Do you have any pets?
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
Carl is a rescued Rottweiler. A woman found him after he'd obviously been on his own for awhile, hungry, dirty and skittish. And his tail had been whacked off without the benifit of post op sutures. She took him in, fattened him up and after awhile her alcoholic husband returned and started beating Carl. A mutual friend knew that I'd lost my previous Rottie, Reba, to cancer about a year prior and that's when Carl came to stay.
Aside from a natural tendency to guard the yard from strangers, he is gentle, hapapy and just wants to be loved by anyone who will. He isn't agressive toward people or animals, stays close by when we're out and lives for mealtimes.
He still cowers occasionally if startled by sudden movement but not much else bothers him. He's a little stubborn about learning new things (not the brightest pup in the litter I think) but he is a faithful, loving and entertaining companion. His muzzle is turning grey now and based on the vet's initial judgement he must be about seven years old.
Blogs and
High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Ying and Yang are Tabbie sisters. They look so much alike that I can't tell them apart unless they are together. I think they were about 6 or 7 weeks when I found them. Ying is feral. Tolerates me in her space as long as I dont try to pick her up. Yang loves to love but only on her terms. Can't pick her up but she climbs on my chest several times a day for some some "loving".
Seems like I always get the "nutty" critters. Or maybe I am the nutty one. LOL
hi george...well all i have now is bandit...he is a shih tzu about 1 3/4 years old now....he is the one that found love at first sight with me...when i first saw him in the pet store he was sleeping...i tried to wake him up to see how he acted...he just laid there...i had to walk away because i was starting to cry...(lost spike to a horrible death a few months before) that got bandit up and whinning and i came back and he was all wagging his tail for me to pick him up...i did and he licked my face where the tears were rolling down my face...we knew then he was the dog for me!!! he has been there for me whenever i am down in the dumps and gets upset when i leave him behind...he has been a godsend to me ever since i bought him!!! he is a protector to me also....soon we will be bringing cocoa here its a ****atiel and its pretty cool for a bird...can't bring goose (parrot) no exotic birds allowed here...can't have sassy (cat) either because its a one pet per apartment...might get a fishtank tho not sure yet...have to wait and see if there is room for one after we bring the bird home.
so thats my pet story...
Since my daughter is now living with us we also have a 2 yr. old Boston Terrier (it's my grand son's), named Princess Tzo, because she looked so much like her Mother (also owned by my daughter, that's a whole 'nother story) but is actually called Puppy. (thanks to my grand daughter)
Hugs, Peggy
We also live on about 20 acres and have outside cats. More show up every day LOL. I just put out food. Most of them are friendly Dont know how old they are. Brownie and Snowball try to come inside. Stormy is friendly also and Lil Bit will let you pet her when she wants, but BJ is still skittish and won't let us touch him if he can help it. We are trying to find them good homes. Can't keep them all.