Secret Pal's on the over 50 board?
Hi Jenny and welcome. Every once in a while...mostly around some holiday, we have a secret pal drawing. An invitation is put out on the board and anyone wanting to participate signs up. It is anywhere from one month to three months. You send your secret pal e-cards or cards by snail mail...being creative where they are sent from so as not to reveal your identity. You can send little presents along the way, but the big reveal at the end is when you send a gift. Usually, around $10-20. It is not a mandatory thing...but if you sign up, you are expected to play. When we get something from our secret pal, we often post it on the board so they will know we received it and heighten the mystery. Join in if you like, the next time it is announced. Diane
No matter what a person's past may have been, their future is spotless. Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!!