How exciting to see you finally get your date with your new destiny, Alice! I'm very excited for you. I know how hard the waiting is, believe me. Keep busy and you're doing great by losing the weight you have before your surgery. I did the very same thing as you - ate the post-op foods and I'm so glad I did.
Congratulations on the date.
Thank you Everyone for your support and kind words.
I know the time will fly by...I have alot to do before surgery too. It'll be nice to be off work over Christmas.
I don't care about the food just being able to enjoy the music and lights and family without feeling rushed.
Thanks again All,
I know the time will fly by...I have alot to do before surgery too. It'll be nice to be off work over Christmas.
I don't care about the food just being able to enjoy the music and lights and family without feeling rushed.
Thanks again All,
I love Spring!!!!!!
I love Spring!!!!!!