Hey!! Hello!! Happy (Goodbye Ruby) Tuesday to you
Got up to snow on the ground this morning, with temps in the low 30's. Off on a nice trip today......I belong to a group from our community college, call Adventures in Life Long Learning......we're headed to Turkeyville (close to Marshall, MI) for lunch and a Christmas Show. This place is really neat and is all things "turkey"....and their shows are fabulous. We take a bus so I don't have to worry about driving, except to get out to the college which is about 20 minutes away.....my neighbor in the duplex is going too. Looking forward to having a day off.
Am working on the back stitching for towel number 3, there is a lot of it to do, next towel I will pick an easier pattern. Also am going to cross stitch the ornament for our exchange.....it is so cute! Last nite I finally had to quit as my eyes were starting to really bother me and I even had my magnifiers on.
Work tomorrow and will probably make the cranberry salad for Thurs.
DS and DIL drive to Detroit after she gets out of work today and then they fly to Mexico Wednesday morning.
They are going to a wedding down there for one of his best friends from high school...they'll be back really late Sunday nite.....I told him to call me when they get back....and he laughed and said "Mom, do you really want me to call you at 1 a.m.?" oops, senior moment and I said no let's wait until Monday!!
Everyone who posts on this forum is welcome and special and we love having you here.....don't ever hesitate to talk about whatever is on your mind.....that's what this site is all about. We all need support in our journey and this site is like having a support group right in your own living room......just gotta luv it!
Have a safe and blessed day.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Glad to see you posting this morning. I've been on this board a little over four years and the What's New thread has gone through some transitions. Used to be we had ONE Sistah who posted daily and did a recap of everyone's posts... it was long and time consuming and she worked a full-time job. Then we went to a schedule a week at a time so that we could get the recap.... and that was great for awhile...then.... we kinda took a vote and decided that it would be more fun for all of us to get a chance to post and let all our Sistahs have a chance at the What's New..... that way at least 5-7 of them would have a chance to jump in there and it gave some of our newbies a chance to join in and get acquainted.... We always hang around and know that someone will jump in there eventually. I'm so glad you took the initiative to do so. Thanks for being there and joining in.
The reason that 'oldie's are here is to provide support to the 'newbies' needing a spot on the bench. We've all been through the approval process so you might find answers that will help you along. Don't feel that you are whining unless you really ARE....:)
We all think we have boring lives.... trust me, I appreciate boring. Drama just about takes the legs out from under my table.
Hope you aren't going to need surgery on that arm.
So, speaking of boring. Yesterday I took an adventure minus the 1/2 Lortab. Went to the Allen Prime Outlets about 10 miles north of where I work...all the designer stores there.... ended up buying $50 worth of knee highs and panty hose... and a binder like panty that's soft. I have horribly fatty knees and sure wish I'd thought about a tan..:) I was wearing out and by myself (no fun) so only got Kara a pair of brown corduroy jeans with cupcakes on them. Did manage to 'phone a friend' (I've been watching way too much tv), and had a two hour lunch... known her since 1975. Came home, put on my jammies and went to bed. Most I've done since surgery.
Today I've got to call HR and get the release papers sent to me via email... then send to my surgeon or I can't go back to work on Monday. I've been a little remiss. See how I am, Sistahs... I just let ME slide... Then, it's nothing but housecleaning (friend from $4 coming over to help do the bending and stretching stuff)... sure that bedtime will be early today, too.
No plans for Turkey Day so the week will just be.... a week.
Enjoy your day.
Hi Margaret and the rest of my OFF Family from Sunny and warmer Florida!
Nice to wake up to your post and as has already been said, we like to read about what is going on in one another's lives and I deluged these wonderful people with my pre-surgery goings ons and they offered me lots of support.
Anyway, I hope you don't have to have any surgery that you don't really want to and as for therapy, it's great to have someone help us, awareness is the first step towards working through things, so I'm sure in time you will get where you want to. . .
