Heavy Heart...
Tonight I have a heavy heart. My son's girlfriend just lost their baby. She was 19 weeks along.
This is the 4th grandchild I have lost. My one comfort is that I will see them one day and be able to love them in heaven . Keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.
This is the 4th grandchild I have lost. My one comfort is that I will see them one day and be able to love them in heaven . Keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.
Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...


Losing at child at any stage is so hard. So many don't recognize miscarriages. Luckily, the world is being enlightened about the fact that these are losses also. I lost 5 babies. 3 were miscarriages. I am so so sorry for your pain. My heart goes out to you.
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
donna, i am very sorry to read this news tonite. i will say a prayer for comfort for all of you.and sending a special gramma hug from one(me ) to another (you!)
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White