DH's WLS journey, X-post
My DH began his WLS journey in Feb. Did the 6 mo diet, and all the labs. Was told he had kidney probs - turned out to be nothing. Stress test showed problem with bottom of his heart. Scheduled heart cath- was cancelled because his labs didn't look good. Stopped the maxzide, redid the tests - all was well. Had the heart cath yesterday. The problem that showed up on the stress test was just from his abdominal fat. Yippee!! BUT, he does have 60% blockage in one artery - this DIDN'T show up on the stress test. But they won't do anything about it. He will continue on his aspirin, chol meds and he should lose weight. DUH!!! SOOOO, we are, once again, waiting for Dr. Pender's office to get all the results of all the tests, so he can schedule the 'decision appt' and then they will submit to insurance! So he MAY eventually get this surgery! On a different note. Because he was off his maxzide for 2 weeks his legs are WAY swollen. Almost to the point of blisters and going to the wound center again. Hopefully they will be back to normal again soon.
wow!! happy good news and then dam have to wait for the rest of the news...hope he gets approved soon so he can live a healthier life!!! i know the swollen legs have to hurt!!! been there done that...still have some swelling after being in the heat of the food court and standing for hours...keeping fingers crossed he gets the go-ahead for WLS soon!!!!
Hey, I am glad to hear the heart cath went well. I know that a 60% blockage is not live threatening. Just be sure that he is aware that a heart attack does not have to be excrutiating pain and can just feel like regular heartburn. That is what my husband thought and he was having a massive heart attack. If he had went and been checked out earlier he might have avoided the major damage to his heart. He should not have any problem unless the blockage increases in percentage. I hope that you will hear something soon and that his legs will go down and you won't have to go to the wound center. Good luck. I'll be think of you and sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
Thanks, guys. His leg swelling is way down. They are almost back to normal. Part of his problem is he can't lay in bed very long. He prefers to sleep in his computer chair. So his legs are only elevated 3 to 5 hours a day. We'll watch any symptoms he may develop that could even remotely be a heart attack. We will both breath a lot easier once he has his WLS and gets some of this 150 extra pounds off.