Mouthwatering Monday~shrimp
Alright brothers and sisters.......let us all put on our thinking caps and post our favorite shrimp recipe for this coming Monday. We should all start looking now and then come Monday morning we are all going to be ready to share ours with the rest of our OFF family and we can add another chapter in the OFF the kitchen wall cookbook.
I love shrimp......and fish too.........oh heck I just love food! So let's concentrate on SHRIMP!
If anyone has an ideas on other chapters just let me know and we will give them a try.
Thanks for all of the great recipes that you have all shared.
I love shrimp......and fish too.........oh heck I just love food! So let's concentrate on SHRIMP!
If anyone has an ideas on other chapters just let me know and we will give them a try.
Thanks for all of the great recipes that you have all shared.