss MY pc and MY emails from everyone but like i said i adjusted to what i have OFF family and its all i really need on the net!!!
wishing you continued happiness and getting off the day at a time....and remember we are all here for you if you need us!!!! so feel free to PM me if needed and i will be there for you!!!! as i am sure any of us will be here for you!!!
ok i rattled on long enough here i am sure you get the picture...
love and hugs
ps i am still wearing those bras you sent me!!! thanks again for being so generous!!!