What's New Wednesday? We have a new president

Margo M.
on 11/4/08 7:20 pm - Elyria, OH
oh sista! i know how you enjoyed tony.....however; i am proud of you standing your ground!! you ARE woman and i hear ya roaring!!! it's just muffled right now by your hurts......
i love ya--i know; it's not the same.....i'm here...we all are.............

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


annette R.
on 11/4/08 7:27 pm - ithaca, NY
   Laureen - sending you some extra love to get through the day.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Connie D.
on 11/4/08 11:31 pm

Laureen....I am so sorry to here about the break up. Sometimes it is for the best. That doesn't make it hurt any less!!
I broke up with my Tony almost a year ago. It was one of the hardest things I had to do. After four years of being together it really hit hard.
We have now remained friends.....it took him awhile to realize I meant only friends....he finally got it and now we talk at least once a week just checking in. We still care about each others families and it is okay to update as long as it isn't anything more. Part of me will always love him and he me.

I am sending healing prayers and hugs your way sweetie.

connie d
on 11/4/08 11:35 pm

A long gentle hug for you.  I too just ended a relationship.  It was only two months old but I thought it was going somewhere special.  He is a widower of just 6 months/ was married 40 years.  My divorce of 32 years ended 10 years ago this month.  I am ready for a relationship and he is not... still hurting badly.

Darlene sent a Message a while back that I re read several times..  I will send it to you PM.  It helps me when I grieve... that sick to the stomach feeling.

(deactivated member)
on 11/5/08 12:45 am - Columbus, GA
Wow.... your post hurt my heart and made me weepy Laureen.... having been through this myself I felt the pain you are feeling.... It's gonna hurt for awhile...

I know one thing for sure... and I can't be swayed at all on this opinion; Another door will open, and there must be a reason for this to be happening to you... It's hard to try and find anything positive in all of this.... especially now.... but it'll happen. You are a beautiful woman and so obviously intelligent and sensitive so I see nothing but a wonderful life ahead of you... you are more experienced now, and like you said, you should not have to settle for less than you deserve.

Do your best to smile, look ahead, and see a bright future for you ....

If I wasn't hung like a hamster I would take a shot at ya

See?... you CAN smile!

Eileen Briesch
on 11/5/08 2:40 am - Evansville, IN

I'm sorry your heart is aching over your breakup. I can't imagine what you're going through as I have never had to go through it. I think maybe the closest thing I've ever been through is a fight with my best friend, Rox. We have since reconciled, but the relationship is not the same as it was before. I'm OK with that, but it can never be the same closeness. We both changed, me after my WLS, Rox after becoming a mother twice. Our lives are different. I know that doesn't compare to your relationship, but it's the only thing I can think of.

Please know I am here for you if you need someone to talk to. We all are. Here's a cyberhug

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Brenda R.
on 11/4/08 5:51 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning, Eileen and my other OFF family. I hope that this hump day will go well for everyone.

I watched the election coverage last night, probably like everyone else did. I was touched by the speech that McCain had. I wish that we had seen more of that man during the time before the election. He turned so negative. It was kind of scary in a way. I pray for Obama, he has such a long road ahead of him. He is getting his plate full put in front of him. He is taking the highest office in our country and he needs our prayers and support. I know that he has to change things for the better since this country is in such a mess right now. It is like I always say~when you are at the bottom of the barrel there is only one way to go~up. This is a good example. This country is in quite a mess.

I too watched the election coverage and thought that same things that you did, Eileen. We as a country have come such a long way. It is amazing to think that we were lucky enough to experience all of these wonderful things that we have. I remember Martin Luther King and think of him a lot. I know that he would be so proud about what has happened. He was such a great man. One of the greatest that ever lived. It is a shame that his life was ended so soon.

I tried to sleep tonight but just couldn't. I did doze off for half an hour and that was it. Misty was sleeping on the back of the recliner when I got up and turned on the living room light. She raised her head and stared at me as if to ask what the heck was I doing. She went back to sleep very fast though. I wish that I could. I have been up from my short nap for over 3 and a half hours. i am going to be a mess in the morning if I don't get to sleep. I might take a couple of Tylenol since they just relax me enough at times to get some sleep. I hope it works this time. I should have thought of them earlier. Story of my life.

Bill's cousin is getting a divorce. He is blaming his wife for most of it but I know that he has been cheating on her for a long time. I guess he just thinks people are stupid and blind too. It irritates me when people think I am stupid and can't see the writing on the wall. I didn't just fall of the turnip truck ya know! Bill on the other hand must have because he sees his side of the story and I just want to shake him and tell him to open his dang eyes!!! I personally think that she is going to be better off without him but that sad thing is that she has MS and it is advancing more now. This stress isn't going to help her and the MS.

I guess I had better get to moving. I am hearing my Tylenol bottle calling my name now that I thought about it. It keeps calling me louder and louder. I am surprised that no one on here hears it.

