Good Morining my OFF friends
Hi, just wanted to let you know how I am doing. I am now 9 days out and doing great. I am still sleeping in the recliner but hope to get back to bed soon. I am sipping, walking, and resting as required.I am still on full liquids till I see my surgeon on Tuesday morning. I finished all my pain meds on Wednesday and have not needed anything else. I am getting some protein in each day. I put a shot into my jello when mixing it up and also I am taking 2 to 3 oz of protein shake atleast once a day. Hope this finds all of you doing well. Have a great weekend.Hugs
Cheryl, it sound like you are doing just fantastic. You are going to be seeing such a great results of doing what you are suppose to be doing. It will all be good and so worth the things that you must go through. Just keep doing what you are doing and like Marc said it is going to be falling off!!!!