OK everyone! B&W mandalas for you to play with!
I have added a few black & white mandalas for you to copy and colour.
Sit in a quiet place when you get some alone time. Start at the outside and colour towards the centre. If you have any meditation music, play that softly while you colour.
Take note if you find yourself feeling more relaxed...more centred.
In a few weeks, I will have colouring books for sale on my website if you want them.
Nancy B
LOL..funny tho that you should say that, hun. My parents didnt know how to be nurturing (due to their own disrupted upbringing) and I made sure that I would be the kind of mother that I had needed as a very shy and insecure child. In fact, I still have a 30 yr old son at home...Ive got to stop cooking with cheese!!!