Vicky S.
on 11/13/08 9:23 pm - Taunton, MA

Oh my... I can so relate to your post about Roxie.  We have two small dogs... one is allowed out to do his business off leash.  The other... heaven forbid he is out without a leash.... WHOOSH!! He's gone!!!  Then we spend hours..... HOURS..... trying to chase him down.

"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be." ~ David Viscott   


karen C.
on 11/13/08 7:57 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Rhinestone Cowgirl!

Fell asleep about 8pm so here I am ready to go at not quite 4am. Still very dark outside. We're headed out to see the wee ones about 9am and I am still neck deep in boxes. We're making progress and it's starting to feel like home but not there yet.

I had a wonderful, relaxing, warm cruise to Cabo, Mazatlan, and Puerto Vallarta. It was hot and humid. Discovered Coronas with lime and I don't even like beer! Lots of fun things like touring a small family run tiquilla (sp?) factory and watched tiles being made at a tile factory. Could have stayed there all day! Did lots of walking and came home minus 1.2 lbs. That's good as I hadn't seen the scale slide in that direction in some time. Trying to get back into my daily walking routine, but I get started on boxes and before I know it the day is gone.

Need to pack for the weekend so I'll sign off. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive.

Karen C

J Brown
on 11/13/08 11:31 pm - Omaha, NE
I sure have been missing seeing your posts, welcome home!! Your trip spounds wonderful. What a nice break  from all the moving work. I have been thinking it is about time for a baby picture up-date. I bet the girls are getting fast. Good to see you Karen.
annette R.
on 11/13/08 8:08 pm - ithaca, NY
Good morning,

Janet, thanks for getting us up and running. Maybe not running here, but up.

I got home from work all tired and cranky. Tom was cooking dinner - that was a relief. He said I look like I needed to be held. I reached up for a hug, he's 6'4", I',m 5'2", so it is a stretch. Lo and behold, he hefted me like a toddler, with my legs around his waist. Nothing kinky was happening, just a description. All I could say was "look at the dust on top of the fridge".  


 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Mickey S
on 11/13/08 8:29 pm - KS
Good Friday morning Janet and everybody!
I am so glad it is Friday. Plus, I am only working a 1/2 day today.  I don't have any plans just wanted to take some time off. 
Janet, you sound like you are feeling good.
Okay, I am going to ask what is Rise and Shine?
Do you guys who live in Dallas/Ft. Worth area ever go to the Canton Flea Markets. My husband and I have been there 3 times in the last few years.  I love crafts, so enjoy going. Don't usually buy anything. I guess it is just a stress reliever walking around looking at all the neat things.
It just hit me, where is Dorothy?  Has she been around lately?
I have not been making good food choices lately. The carbs have gotten hold of me.  I hope I can get this under control. Man, can they latch on to you and you start craving them all the time.
Well, better go.  Need to get ready for work.
Take care,


(deactivated member)
on 11/13/08 8:42 pm - Somewhere IN, TX

Good morning, Mickey

I'm glad it's Friday, too.  BUT, the downside is I only had 4 weeks off and I'm still with these darned drains and trying to get to strength back.  I wanted 4 weeks to clean house and shop.

I'm feeling okay.  Not as perky as I'd like to be but much more than anyone thinks I should be apparently. 

The Rise and Shine is a little cafe that is open until about 2:30 p.m. in Arlington Texas where the WLS group goes every two weeks to have breakfast together.

Canton Flea Markets. I used to live in Canton. That's where I got my divorce. God Bless America, Family and the Van Zandt County court system....:)

Dorothy got online a few days ago and reported that she has a life.  And she does.  I can attest to that.  She goes to see her children every couple of months.  One is in Baltimore, one in Atlanta.  The son and his wife in Baltimore had WLS and are doing well. She has a 'honey' in her life that may hang around for a LONG time.

I hear ya on the food choices.  Trying to be good.  I've given all I can and the next give is an arm or a leg to lose weight.

Headed for $4.


Cajun Angel
on 11/13/08 8:59 pm - New Orleans, LA
Hi Janet and OFFers!

Hope everybody is well and happy!

Would that be Canton, MS with the biannual craft fair/flea market?  BTDT  I've been up since 4:45, here at work since 6:15.  I'm all alone except for a couple of people in Pharmacology who share our floor.  Oooh, wait, I here two of the lab workers just coming in.  Coffee is made, and I'm eating my Weight Control oatmeal.  Usual breakfast is a protein shake, but felt like something different this morning. 

Plans are to go to the Farmer's Market in the morning.  Two authors will be there signing there cookbook - and ya'll know me with cookbooks!  This is a compilation of local recipes that many people lost to the flood waters of Katrina.  People were writing to the local newspaper's food editor to request the recipes...Over the last 2 1/2 years, many were sent in, so the food editor and a local chef/author decided to have them published.  I'm sure somewhere in my collection of cookbooks I have all these recipes, but this book will be a nice keepsake.  George is talking about an afternoon fishing trip.  Fine with me as long as we catch fish!

My foot is doing OK, not as painful as I thought it would be - more bothersome than painful.

Better get moving - I want to try to read a few posts before all h3ll breaks loose!

Mickey S
on 11/13/08 9:43 pm - KS
Hi Debbie,
This Canton is in Texas. And it is called the First Monday flea market and it's every month. Am I right Janet.   I miss flea markets.  When we lived in Missouri we went alot in the summer.  Kansas does not know how to have flea markets here.  They have swap meets and all they usually have is car parts. Sorry, guys, not my favorite things to look at. HA
But they do have a nice flea market in the spring and fall in NE Kansas area.

Have a good day!



Vicky S.
on 11/13/08 9:36 pm - Taunton, MA
Good morning all....

It's been a tough week.  I haven't been online much at all.  Work has been stressful, to say the least.  The positive about the week...... I'm still employed!  Next round of lay-offs are scheduled after the 1st of the year, so there is still a possibility but at least I can get through the holidays.

I was so "psyched" when I got on the scale this morning!  4/10 of a pound to go, and I'll have lost 40 lbs!!  It feels like it's coming off so slow, but I guess it's really not.  I lost 17 lbs pre-op and almost 23 since my surgery 8 wks ago.  That's average (or better) so I am happy!

Tom (hubby) and I are visiting the Yankee Candle shop in South Deerfield, MA tomorrow.  It sounds like it's a fun place to spend the day.  Here's the link, if anyone is curious.

That's about all for me today.

Have a great day, and a great weekend (in case I don't get time to post this weekend)!


"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be." ~ David Viscott   


Pat R.
on 11/13/08 11:38 pm - Sturgis, MI
I just wanted to say what a pretty smile you have......you're doing great on your weight loss.....congrats.

Everytime I see your picture, it takes me back, you look a lot like me
when I was 30 yrs younger.....LOL

Pat R.


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