I don't know where to post this question
I'm just starting out on my journey. I'm 5'3 and weigh 250#. About three weeks ago I started having pain down my right leg and muscle spasms just under my rib cage on the right side. My PCP ordered muscle relaxants and PT. Everything the therapist did made the spasms and pain worse. It feels like my rib is out of place and is poking into my stomach. My right side is burning and the middle of my back is burning. I have tingling in my right upper leg. I'm waiting for an MRI appointment. All kinds of scary things pop up when I Google my symptoms. Has anyone here had this happen? Thanks for any input you can give me.
My first consult for WLS is next week!
I'm learning to love myself and take better care of me.
Dianne, I can only tell you what is happening with me regarding the pain that I have.
The burning and the numbness that you talk about is what I have on the outside of my left upper leg. That is because of the sciatic nerve. It really hurts and burns if I walk to much. It varies on how long is to long and so I am having to guess each time that I walk. Bummer but what ya gonna do? The tingling is also a nerve thing too. I am not sure if the nerve problems show up in a MRI or not. The only thing that I have that did is the degenerative disc disease and the herniated discs.
I would try not to aggravate the problem to much until you get the tests done. I hope that you find out what the problem is quickly and that you soon feel better.