IT'S SATURDAY!!!! - What's new with you????
Hope all those shoppers are having fun in Frankenmuth. It's a shame we could not all go, but someone had to stay back and man the board.
Annette - Hope you are feeling better.
Linda - Good luck Friday.
Laureen - Hope your meeting goes good.
Cheryl - My wife loves scrapbooking. So much so that one of her screennames she uses on sites is Scrapbookdiva. One room in our house is nothing but scrapping stuff. Right now she is not scrapping though, she is making Christmas wreaths. She probably has 30 or so made already.
Alice - Good luck on the negotiations
Joan - Prayers for you on the job interview.
Karen - We are all so jealous of you.
Connie - Hope your ex did not have anything bad for you.
Kathi - Enjoy your 3 days off. Not many people get Columbus Day off these days. Bankers and teachers. But the schools don't even call it Columbus Day any more. It is a "Teacher's Work Day".
JeanB - Just put a smile on your face and make the most of it.
KarenC. - Was the movie good?
Brenda - Hope you are feeling better.
Hope you all have a wonderful day.
That was a nice summary for us. Thank you. That's the way we used to do this thread, one person signed up for a week. It was good but a huge amount of work. This new method is working beautifully.
The one week checkup was good. I saw the PA but my surgeon poked his head in the room to check me too. He asked how I was feeling, I said "FAT", he told me I look gorgeous.
Being curious, I asked how big was the me**** is 4"X6" - kind of a big index card.
On October 31st, I return for a follow-up visit and my TWO YEAR visit.
Thanks for the update, George.
Annette, glad to hear you're feeling better! I've been poking around and checking in once in a while this week, really too busy to post, but did make sure you were doing okay.
I had my 2 year follow-up on Thursday. Doc checked for hernias, none to be found---YIPEE, and all my lab work is high normal, Vit D=53 and B-12 greater than 2,000!!! I'm thankin' my lucky stars!
Keep're our only Annette. Gotta take care of yourself!
Big skinny hugs to ya
So glad to see you getting back to feeling better....relatively I mean.
Mesh...hmmmm....I have mentioned before that I have chronic pain...chest pain. Location of my past esophagus surgeries, no one seems to know what it is but they have sort of settled on "scar tissue." After each surgery I feel better but after a month or two the pain is back, achy, throbbing pain. Kinda like arthritis in my sternum area...anyway...Tom thinks they should put layers of cellophane between my pieces parts...wish a mesh thing would work....
But Oh, well...
You are gorgeous!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Thanks for the prayers. I can't imagine all the things on your schedule after being at work so early. I am an early riser..usually awake by 4 but try to stay in bed till at least 5 so I don't disturb the rest of the family.
Took hubby to work today since we are now a one car family until we can afford to get his break lines replaced. Maybe if I get the new job...
DD has to practice for Human Video at church for Youth gathering tomorrow.
I need to work on guest being used as a storage room. Yikes, I must find a place for everything or get rid of it. we have queen bed coming so it can be a "guest room" once again.
Need to enter more grade for DD into computer program so we can generate her report card in a week.
She is doing very well so far...we are on the race the the finish line for sue. Our 11th year and I am still her favorite teacher (smile). Although I can say we do get tired of being together 24/7 some days. I am truly blessed she is such and easy daughter. No drama like eldest one. This one is shy and quiet. Other is great, just more like Mama and very active and many words (smile).
Have a great Saturday and Sunday everyone!
Yes, George, I too have a scrapbooking room. It is actually the whole 3rd floor which is one huge room. Since my surgery, I have had little motivation to create and worry that the passion I had for it is gone...
I keep trying to do a little here and there but can't seem to get into the's like my creative part of me left with the fat.
My house is in such disarray! Tom started the painting and sanding of the bedroom and we have "stuff" everywhere! His dresser is down in the entrance hall and we are in Beth's room which was a MESS before some of our crap invaded. I do not do well in an unorganized messy space. Everywhere I look is chaos! I just keep breathing deeply and try to picture the end product...Lamaze breathing worked a little last night.
Today is grocery shopping and painting and hopefully a little nap...and the old treadmill. I go see my surgeon Monday for my yearly and final meeting with him.
Have a good Saturday all of you home and all that are together in Frankenmuth!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
We are all here (that were coming) except our Brenda, who we hope is feeling better and missing all the rest of our OFF SISTAHS AND BROTHERS.
It's been a fun weekend so far.....we all had supper together last evening and most are just finishing up the
nice free breakfast here at the hotel, then we are off for a morning of shopping and sightseeing.
We are meeting at 1 p.m. for lunch at a local benefit featuring seafood and BBQ chicken. After lunch we will
head for Bronner's Christmas Store for more shopping
and lots of ooh's and aah's.
Some of us tried out the hot tub last nite -- it was nice
but very hot!!
Will check in later....have taken pictures which I hope to post when we get back home.
love and hugs to all,
Pat R. and the Frankenmuth OFF gang
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Good Morning Everyone,
Not much to report here. Mike and I saw "Appaloosa" yesterday. We both liked it. Not a "must see again" but enjoyable with a bit of a twist. Returned to the house after the movie and the bedroom carpeting is finished but great room and bonus room not quite. Carpet is cut and layed out but not installed yet. So I imagine it will be Monday before it is finished. Plumber still hasn't installed bathroom fixtures. Not sure what the "clog" (pardon my pun) is there. Builders say we'll be "in" in 7 days. I'm thinking about 10 if we're lucky!
I'm sure we had frost last night. We didn't have a garden to put away this year. In years past we pulled out tomatoes roots and all and hung them in the garage upside down to continue ripening having tomatoes until around Thanksgiving time. They were still better than the ones from the store. I look forward to gardening again next year. We have an odd shaped back yard with the east side being about 30 ft longer than the west. So we'll make a triangular shaped garden area with gravel and then make raised vegetable beds. When the sprinkler system is put in we will have spigots put in the garden area so that we can put timers on that area if we are gone for a few days. My days of moving hoses are over! Yay! Tho I know sprinkler upkeep will take plenty of time too.
It looks to be a glorious fall day here. I plan to get out for a nice long walk. Maggie and I walked yesterday. Her little legs just really pump to keep up with me. She does great for about a mile and then needs to be carried. I have a "front pack" that a neighbor made that she rides in.
Oh. . . . big news from the grandbaby front! WE HAVE A TOOTH!!! Hannah cut a bottom tooth; Erin says it's still hard to see but she can feel it. Hannah tends to do everything first. Born first, roll over, and now a tooth. Miss Clara is content to tag a long.
Well, enough of me. You all have a nice weekend and take care.
Karen C