Well, I've been sooo busy and sooo much has happened in the last couple of weeks since I posted, the addition on my home is framed and roofed, the electrical work is being done and by Christmas it should be done. There were a bunch of layoffs at my company and I still have a job, which is good thing in today's world, I have to go back to working 5 days a week come January to accommodate anyone who needs my assistance, so the positive of that is (a) I have a job and (b) I go back to making my full salary. I also traded my Corolla in for the 2009 model, got a really good deal and it only increased my payments by what amounts to a cup of coffee a day. Well that is some of what has had me busy.
This past Friday, I drove, first to NC to visit with my Uncle and Aunt and now I am sitting at the computer in my daughter's house in Florida, here to celebrate Thanksgiving with my two daughters, my older two grandchildren, her cute little doggies and their friends and Saturday afternoon I will be heading back home to NJ.
One last thing. . . I have recently made a connection with a manager of a Comfort Inn in Manhattan and in the coming weeks I will be looking for those of you who want to come to NYC for a gathering in the Fall of 09 to let me know, so that I can see what his best rate will be. The location of the place is 9th Avenue and 36th Street and by summer it will have been totally refurbished, so stay tuned and save those pennies!
Prayers and positive thoughts for all, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
It's a nippy 48 degrees here in New Orleans with clear skies, should hit 68 by afternoon - much better than yesterday's dreary, rainy, muggy weather! Our night out with George's two cousins and their wives turned out so nice. Both couples live out of town (one is out of state), so we don't get to see them often. Lots of sharing grandkid stories and pictures. After a wonderful dinner, we went to get coffee and beignets. There was a time when we'd probably have ordered at least 4 orders of beignets (3 per order). Last night we had 2 orders for 6 people. I managed to eat about 1/3 of mine and passed the rest to George. Either the beignet or the rich dinner has my tummy upset since 2:00 this morning. I'm taking it easy today with nothing but protein shakes for a while. This is my early week at work, I've been here since 6:15. Since I started my new position, one of the other girls and I trade off early/late weeks. We either work from 6:30 - 3:00 or 8:00 - 4:30. I've always been an early bird, getting here by 6:45, so the early shift is fine with me. It's those weeks when I work till 4:30 that get me - traffic in the morning, traffic in the evening - YIKES!
Bye for now, hoping to read a few posts before getting back to work,
I am getting ready to go walk on the treadmill, shower, get dressed and then off to work. Today is Tom's BD so I made him a cherry pie last night. I don't like cherry pie, thank goodness! I am putting a roast in the crock-pot, will go pick daughter up from college after work then have his BD dinner.
Our bedroom is almost finished. He is still making the floor to ceiling bookshelves but otherwise it's all done. It turned out just like I imagined and I love it!
Son is coming Wed. night from Seattle, and Thursday we'll have 13 for dinner at my house. I am a bit overwhelmed as I don't have Wed. or Friday off from work and I'm making the turkey, potatoes and dressing, plus setting up and I'm sure most of the clean up.
Things are going well, I am struggling with 3 lbs I have gained back and can't get rid of, I know why they stay but I am lacking the will power to get back on track completely. So I will just continue the fight.
Not much new....reading all about all of you every day...it is a comfort to see you all and hear about your lives...welcome to the new guys and good luck to those waiting.....
Take care all, you're great!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Hi Margaret, i guess all of us think our daily lives are boreing but that is what this board is for so you can talk about what you need to talk about.
Joe, my husband had surgery on his cervical spine friday, he is doing really good he got to come home on Saturday...they took out 3 disc and replaced them with bone from the bone bank and them used a metal piece to screw them down so they will fuse together;;they say he will have most all of his neck movement back but looking straight up...so they said if there is a job to do that involves looking up for a long extended amount of time like painting a ceiling then he isnt to that...lol he said that is good he doesnt like doing that anyway...
I had our support meeting last night , i had 27 people there and we talked about our Christmas party we will have next month in place of the meeting. hopefully we can squeeze in a little bit of meeting , i think i will use (what is your most memorable wow moment since surgery) think that will fit into the party mode ...
i have all my tender plants and all my house plants put in the green house and they are all doing well , my mandavieas think they are in the tropics and are growing all over the rafters and blooming so pretty. so it is like a bright red and green umbrella already dont know what or how i will get those out of there without just cutting them off ...i wish there was some way i could keep them outside but it gets way to cold here for that.
