It's Thursday What's New
I had my second treatment tonight and I really like this doctor. Tonight he started me on a traction machine that is like a great massage. He cracked my neck so hard, I thought he was going to break it. LOL. Feels so good after a treatment. I have another one tomorrow morning. I was still in a lot of pain last night, but hopefully this will work. I know part of my plan that they came up with involves some exercises that I'll have to do at home too.
Good Morning Eileen and Friends,
Just a quick drive by as I'm not very good company these days. Crabby lady tired of delays on the new home. If we would just get 5 8 hour days out of the workers we'd be in there within two weeks. But it seems like we get put on the back burner and just get about 2.5 days per week on our house. I'm going up there at 10am. If they are not going full steam ahead the proverbial "do-do" is going to hit the fan. We have been very patient, but we're to the point where it is wearing very thin. Still so much to do. I just slept about 2 hours last night. So I decided someone else should be losing sleep besides me!
Last Sunday, I made a one day trip to Spokane just to get out of town. Did a little shopping; found a really cute cotton sundress for $5.97 at Penney's. It will be perfect for the cruise the end of October. Now if I can find a light cotton sweater or throw to cover my flabby arms!
After shopping I had the fun of spending a few hours with Cheryl W. We talked and talked. They are restoring a beautiful old home. It was rainy so we'd didn't get to sit on the covered porch like we had hoped to. Perhaps another time. It's always so much fun to sit face to face with "one of our own." No one understands like we do.
We'd headed to see the twins tomorrow for the weekend. Our gas bills are outrageous, but I'd rather go see them than eat!
Welcome to all of those new to our forum and congratulations to those returning from surgeries. I always enjoy the "wows" from all of the new bench sitters.
Gotta go soak in the tub and try to find my smile!!
Karen C
I don't know if you realize it or not, but you just shared a WOW least to me. You can GET INTO AND OUT OF A TUB to take a soak! There were years when I would never attempt to get into a bathtub for fear that I could not get out, or that there would be no water left after I got in....Ha!
Thanks for the WOW moment, and here's a hug to help you get that beautiful smile back.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
I have been a lurker again,,,not much to talk about.
I was fortunate to get to see Karen C. We had such a good visit...she is amazing...always on the go...and pics of the babies and new house...those babies are sweeter than sweet. Hope we can get together again...talked and talked but I know we could of talked some more!
Beth is back at college, work is work, lots of it and I am mourning summer I think...
Congratulations to all of the new losers and I am sorry not to have said hello to our new people personally...I will try to post more...
Take Care all,
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Here I sit at my son's place in Baltimore. He came to stay at my place for the weekend, and we drove down on Tuesday. I'll be flying home this weekend. While I'm here, I'll catch up his ironing and dishes (OMG, What a mess!), and cook up a storm to load up his freezer. He doesn't bother to cook at all, just eats a big lunch at work, which has a great cafeteria, then orders dinner out, when he bothers to eat. Wish I'd been like that...I never would have had a weight problem. Anyhow, I've got the makings for chili and that great salsa chicken (recipe from the OFF board), and will make a few kinds of soup. All easily heated items. He's actually a great cook, but doesn't bother for just himself. How well I understand that!
I emailed Aime before I left home, and we're hoping to connect for a few hours on Saturday. I actually remembered to bring her phone numbers with me, and will call tonight to set up a plan. It'll be good to see her again. She's so busy, between work and family, and I do miss seeing her on the board.
Isn't it funny, how the further out we get from surgery, the more life gets "in the way"? I wouldn't have it any other way.
I haven't seen Janet on line for a few days, and she hasn't answered my emails. I know she was sick, and with her, when she gets sick, she usually gets dehydrated and ends up in the hospital. I'm going to call her later today. Hope she's OK. I'll post after I talk to her.
Other than all that, I'm hanging in there. It's been a tough few weeks, but we're doing OK.
Thinking of you all.
A busy week for me too, closing out the year on two sets of books and getting ready for the auditors next week. Have had a worker here the last two evenings, helping me with repairing a fence and doing some tree work with the chain saw.
September is typically our best weather here, when the marine layer clears on the coast and this year is no exception. But the leaves are drying up and falling already from the summer drought and some nights are getting a *****illy. So time to button things up and gather nuts for the welcome winter rains. I'm looking forward to soup by the fire also as my body becomes strong and healthy and this pivotal year comes to a close. I'm so grateful to be sharing it with you all.
Love, light, laughter and peace, CV Linda