S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y *** It's Saturday, What's new with you???
S - A - TUR - DAY .......NIGHT!!!!!
Brings back memories. I have the CD.
(For those of you who did not recognize it, it's The Bay City Rollers)
I am in the midst of a 12 hour shift. Real easy night tonight. The first two hours I took 10 calls. Since then (5 hours) 4 calls. I almost feel guilty. I said almost.
Tomorrow I was planning on going right to bed, I may go to breakfast with the Texas Message Board. Janet, hope to see you there.
Eileen and Vicky - Hope you are both feeling better. And Vicky, did you have a good time at the wedding? Prayers for your job situation.
Jacki - Planning the T-Day trip. Thank goodness I never have to worry about that. We are going to my daughter's house. 40 minutes away. T-Day with the new baby.
Margo - I remember a job I was selected for promotion to supervisor. It was 90 days probation, then the raise. They called me in for the raise. 10 cents!!! The boss showed me where to sign acknowledging it. I told him I would, but please forgive me if I am late in the morning as I will be looking for another job. I was gone in 2 weeks. Found a better job.
Annette - hope the suggestion helps. I live by it.
Pat - My wife is doing the craft thing on the 18th. Tomorrow a friend of hers is trying to sell some of Mary's stuff. She has made a bunch of wreaths.
Floyd - Good to see you. Now go take your calcium.
Joyce - Congrats on your 3 years. Feel free to vent regarding your son that just does not get it. I hope he wakes up and realizes what you did and why. We have a guy on the TMB that whenever someone accuses him of taking the easy way out, he tells them they take the easy way out every day. They use a microwave. They drive a car. He says those are easy ways. His surgery requires a lot of work. Hardly the easy way.
Brenda - We don't freeze dinners. We freeze ingredients. I have a bunch of chick breasts in the freezer. Frozen two to a pack. Mary cooks them up in the crock pot. I don't mind the same meal two days in a row. Doesn't bother me a bit.
Connie - Hope your weekend is great!
Karen - The windsurfers must be wonderful to watch live. I see them on TV or snapshots once in a while. Must be awesome in person.
Sorry to be so fussy. I just had to get it out. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm going to. I edited because of spelling errors.
George was wondering what isort of work you do..sounds like dream jobs to me, im semi retired nurse that anything that sounds like your jobs would be pure heaven lol , as a nurse you have nothing of the comforts that make life good...not even a pension plan hence the semi retired, when life catches up with us finacially i go back to work for a couple of months to get another bit of cushion built in. at least since this surgery and the loss of 112 pounds i can work easier than i could 10 years ago. the girls i work with cant believe that im the age i am and can most of the time work circles around them, and when i say girls i mean girls the oldest one is 24 , makes this old woman proud lol
nothing new this week end ,it is cold here this morning 39 degrees and only suppose to get 45 all day and rain . so that wont be good for doing anything outside lol...got all my flowers cut off and covered with staw yesterday so they wont freeze this winter.
we will probably take off on our Goldwing Trike in about a month to travel south for a month or two...looking forward to that...i know we are going to Az to visit daughter but that is the only distination i know for sure , where ever the urge takes us i guess. lol.
have a good week end everyone....
My full time job, I have been at over 9 years. I am an assistant supervisor. Basically, I am there for the newer people to ask questions of. Also, I take the escalated calls. The very upset customers. On a normal night, including the calls from the reps, I take about 8 to 10 calls a night. Not a bad gig.
y aknow, george, i can so relate to your story about the raise--i am trying to remain grateful about having a job; however , i really am starting to hate (and i know that is a strong word) the one i have! and they are not that easy to find around here- i don't have any college or special degrees attached to my name and my resume -well--my life skills and all of my volunteering should count for something--let's just say taht i was so excite dto get hired for this 20 hours a week! it was something til i could find something else--i haven't felt passionate about a job til the one that i didn't get a few months ago---and i'm holding out hope that i still might get it if the gal doesn't work out ....i also am still looking!!!!!!
we are up early - today is plasma day and we also have to drive to my daughters this afternoon--it's a hike and i almost didn't do it but she never asks and it's only 4 gallons of gas--that sux to have to look at something that way--while we are out there we have to also go to a certain store to pick up some special food for chico (bird)--hard to locate and cheaper than what the vet is selling us....
the down side -and i hesitated to say anything about this on the board -specially since some of you are quick to judge about how some of us spend our money --and you know who you are if you read this--(ouch-it's too early in the morningto be diplomatic so i am shooting from the hip) however- the rest of you will maybe understand my attitudes lately and in near future ---better after i tell this----this morning we are leaving way early for plasma cuz we are going to stand in a food line--a huge company has collected 15000 pounds of food and today is the giveaway--we will be grateful for whatever we are given as it has been very very rough around here the last few days or week and the next two -three weeks don't look much better...i haven't stood in a food (read that cheese) line since the 1980's and i have some serious trepidation about what this means about our economy....our country's and our personal ..michael and i between us earn approx $500 a month too much for food stamps and that $500 is just about my job earnings --so --do i quit my job and stay home --NO!!!! i keep praying that it is going to get better...so i am taking whatever groceries i can stand in line for....
ok- sorry- that was hard to put into words and i hurt about it......
hugs and prayers to you all.......
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Have a blessed day ....
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
I also believe that people need to do what they need to do. It is hard times and some aren't as lucky as others now a days. You and Michael need to survive and times are hard~very hard~and there is a lot of people having to do what they must to survive and put food on their table. Just keep doing what you are doing and God will provide for you. He is by having this food give a way. God provides for others in order to provide for those not as fortunate.
I am sending you lots of love and plenty of big old hugs to go with it.
You owe no one explanations and thank goodness there is a way for you to get some assistance, so take what you can! I am only sorry that you have to struggle and will pray for better things to come your way, you certainly deserve some good things to come to you!
As for judging, "Those that matter don't judge, those that judge, don't matter!"
I send my prayers and positive thoughts your way and hugs too!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Our society had made it really hard for those that ar trying
My neice had a job (she worked at a major hotel line in the laundry so you know her wages were not much more above minimum wage) and her car broke down she had to drive 40 miles to work. Since I work at a car dealership I knew that some times social services would help with car repairs . This was what she was told. If she didn't have a job they would pay for the repairs but since she was working they would not help her at all. She is a single mom with 3 kids and no support from the dad.
Since then she lost her job since she could not get to work one day.
I am so sorry this is happening to you...........but you have to do what is best for your situation and if that means standing in line for food............well then go for it..........
Will keep you in our prayers.