Time for the great protein debate...
You are so right on the dense protein, and always protein first, then good carbs, not a lot of room for anything else if you do that. I am excited about my soy wheat bread, 15 carbs and chock full of good stuff .
Will I never enjoy food? I hope not, for we are blessed to have it and we need it. I too feel weird when my protein is too low(except for that day I forgot to eat)!
Do I LOVE food? No...I love me more. Someone has a quote on OH that says "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels".
Well, I ain't thin yet, but it sure is nice to be called gorgeous and beautiful.
Have a blessed day!
It is my belief that if I do the right thing, there is no reason my tool should stop working. Of course meds can get in the way, and since I still take predisone (1/8 th of what I used to), and of course there are other meds also that can make you gain weight, my weight may go up a little, so far not over 10 pounds though, and then I start losing again.
I watch out for emotional eating and am thankful I have awareness and can discern hunger from pain now. I get on the scale when I DON'T want to, as I am determined to deal with my realities now.
I also had diabetes, which no doctor told me until my surgeon consultation, he mentioned it so matter of factly, then followed up with, "WLS will take care of that". I sat in his office and cried like a baby while I waited for my ride,I did not realize why I had sweats, and glycemic reactions to food until after surgery, until a few guys here started talking about it. I also did not know I was almost 500 pounds as his scale was the first one that could weigh me for years. Some of the weight was from steroids, but there is no need for me to BS myself about where most of it came from.
I will post a new pic soon, as I realize now I am much smaller then the one I have posted. I will still look at a blouse hanging up and be convinced it will not fit me, the same with jeans.
What a dangerous neighborhood our minds can be, and I no longer venture there un-armed...smile.
Ain't doctors grand?? All they saw was fat, they did not care to see the person...or address my health issues, I was a lost soul.
Amazing grace, I am alive and kicking today!
Simply amazing story Linda. Such an inspiration! I spent 11 yrs in therapy back in the mid-80's thru mid-90's. It is where I began my self exploration, and I learned back then it is a life long journey. I think about what I learned there every day. Some days it's harder to face then others, but when you don't eat, those demons smack you right in the face and they are hard to ignore. I think that is what finally brought me to this place...being able to admit that I couldn't do it alone, and I needed something to help me contnue. This is my tool. I am a baby at this part of the physical journey, but I realize it is an emotional journey as well, and I am not afraid to go on. Somehow, facing surgery seemed even more like facing mortality, even tho I know, not facing surgery was the real killer. I hope to get to that deep and loving light inside as I tread along. Thanks for shining your light on us every day!!
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
My mom and dad both came from different cultures, yet both believed chubby was healthy. I had no interest in food and mostly dazed out or pushed it around my plate. My mom took me to a doctor who told her to make me drink beer to give me a appetite, I was 8 years old...can we say QUACK??
I was beaten, startled by loud bangs on the table, and teased for being skinny. I then learned how to eat without feeling,without hunger. Of course once I started eating, I could not turn it off, and got too fat. Thus began the diet pills and pure liquid speed that was so strong it was taken by eye dropper.
I remember my first day of true isolated eating. I played hooky by coming back home after everyone was gone, getting cans of corn and laying in my bed eating all day! I was still in grade school.
I gained weight for the next 16 years or so.I remember mom finding candy wrappers in my room while I was going to Weigh****chers with her, thus I began to steal food.
I then attended OA (Over eaters Anonymous), like AA but for over weight people, actually people with any eating disorder. I lost down to a size 12 tall, but learned so much about my disease, my compulsion. I let my ex talk me back into a bad marriage, which started my bullemia, as I tried to stop the pounds from coming back, I was 26 by then. I picked up on OA again when I was about 40.
The lessons I learned about myself, the good council, never went away. I over ate again, of course, but do to the awareness, could never have the bliss of oblivion again. I KNEW what and why, and even who. I could not stop myself though.I started looking at the members like whiney babies...of course "I" was not like them...LOL.
I made ammends, came to a lot of realizations, and that road is what lead me to where I am today.
There were a lot of people who told me I was going to die, I was going to eat baby food the rest of my life, wear diapers.. I look at them today, and smile, I pray and hope they find the answer for their own lives. I thank the early pioneers who went before me and suffered more as they perfected WLS to the point it is now.
It is my OA teachings that helped me to know who I am. It still took years before I was brave enough, and ready to give up the food. I remember sitting in the nutrition classes with my baby spoon and ounce cups, and thinking NO WAY!!
God had other plans for me though, and I do truly believe I can not have recovery unless I give it away, that as they say in OA, it is our weakness that binds us together and gives us our strength.
You guys have given me so much, each and every one of you,every day.
You sure have had a long journey to get to this point Linda. I'm so sorry to read about the things you had to endure, but I'm sure it has made you who you are today, and as I am just getting to know you, I see a wonderfully warm,caring, and courageous woman who can face whatever comes your way. I'm honored to know you!
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
You have an awesome witness. I have tried the WW thing too many times to count, got to goal for about a month in my 20;s and have never seen it since!
I also did OA for several years, and it was a good place for me to be emotionally, but didn't really help with my food issues. (Besides, after the meetings we all went out to eat!!!)
I know with WLS I will see that goal again and hopefully will stay very near to it for the rest of my life.
Thank you so much for traveling the road with us!