Tuesday Morning

Aime B.
on 11/10/08 7:38 pm, edited 11/10/08 7:40 pm - Baltimore, MD
Good Morning!
Not much to tell anyone about. I did hear from the medical examiners office finally. Norronda's heart failed. She didn't reject it. At least I now know I didn't contribute to her death. I have been so scared I did something wrong.
Time to try to go to work... Love all of you

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

annette R.
on 11/10/08 7:51 pm - ithaca, NY

It is good to see you Aime.

In August we got a nickel raise for mileage (first increase in years). This week the notice came out that the rates will be reduced because the price of gas has gone down. Our county is still more than 70 cents per gallon higher than elsewhere. Geeze! At least I have a job.

The doctor must have inserted a barometer with the mesh in my tummy. It aches with any weather change. Maybe I could get a job on the weather channel.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 11/11/08 9:44 am - Omaha, NE
I think you should move to Omaha and take over our TV weatherman's job.  He never gets it right.  I bet you could do way better.  How much is gas in your area?  It's 1.96 here right now but I see on the news tonight that oil dropped another 5% today so gas should go down again.  There is a gas station near my home that closed a couple of years ago.  The large sign next to the station still says 1.09.  I took a pic of it several months ago.  Maybe we'll get there again.
Barbara D.

annette R.
on 11/11/08 6:22 pm - ithaca, NY
Gas is $2.89 here. That is down but still takes a big chunk of $$ to fill the tank.

Fuel oil is sky high beyond belief. Since we live in the country, natural gas is out of the question. It's going to be a long, cold Winter.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Pat R.
on 11/10/08 8:09 pm - Sturgis, MI
Sitting here killing time reading the posts......so very glad to see you posting again, Aime.  Sorry you were feeling guilty about Norronda's passing, that's a natural thing, but we all knew it was not your fault, and anyway God makes those decisions. 

Waiting for DS to come and take me to the hospital for the endoscopy....it's awful not to have even a drink of water or my coffee......darn!

It is in the low 20's here this morning and going up
to around low 40's today.....rain off and on the rest of the week and the dreaded "snow" for next weekend.

Congrats George on that new grandbaby.....pray that all will go well and Mom and Baby will be healthy and happy.

Will check in later on....have a wonderful day all.

Loved the pics of Linda and Jan -- go****'s so great to see people's faces ....you both look fantastic!

Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
Eileen Briesch
on 11/11/08 1:00 am - Evansville, IN
Good luck on your test ... had that last  week and it was a breeze. I'm sure  yours will be too.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 11/10/08 9:11 pm
Good morning Aime....so nice to see you this morning!!

Bless your heart.....you couldn't have possibly had anything to do with Norronda's death......however I am glad that you now know that too.

Prayers and love coming your way.

Hugs, connie d
on 11/10/08 9:51 pm
Good mornig everyone.  Thank you to any and all veterans today and actually everyday!!!  As I grow older and wiser I am so amazed at the sacrifices we have asked our people to make.

I have today off and am not sure how I am going to spend it!  Lots of "shoulds" in my day, but it is cold, rainy/icy out, so I just am not sure what I'll do.  Want to work on sewing on my Christmas gift, cut out another quilt for my niece, clean the house..........I WANT to clean my house?......hmmmm, must not be quite awake yet if I wrote that!!!  Also have an elderly friend that I was thinking of going to visit and take for lunch, now that it is icy out, I don't think that is going to be a possibility though.

Council meeting didn't go too badly........better than I thought.  Lots of innuendos about the gal that quit and why, but guess I have pretty thick skin, because I did not let it get to me~~she knows the truth and must live with it!!

Still waiting to hear from my Dr......he should have gotten the results from my MMPI tests and am not sure what I need to do next.  Probably wait and be patient.  Actually the way work is going there is no way I could take time off before the end of the year anyway and I really would prefer to have my surgery in early 2009 since Steve and I have had no medical expenses this year, so no sense meeting deductible this late in the year!!

Better go, feel as though I am rambling.........best wishes and prayer to mom, dad and new baby!

Judy G.
on 11/10/08 9:53 pm - Galion, OH

morning aime and my OFF family....

well we got about 4 inches of wet heavy snow yesterday!! took bandit out for his potty walk and he was sooo into the snow!! he was running all over and jumping in it and getting all snow balls all over his legs and feet!!! his beard (wiskers) were also full of snow balls!!!! lol brought him inside and had to put him in the sink to wash them all off!! the snow was a packing snow so i couldn't get them off just by hand...then he went running all over the house in a happy playful mood...LOL silly dog!!!

had a talk with the woman that i was po'd at sunday about her work...she apologized and said she would do better. i hope so!!! also talked to the personnel manager about it and she wants me to make a sheet with what i expect each worker to do while working. ok i will do that. she said she would type it up for me also. cool!!! she also told me i should be getting my raise this paycheck so i hope she is right!! sure do need the money!!! already have the money being taken out for my health insurance so this raise will help!!

ricks leg is bothering him again today but he is at work!! good guy!!! feel sorry for him though..my hands hurt so i can imagine how his leg feels!!

erie is coming over tonight after work to try once again to get my pc online!!! pray it works this time!!!! i sure miss my pc!!!

made tuna noodle casserole for dinner last night...rick loves it alot so i made it for him. i ate some and thought i was gonna hurl...darn pasta still not agreeing with me!! sighs....

one of ricks old neighbors died. he said if he goes tot he funeral home this man that is her POA would probably have him thrown out. he hates rick for some reason!!! guess he was afraid stacy would give rick money?? she had talked about giving him some once and this man about killed rick over it!!! how this man got to be POA i will not know or understand...she has family that should have been POA...but none of my business...told rick maybe we should not go to funeral home...he said he might still go not sure yet.

haven't heard from diane on her heart dr appointment...wonder if she made one yet?

need to get some laundry done today seeing i am off today...hopefully it will be free soon...seems like they should have more than one washer and one dryer for every eight apartments....oh well i do get it done sooner or later....just seems that when i want to do laundry its being used.

not much else happening here so will shut the trap now.....have a great day everyone!!!


ps happy verterans day to all the veterans out there!!! and THANKYOU!!!! GOD bless america!!!!

Margo M.
on 11/10/08 10:26 pm - Elyria, OH
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