
What's new Saturday 11/15/08

Pat R.
on 11/14/08 6:49 pm - Sturgis, MI
Guess nobody is up but me and Linda......

It's a cold and rainy morning here.....the start of firearms deer hunting season.....glad I'm not a hunter sitting out there in the woods in the cold!!

I've been up since 4:45 ....when you all wake up, let's hear about your day.....

Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 11/14/08 8:13 pm - Jacksonville, NC

My day - BORING?  My weekend - BORING.  The kids have gone to Myrtle Beach for the weekend with 3 other families so I am doing the 'doggie dance'.  (Let dogs out, let dogs in, on and on). 

My Mom called last evening saying she had tried to get on our family web site on My Family and they wanted her credit card number and to pay $29.95.  I said, NO MOM, don't do that, our site is free to members (I pay the yearly fee).  She began to cry and said she already gave them the info.  I asked her why and she said "because they asked me to".  Of course, by the time she told me all this it was too late on a Friday to call them.  I told her to be sure to do it Monday, but I'm afarid she'll just say 'what the hell'.  Some days I really worry about her.  Daddy always did all the internet stuff and now that he is gone, she is trying to register at places in her own name (she finally dumped the dial-up and has a new address).  She is 84 and lives in a retirement place in TX.  She won't leave there because she and Dad moved in there almost 20 years ago and all of her friends are there.  I sure wish I were closer!

Hope you all have a dry, warm, safe weekend!

Grammylew in Jax


(deactivated member)
on 11/14/08 8:45 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Well, Grammylew, c'mon on down!!

Where in Texas?

on 11/14/08 11:21 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Hi, Janet.  She lives at Golden Palms in Harlingen.

Grammylew in Jax


(deactivated member)
on 11/15/08 8:26 am - Somewhere IN, TX
Well, Grammylew, I thought if she lived closer I could perhaps check on her for you.  Harlingen is several states away in your part of the world and at the OTHER END of the State of Texas.  I'm many hours away from Harlingen.

on 11/14/08 9:06 pm - NC
Good morning everyone!! Happy Saturday

My hair day today. Color and cut.. YESSSS Get those gray roots covered up lol

Then going to our church bazarre. There's a lady there that knits "scrubbies". OMG You all would love these little things. She knits some stainless steel in with the yarn and you can clean/scrub anything with these. They will NOT scratch anything!! I buy a couple every year for 2 bux each and they last for years. I've got alot in my drawer so I'll never run out. I use them in my kitchen and bathroom and throw them  in the dishwasher every time I fun it.

Then my Mom's family Thanksgiving dinner tonight. Although she's been gone for 15 years, I see her in every face there.

Also keeping our 3 year old and 1  year old grandsons overnite. PRAY FOR ME lol

Hope you have a safe and happy day!


283 / 268 / 215/ 160
(deactivated member)
on 11/15/08 8:28 am - Somewhere IN, TX

I've heard of the scrubbies with the steel and the yarn.  I'm thinking through KarenC or S, and can't remember which.

You're a better woman than I if you could handle a 1 year old and a 3 year old today.  My five year old wore me out this morning.

on 11/15/08 10:38 am - NC
They sure do wear me out. I can't wait until I can get this weight off so I can do more with them. Hubby is so great to do for them. He does everything for the 3 year old and helps alot with the little one but boy they have so much energy lol. I can't imagine when  they're 5 YIKES!! So we had our big family Thanksgiving dinner tonight and all three of them came home with us but the youngest one went home around 9pm.  We're taking them home in the morning at 10:00 am!! Then I'm coming home to die lol

Is your 5 yr old a boy or girl? Aren't grandkids just the greatest thing!!

283 / 268 / 215/ 160
Margo M.
on 11/14/08 9:16 pm - Elyria, OH
hi! rainy and ucka here- roxie went out -looked around abit- and did manage to do her stuff- brody just stepped out the door- and walked right back inside- he's no dummy!

today is plasma day and some minor shopping....i am out of white flour and have to do some cookie baking for wednesday for a DAR function...since wls , i have been using soy and almond flour a lot and not so much the white stuff- finally out!!!

still have to do the DAR minutes-first have to pick up something from another member -that's on my list on the way to plasma....

i found 190 buttons for jeanb last nite- was fun reminiscing in the button box!!! when i sewed; i used to find buttons i loved and then have to find a pattern and fabric to go with!

last nite, i had something almost profound to share with all y'all and this morning it is not even a distant memory-CRS i guess!!!!

hugs and prayers...............

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 11/14/08 9:43 pm - Grand Island, NE
Good morning, it has been a long night or short morning.......trying to figure out which.
I have a sinus infection......missed work yesterday........anyway on an antibiotic and a decongestant..............the decongestant makes me tired and awake at the same time.................I want to sleep but then I am awake in 15 minutes.................
It is really cold here and windy and rainy........no snow yet.

I went to Walmart yesterday after my Dr. appt and bought 5 tops for work and a sweatshirt and sweat pants all for under $40.00.

We probably will go our for lunch, there is a little coffee shop downtown that has the best homemade soups and sandwiches.  I used to get a chicken salad sandwich and cup of cheese soup....now I just order a cup of soup and usually end up taking some of the soup home.  We usually get there about the time they are ready to quit serving lunch and 99% of the time they give me a big bowl of soup instead of the cup and then they give me a container to take what I can't eat home.  Last week when we were there this man  kept looking at us and finally came over to our table, he had gone to high school with my hubby and this was his first trip back home.

I did the laundry in the middle of the night so that is already done for the week.........now I just need to dust and do the boring cleaning stuff today.

Have a good weekend......

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