Big day tomorrow
Hello all
I haven't posted for a very long time. Even missed my annual anniversary update. This has been a rough year since my grandson died in March. I'm doing as well as I can.
There are so many new faces on here that I don't know many people anymore and many of you won't remember me. I've been around since 2004.
I'm posting tonight to ask you to keep my husband Karl in your prayers tomorrow. He is schedule for Rny with Dr. Scott at UTSW at 7:00 tomorrow morning.
After my rough start I'm very proud of him for taking this step to get healthy.
Thanks for all the postive energy that you can send his way.
You know you have all the prayers in the world from this board.
For those of you who might want to connect the dots on Lara; she came to visit us at the Slumber Party in Dallas and have dinner with us. Lara is a longtime friend of mine and a treasured addition to my life.
Lara had some real complications when she had her RNY. Those complications compounded with ever-present love affair with food have been a stumbling block for her husband, Karl. He waded in and went a little deeper and made the commitment for a healthier life. We've all been there. So, with that said, and a little history, Karl can have every good thought and prayer from this household. Please have Paul call and let me know how he is doing.
I won't be coming to the hospital as I'm not driving yet unless someone wants to come get me. I may see if I can find someone.
Lara, please continue to grace our OFF board with your presence and let us know how you and Karl are both doing.
Love and Hugs,
Please keep us posted on how he is doing. And welcome back to OFF. You have been missed.