Whats NEW Sunday edition!

Mickey S
on 11/9/08 7:41 am - KS
My heart goes out to you. Sometimes we just need to hear these things and remember people have many crosses to bear. 
In my life, I have never had to worry where my next meal would come from.  But as I get older, I wonder what it is going to be like when we are totally in the retirement age.  The way the market is going right now, we may not have much of a retirement.  My husband retired  a few years ago and the market hasn't been good ever since.
You take care, God will always provide.


Karen S.
on 11/9/08 12:48 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha darling Debbie....and all of you wonderful OFF peeps!

I'm posting first thing after reading Debbie's midnight words because if I end up reading everything first, I end up NOT posting because then it's too late, and I have to be off somewhere doing something......I know you know what I mean!!

I just put in three loads of laundry and when I came back into my condo, a fat gecko ran in the door.....so my kits (Poki and Nicki) are going to have a fun morning of "gecko hunting, pouncing, playing, etc" I'm sure they think I herded the little lizard in here just for their amusement.

Oh, what a beautiful Maui morning it is going to be. Right now, the volcano Haleakela is just rimmed in glowing gold as the sun is about to pop over the top and turn everything into blazing brightness. The usual Sunday morning outrigger canoes will soon be gliding past, but there won't be any surfers out there because the ocean is smooth as glass. BUT.....there's always a plus to every condition.....a smooth ocean means I can see any turtle head that pops up, or the occasional seal.

Yesterday at the hospital I had ELEVEN NEW BABIES to test!! For the newcomers who I haven't met yet, I have a part time job as a newborn hearing screener at the Maui hospital. My record number of babies was 13, but yesterday was very close. It took me over four hours to test them and then do the computer stuff. I got a lot of good baby snugs and happy smiles from the mamas and daddies.......all very wonderful for giving me a happy attitude for the day.

Right now I'm going to go make a big banana protein shake in the blender to get my motor running smoothly. I'm still struggling to keep weight on....I know, I know........you're asking and that's a problem because?????????? My friends tell me I look oh so much better around 162 (I'm 5'11" tall), and I get up to that and then if I don't eat constantly (snacks) I slide back down very easily. This morning 156! I just think my surgeon made my plumbing work very efficiently and everything just passes through and not much hangs around. I'm grateful for the weight loss for sure.....but I do know I look better with a little more meat on my bones.

Enough about me! I'm going back now and read all about ALL OF YOU! WELCOME to the newcomers......there are just so many of you that I don't greet each and every one like I'd like to....but you are oh so welcome, and I am so happy for you. No matter where you are on the path to weight loss surgery....and WAY after (like me)...this is the place for information, fun, laughter, TLC and everything else that happens in a good family!

Time to finish laundry and get going. Love to all of you and here's hoping you have an awesome Sunday!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Eileen Briesch
on 11/9/08 3:23 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Deb and my OFF family:

Ugh, it's snowing here ... or it was, a snow/rain mixture. Not really ready to see snow. And boy, do my bones/joints feel it. Not really in the mood to do anything much. But have to dump litter boxes today ... the liners have holes in them (not really sure how they get holes in them because kitties are four-foot declawed, but maybe from the scoopers?) Anyway, have dumped one already that's in the front bedroom/computer room.The good news is I haven't seen any kitty poop outside the boxes for nearly a week (keep your fingers crossed) so the extra box seems to have done the trick. But I'm still having Handyman Larry make ramps and steps for arthritic kitty  Nettie (I think it's her) and trying to find some glucosamine/chronditin for her.

Had a long talk/listen with my friend Roxane last night. Talk about financial woes ... even Rox has them, and she is a big-time saver. She has a good job at a hospital (although her husband doesn't work ... his/her choice, he is a house husband, stays home with the kids, has some rental properties he manages). Anyway, they started doing some work on their house because of roof leaks, found major damage in the siding too, rot in the wood and mold, then carpenter ants ... this project is already at $22,000 and probably going to cost more. Plus, Rox was always a very savvy investor and saver, and has lost a lot in the market and her 401(k) and college funds for her kids. She is my age with two kids, 11 and 7. As she started to tell me of these problems, she said, "I never want to hear about all your money problems again." Well, I know her problems are much bigger than mine in scope, but it's all relative. She always made more than me years ago, when I was just making $20,000 to $25,000 a year and she was making $80,000 to $100,000 ... now she actually makes less than me and is supporting the whole family on that. The economy is making all of us suffer in so many ways. I just  pray that Obama can make a difference for everyone. One way would be health care ... I know you, Margo, would appreciate that. Too many out there are uninsured or underinsured, and that's really unacceptable in our nation.

Plans for today? Along with the litter boxes, some ceramics work, some baking/cooking for the week if I feel like standing (I have protein powder to make protein balls ... it's fudge brownie flavor, I'll let you know how they taste), I want to make some apple muffins too because I have lots of apples that are going to go bad soon. Reading ... watching football ... the usual Sunday pursuits.

Yesterday I watched "Exodus" ... I had never seen that movie, although Rox called in the final half hour, 45 minutes of it (I had paused it a few times to go to the bathroom and do other things, so I couldn't record it when she called).

Spent a long time talking to my South Dakota friend Margie too ... it's freaky, she swears she has seen her dead husband in her house at times or smelled his cologne. I think it's because she has been going through his papers and finding all these hurtful things, like he had an affair ... I think somehow he's in limbo and trying to atone for all the hurt he caused her during and after their marriage. I don't know how a dead soul can do that ... I know Margie still loves him despite these revealations; I don't know if I could be so forgiving.

Well, I need some food ... tummy is grumbling. Have a good day. Love y'all.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 11/9/08 5:29 am - Elyria, OH
e-how long ago did margie's hubby die? sorry- i don't remember....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Eileen Briesch
on 11/10/08 12:53 am - Evansville, IN
Gee, I can't even remember ... three years, two years? He was sick for awhile; lost a leg to diabetes, had congestive heart failure, kidney failure, was legally blind, clinically depressed; she finally had to put him into a nursing home at the end, couldn't lift him (she's like 5 feet tall, and he was 6 feet something and heavy, and even with her daughter helping out, it was difficult). He would get the phone and order things on a credit card only he had, and ring up bills that she discovered after he died; she had to call all the credit card companies and say he was dead and she didn't have any money, she was not legally liable for his debt because it was in his name only. I think it's been three years at Thanksgiving.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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