
3 days post-op udate

on 11/17/08 8:55 am - Northern, CA
DS on 04/17/13

I'm 3 days post-op and cannot believe how incredibly well I feel.  I hope this continues.  I've tolerated water and today I'm allowed to get off the clear liquids and have tried a small amount of protein drink and cottage cheese - not together.  I've kept all crushed pills down.  I took pain medicine the night of the surgery and once the next day.  Medicine for nausa the first day only.

My surgery was scheduled at 3PM on Friday but by the time they wheeled me in it was a bit after 4PM.  I remained in recovery until about 11:15PM.  Some of that was pain control.  We knew because of the pain medication my oxygen saturation would be low and because I have that with my sleep apnea.  They were also waiting for a room to open up in the ICU.  I think ICU is standard procedure at this hospital when someone has sleep apnea and/or is diabetic.  It turned out to be really good care because they have one nurse per patient.  They put me on an insulin drip and monitored everything carefully.  After a few hours I was already felling bored.  I was awake, not feeling too terrible considering I had just been through surgery.  This was one of the ICU units that had been completely redone.  It had a flat panel TV which would have been great if it had been working.  They had some bugs to work out in the new unit.  The next day they moved me to a regular room on the same new floor.  It turned out to be a quiet, single room with a 42 inch flat panel TV that did work so I was good to go.  Had a very good experience.  They released me Sunday afternoon.  The only thing besides having to build my strength back up again and being sore in the belly area is the numbness and slight pinching I get on the outside of both thighs.  I did mention it to any of the doctors that saw me in the unit and they said they thought it was surgery related, the position they have you in on the table and would eventually go away.  One of the doctors told me that when they operate on you, they turn your bed so you are almost in a standing position with your feet on a board. I have back disc problems so I wouldn't be surprised if this added to it.  It should go away within the next couple of weeks.  I almost forgot to mention that my surgeon came in to see me on Saturday (I was surprised he was there) and asked me if I wanted to see a picture of my operation.  I said "sure!!"  He pulled out his iPhone and since I had a VSG, he showed me a picture of him holding up a piece of my stomach (a very large piece)  like he had caught a prize winning bass.  It made me laugh.  I was told by one of the doctors that I was born with a stomach that was for someone much larger than someone of my stature which is 5' 2.5".  I asked if overeating would have caused this and she said no, this was just how it is - lucky me.

I know I'm going on here but I do want to add this not so good experience.  There can be a lot of confusion at a hospital.  Knowing this from past surgeries at other hospitals, I printed out a list of previous surgeries and a list of current medications.  I brought many copies beginning with my pre-op appointment.  I also brought a copy of my healthcare directive.  The first problem is that it seems like each department is not technologically connected which they really are.  So I started with pre-op 1 week before my surgery.  They make a big binder there and entered everything in the hospital records system computer.  I go to get admitted and brought them the healthcare directive which they scanned, said it would take 3 days to show up on the system and to bring it in the folder they gave me to the waiting area reception desk.  I gave it to them.  When I got to the surgical prep department, they didn't have anything from my pre-op appointment or the HC directive.  When you get into recovery, they ask you questions again.  They again asked me in ICU as well as each shift that took care of me in the regular room - medications, etc.  Be prepared for this.  What I was not prepared for and what I thought I had planned for was I informed everyone that my partner/spouse of 23 years, Esther, would be there waiting during my surgery.  She was introduced to my surgeon in pre-op and I spoke of her in recovery and ICU.  They also had the HC directive.  When the surgery was over, my surgeon went down to see Esther and tell her I was OK and was in recovery and that she could go see me there.  When she got up there, the guy that was at recovery reception flat out told her she could not go in.  It was late and she decided she had to leave to check on our dogs.  We live at least 1 hour from the hospital. When she called recovery form home my nurse said "why don't you come up and see her?"  Esther was very upset and told the nurse they turned her away at the door.  The nurse gave Esther the ICU nurses desk phone number which she called the next morning.  In ICU one of my nurses was very by the book.  While I can appreciate that I don't appreciate that when Esther called asking for me she said because of the HIPPA law, she couldn't give her any information because she didn't know if that was really my partner even though she had heard me talk about her.  She didn't suggest that Esther call through the main ICU desk number where they could transfer her to me as she could not.  A friend of mine got through to me and told me that Esther was crying hysterically (not like her at all) and I told her to have her call me directly - they wouldn't let me call a different area code and you can't use your cell phone.  Poor Esther was worrying since the night before.  Esther was finally let in to see me in ICU.  When the nurse came up to her and decided she was going to give her some lame excuse, Esther told her she did not want to talk to her.  Esther thought they were discriminating against her (us).  I thought it was just an unfortunate chain of events, the kind that happens when there is a breakdown in communication - after all, this is a San Francisco hospital.  It turns out you need to give a code word to family members and the ICU and then they can give out information.  Were we ever told this?  No!  Between Esther going through the stress of my surgery and the episodes at the hospital, she was not herself until yesterday which was the next day.  The people that took care of me in the regular room were excellent to both me and Esther.

Many of you asked me to update you when I could.  Sorry I've gone on so long.


on 11/17/08 9:11 am
Sounds like you had quite an ordeal. I am happy you are feeling better.

Linda S.
on 11/17/08 7:02 pm - PHOENIX, AZ

Girl,you made it through the rain! I hope you can continue to grow.Attitude is everythig,and your's is great,welcome to the losers bench!

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


on 11/17/08 7:20 pm - Northern, CA
DS on 04/17/13
Hi Linda.  Can't sleep either?  Thanks so much.  I've taken my place on the bench and am making way for others.


on 11/17/08 8:01 pm
Hi Laya

Glad to hear you are doing so well physically. Great idea bringing copies of your meds and operations - you sure have to be your own advocate.
Must have been traumatic for Esther and for you not seeing her!
Hope things continue well for you

Judy G.
on 11/17/08 10:29 pm - Galion, OH


i hope you let someone know about this ordeal that your partner went through!!! that is just not right what they did to her!!!!


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