Thanksgiving we are having kids, grandkids,great grand kids and a niece and her two babies with us also Joes brother...i will make all the normal thanksgiving meal exceptthere will be several items that will have splenda replace sugar so i can eat some of a lot of things. lol who am i kidding..i still can barely eat any more than a half cup at a time of all things all togethe in. I am not trying to make myself eat more than that because i see with some of the girls at my support meetings they keep pushing and pushing till they can eat more and more....hopefully this will keep my weight from going back up...i have been basicly the same weight for a year. 159 to 162 i fit into size 10s and boy would i love to fit into 8s maybe when i have the panni area removed i will be able to. hopefully i am going to get that done after the first of the year. along with left knee replacement
We flew into Detroit last night yuck! It's so cold and It was so nice in Louisiana visiting family. It was in the 70's we just hated flying back into this cold. It is nice to be back in my own house. The biggest thing is I survived flying and think I could do it again.
We picked up the two Grand daughters on the way home so it's back to work for me. I have to admit I missed them.
I am lucky for Thanksgiving we just go to my dad's and I take a few pies so it's an easy day for me.
I always think my posts are boring!
Have a great day everyone.
Sounds like EVERYONE is headed to NC. We are eating around 2 on Thursday and there is always plenty if you want to stop by.
Got an EOB in the mail yesterday for my DH's eye exam. He has diabetes so Medicare will pay for his exam, ONLY IF YOU GET YOUR EYES DILATED, but they won't pay for the dilation. We paid for the dilation. The EOB shows that our secondary ins, DID pay for part of the dilation. So I will be calling them this morning asking for my $38. ALSO, they billed Medicare and the Med Sup for his eye appt in 2006!! My husband did not have his eyes dilated back then, so we just paid for the exam and told them not to bother billing Medicare. The eye place billed for a dilation at his 2006 exam, and our med sup paid part of it! Medicare said it was too late to file a claim on the exam. So they ALSO owe our med sup $38! That's why our insurance premiums are so high!
Today is dedicated to updating my address data base for relatives and friends. I'll be calling Mom and Aunt Betty for the relatives, and e-mailing 2 friends for their new addresses. There have also been some deaths and divorces so I have to take names off a few. Then I'll be making labels and making out Christmas cards. I like to have them in the mail the day after Thanksgiving.
A gorgeous day here! Except I have 3 dogs laying around under my feet, and one or all of them has awful gas! Not sure why, since I am feeding them the dog food my DIL sent down, but I have sent them to the den to visit my DH twice and he keeps sending them back to me!
Today is my Friday already! We are off W-TH-F this week because of the holiday so it will be a long 5 day weekend. I plan to get some Christmas presents done, do some cleaning and decorating and Planned Pethood work. The 2 new kitties are very cute but still ever so skittish. As I said they were feral until just a few weeks ago, so it will take time. They have no reason to trust me right now. I have been able to finally hold both of them for a few minutes, hissing and growling, but they do like the petting! They are still enclosed in the computer room until they can meet the dogs and adjust to me.
I cashed in my pitiful IRA last week and got the check, of course by the time I got the check I had lost about 1/4 of the total I had put into it which wasn't much. I used the money to get caught up, and I did some "stocking up", paid ahead on the water bill, paid ahead on several other bills and put down $500 on one credit card. Let me tell you that God has a sense of humor. I paid down the credit card on Sunday. My furnace has been acting up and the repairman came last evening. The bill? $583.00. Of course I no longer had the cash so it went ----on the credit card! How ironic is that? I couldn't see that pitifull 3K sitting in that account losing more and more and felt I could use it NOW and if/when I get a bit more organized with my financial health I can resume saving for the future. Retirement probably won't happen for me for a good long time. I'm eligable now, but certainly cannot afford it. On the bright side, I still have a good job a good boss and like what I am doing most of the time! AND I make a decent salary, my only problem is ME and my spending habits! LOL
Oh yeah, good news, the furnace repairman thinks with in the next 5 years I will need a new furnace....Oh boy!
Have a great Tuesday!
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.