Off to Bismarck for pre-op work..........
Tuesday, hubby and I will drive to BIsmarck and stay over night in a hotel for Wednesday morning my dh has a heart stress test at one hospital early in the morning and two hours later I begin my pre-op "stuff" at the hospital where I will be having my RNY on Nov. 19th. This Sunday I start my 1500 calorie pre-op diet and start the protein "push". I have practiced sipping, chewing slowly and have tried my protein drinks, and protein powder in different foods. I think I am ready!! So WLS~~~~~~~~~HERE I COME!!! Bring it On and Get 'er Done!!!
Hi Sandy
I am on day 6 of my 14 day pre-op diet and my calories are limited to 3 packets of protein powder mixed with water/day. That is a mere 840 calories IF all the 42 grams of protein with each packet are absorbed. Less if what I have read about the 30 gm protein absorption is accurate.
I have to admit to have cheated with boullion but there were no calories in it according to the package, but I really really was craving salt!
The doc's office supplied me with choc, vanilla, strawberry and banana cream flavors so at least there is some variety.
I do not sip them... I chug them down through the spout of the mixing bottle, I am so hungry!!
This Monday I go for my pre-op labs and xray... Don't think I need an ekg on file since my cardiologist sent one along with his approval letter to my surgeon. I hope they mail me a copy of those labs so I can see where I am with my levels since I was very deficient on iron and Vit D before I started supplementing.
Best to you, Sandy!
I am on day 6 of my 14 day pre-op diet and my calories are limited to 3 packets of protein powder mixed with water/day. That is a mere 840 calories IF all the 42 grams of protein with each packet are absorbed. Less if what I have read about the 30 gm protein absorption is accurate.
I have to admit to have cheated with boullion but there were no calories in it according to the package, but I really really was craving salt!
The doc's office supplied me with choc, vanilla, strawberry and banana cream flavors so at least there is some variety.
I do not sip them... I chug them down through the spout of the mixing bottle, I am so hungry!!
This Monday I go for my pre-op labs and xray... Don't think I need an ekg on file since my cardiologist sent one along with his approval letter to my surgeon. I hope they mail me a copy of those labs so I can see where I am with my levels since I was very deficient on iron and Vit D before I started supplementing.
Best to you, Sandy!