I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for everyone too. Special prayers are going up for those in need of them. Eileen, I will pray for the test today. I know about Barrett's since that is what Bill has. The last couple of scopes that he had we held our breath about the results since the doctor kind of emphasized about the cancer risk. They turned out well thank the Good Lord. I will keep you in special prayers hoping for good results. They told me that I had Barrett's too and had to have a scope right before surgery and that doctor told me that I didn't have it. I was shocked. The one doctor told me all the time that I did. I don't understand but I am just grateful that I don't have it. Have a good day all and keep smiles on your lovely and handsome faces.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Eileen Briesch
on 11/5/08 2:49 am - Evansville, IN
Brenda and everyone:

The EGD was fine. Dr. Farr said everything looks good. He said about 10 percent of those with Barrett's will develop esophageal cancer, and while that is a very small percentage, it's still a lot. "That's why we have to check it every two years," he said. I love Dr. Farr, he's my favorite doctor. He needs to teach Bedside Manner 101 to doctors. After the scope, he came out and sat by my bed and told me what he saw, that he took some biopsies and look at my pouch. He said it was a little bigger than the last time, but still just about a half to 3/4 of a cup big. He said that was a nice size, so I should be able to maintain my weight as long as I don't graze and I eat healthily. And I struggle every day to maintain my weight (and it's a struggle, as all of you who are at goal or near goal know). He also gave me photos that show the pouch, the duodeneum and the Barrett's ... I think this is just fascinating. I'm sleepy but OK. My friend Mary Kay drove me, and afterward we went to IHOP for lunch and had a nice long visit.

Mary is overweight, too, and doing Weigh****chers. She has struggled with her weight for a long time, but has some heart problems. She asked if she could come our forum and I said sure, so you may meet her. She has not had WLS but I told her the forum was Obesity Help, so having surgery was not a prerequisite. She said OFF sounded like a lot of fun ... it is! So many nice people here, like you, Brenda, my sister from another mother ... and all of you sistas and brothers.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




annette R.
on 11/4/08 7:43 pm - ithaca, NY
Good morning

A full day ahead so I need to get moving. Work, flu shot, then I am going to sit in the bleachers and watch Melanie at gymnastics. She's a big girl now (3 years old) and parents/grandma's may only sit and observe. Sniff, sob - I miss attending the classes with her.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Margo M.
on 11/4/08 7:45 pm - Elyria, OH
morning! we watched election stuff til 1230 when i had to go to bed! i was also impressed with john mc cain's demeanor and speech and also wish that the true man had been more evident during the campaign. i am pleased with the turnout of the election tho i still would have preferred to see my hillary up there! there is so much electricity and excitement in the air for our country's future!!! when we voted; there was 1 person ahead of me in line so i guess we had a good spot!

folks; i have to tell ya...a double bed is too small for michael, me , roxie the hugamungous (in her mind!!) and brody -our new dane! roxie was feeling a bit displaced ( she normally curls in the crook of my knee) tho she did sleep very very well cuddled against my tummy .....brody does NOT curl up into a tiny ball as i was told!!! however , he shares nicely!!!

so- ok; melissa and greg and the two dollbaby girls (lexi and amanda) brought brody and it was a great nite! roxie didn't quite believe me when i told her that her new brother was a big brother!!!! he has been very well behaved since they left however he was stressed-couldn't figure out quite where they went! and i have to work on the morning routine putting the dogs out cuz we don't have fence- only an overhead "run" which-obvioulsy- only one can be on at a time!they both need to adjust.he is lovable and needs reassurance! .he is beautiful brown with white- i will have to get a pic of him to share, annette! and he is the dry mouth type , phew! melissa and greg had rescued him a few years ago and he will be missed by their family but it now gives me more of an excuse to see her!!!!

i got volunteered to do some baking for my DAR thing today so brody obliged by monitoring what i was doing! he is reputed to be a counter surfer so i have to start being very careful what lies around!!! i went so far as to wrap the brownies and the cookies and put them in the car last nite so he couldn't get them during the nite!!!when i shut the car door and he hadn't gotten inside, he walked around to the other side of the car thinking we were going for a ride!! nope- sorry!

today, after work, i will go to the DAR house (which is a block from my work),change clothes ( i work in jeans and they are a NO NO at DAR functions godforbid!!) and assist with a membership workshop-helping potential new members get their applications ready or their genealogy research moving toward becoming members...am hoping that the folks really come- we have 6 scheduled for the afternoon and i forget how many for the nite session..i don't plan to be at the nite session tho....i would love to be but not thinking i should cuz of michael and "the kids".

now here is the bad thing-chico (bird) has started making some sick noises again- started last nite- not that horrid horrid noise just not a happy noise..and so michael is , of course, concerned.....i do not know how this will play out....and i must wonder if it's attention now that there is a new furbrat here???? i don't remember hearing it before brody arrived....????hmmmmmmm

the OFF ornament exchange has 14 ppl involved already!!!! i will post again seperately in a few days before we do any type of drawing!i know it is early to even talk about but i thought maybe some would attend craft shows or make their own so we need some lead time! and i think  that there will be others that will want to participate .

well- i need to get some more protein in and get ready for work...eileen..i pray for a job with bennies or at least the ability to get them...for today; i must be happy with what i DO have even tho i don't like it!!!!

hugs and prayers.............................

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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