What's New Thursday?
i DO feel that the job will be mine
anyhow- hugs and prayers and gonna miss you all -will be home sunday!!!!!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
My DS is coming for a visit this morning, so I have a couple housekeeping things to get done before 10:30
After she leaves and I have lunch I will drive back to Farmville to get my medicines I dropped off the perscriptions yesterday. (Did I tell you I got a manicure yesterday? First one in years! I told myself I can have another one when I am down to 20 pounds total off. 7 1/2 to go!)
Cooking baked fish tonight. It is wonderful to be on real food again, though very little portions. No problems at all so far.
The weight is coming off and clothes are getting loose so things are working!
Have a great day!
morning eileen and my OFF family!!!
well its a nice day here in ohio...sun is out and not to cold!!! going to get my car looked at again so i know for sure what part i need to get and have it fixed next week...also going to ricks moms and get my stereo stuff now that we have room to set it up....raick called another friend to come look at my computer and get it up and running...he will be here on sunday!!! woohooo finally i will have my own pc...LOL man i miss my emails!!! (also will be able to get to my elfster account!! can't get it on ricks for some reason...grrr)
made scallopped potatoes and breaded pork chops for dinner last night...rick loved them!!! should have seen him scarf them down...LOL made me happy that he liked them so well!!!
not much else to say right now so i will probably be back later on and let you know what i found out about my car...hope all of you that are going to frankenmuth have a wonderful time there and drive safe ya hear!!! can't wait to hear all about it!!! if you meet phyllis while there give her a hug for me!!! thanks!!
hugs and love
Sounds like you are all getting packed up and ready for your fun filled weekend!! Wish I could be there....I will be in thought!
Not much happening today. I was supposed to attend a three hour meeting this morning but I canceled out. I can't sit that long when I am in pain like this. I really don't think I am missing out on much anyway.
Sunday a bunch of us from the MN board are getting together to do some crafts. We are having a pot luck and a bon fire later in the evening. That will be a great time if the weather isn't too cold.
Nic and I chatted last night. This is his chemo week so he was feeling kind of run down but overall he is doing okay. He had a biology test he was concerned about but ended up getting a Bt on it and was very happy!! The rest of the grands are doing great. Amanda and Kyleigh are fighting colds but are improving everyday too.
Nothing much else to say. I will check in again later. Have a wonderful day everyone.
Love, hugs, and prayers to all......connie d
Eileen, give the OFFers a hug for me. Enjoy your get to gether, can't wait to hear the details in a few days.
So sad about Aime's DIL. My heart is breaking for her family.
The boss is lecturing from 8:30 - 9:30, hope he goes home immediately after! I can't deal with his grumpiness today. I already have a headache.
Hi Eileen and Friends,
Man oh man is it ever fall here all of a sudden. Down into the mid 30's last night. Pretty close to "frost on the pumpkins" as the saying goes.
All y'all (as they say in Texas) have a wonderful time this weekend. Sure wish I could have gone, but have to be a big girl and fulfill obligations here in town! I wear my "it's a friend thing" t-shirt from the Texas trip all of the time. It makes me smile with wonderful memories every time I put it on!
Make lots of wonderful memories this weekend! We want to hear all about it and see pictures, lots of pictures. George talking about the fair brought back wonderful memories of last October's trip to Texas.
So saddened to read about Aime's daughter in law. She had so many strikes against her. But Little Paul. . . how he must have brightened her days. And she gave him the gift of life. She was young. That is always so hard because it doesn't seem like she had the chance she should have had. My thoughts go out to Aime and her family.
I have to get going. Lots going on at the house this morning. Just wanted to post and send hugs to you all.
Karen C
So sad to hear Aime's news. What a fight that was.
I got my new c-pap finally last night and I can tell some difference today. Not totally but some anyway, so that's a good thing in my book!
Weekdays have been so hectic for me lately I haven't been posting, today however the boss is gone so while the cats away the mouse will play! LOL not really but at least pop on here!
Hope all is as well with everyone as it can be. Hope all the Frankenmuth folks have a great time!
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
I am so tired today! I got to bed around 12:30 am. But I must say I accomplished alot!! I made a cauldron (lol) of homemade spagetti sauce. I figure if Ragu can put up jars of sauce so can I!!! I put up 12 quarts of spagetti sauce. I am bad for forgetting to take something out of the freezer for dinner and if I come in from work and there is nothing to fix I don't want to bother. It is just the two of us so we were eating out too much! So now I can always grab a jar of something! I am going to cook chili tomorrow (another cauldron) and can it. Then I think I will do homemade veggie soup and beef stew. I have never canned any of those so it will be an adventure. I am really excited about it! Crazy huh?
Anyway, I wish I could be with you all at Frankenmuth, but it is just too far with the economy the way it is right now. Ya'll be careful, drive safely and have a good time.
Hi Eileen and Everyone,
Hugs and prayers for Aime and her family right now.
I hope you all have a FANTASTIC time in Frankenmuth! I have no doubt you will.
Nothing much new from me. Working very hard. Way, way too busy. Not much time to post here on OFF these days. My daughter called with a report card update from my grandon. Five A's and two Bs. it's an accelerated program combining junior and senior high school so she was naturally very pleased with his accomplishment. Me too.
That's been the highlight to the entire week around here. Take care.