It's Tuesday, What's New with You?
morning eileen and my OFF family!!! welcome to all the newbies we have here now!!!! great that we have you with us!!! (((newbies)))
well yesterday i worked a double shift and almost a third shift!!! man i am tired atleast i was busy and drinking water and also walking on my breaks!! co-workers are noticing me walking all the time around the building and asked me if thats all i do on breaks...well yeah...i don't smoke so i walk!!! one of the supervisors asked me if he could ask me something..i said sure...he asked what was wrong with me...i said what do you mean? he said this food court is soooo clean!!!!!! said i was keeping it clean because it turned me off when i went to places that were dirty!! i hate going to a place to eat and finding a dirty table all the time!!! he said i was doing wonderful there!!! woohoooo!!!!! score a point for me!!!! LOL
6 more days and freedom from this living hell here!!!! we can't wait!! i told rick i think his leg hurting him is caused by the stress here....he agreed...he said he didn't do anything to make it flare up so it has to be stress related!!! ahhhh 6 more days!!!!!!!!!
yesterday at work i was talking to a customer and found out she had WLS 5 years ago!!! she said she gained about 60 pounds back due to taking medication...i asked her if she was going to support group and she said no never went to one!!! i asked her if it would help us both to get together and talk and have a support friendship together...she said yes...i told her to look me up at the food court anytime...she went and did her shopping and came back and gave me her phone number and said to call her anytime!!! i told her i would do just that!!! so hopefully i can get a support group started in my area!!! ann miller that used to live in michigan told me i should do that the other night when she PM'd a support group leader??? ok i am thinking about it...might just be what i need to do to get back on track!!!
doing some laundry right now and waiting til the clothes are dry then i am going to go pick up the lease and read it over and then go to work. not sure if i will be doing a double tonight or not...i am close to 40 hours already...37 1/4 to be i will take it!!! i asked for monday off so i can move in the new apartment and was told i had it off so woohooo!!!!
am off tomorrow and thursday far as i know unless the other woman is still "sick" and can't work. going to get the rest of our things packed and ready to load up!!! especially the stuff in the garage that jerry is using of mine!!!!! it really ****** me off he is using my stuff without asking me if he can!!!! got home last night and heard the music blasting out of MY speakers!!!! he sure has a lot of nerve!!!! and if he is using my tv there is goona be words said!!! i already told him NO when i first got here and he saw my tv!!!!!! 6 more days....just 6 more days....another thing that i will not miss is this dam telephone ringing off the dam hook all day long and into the night!!!! bill collectors calling every couple minutes!!!! the mail is full of shut off notices too!!! makes me sick the way they can't handle their money to pay bills!!!! so glad its not going to be like that when we get out of here!!!! we both agreed our bills were going to be paid on time!!!!
ok blabbing again so i will shut the blow glad you are all here so i can let off steam!!!! (((OFF FAMILY)))
hope you all have a wonderful day today!!!
Look at it this way ... all that extra work will help with the move into your new home. Moving costs lots of money.
You would be a great support group leader. You are vivacious and interesting and have a lot of energy (more than I do!) Go for it.
Sure, stress can cause a lot of pain (I sure know that). I'll bet once you get into your own place and get settled, Rick will feel better. And you might get back on track with your weight loss. Do something I've been doing lately that has helped me ... three meals and a snack. And put the food away into the cabinets and don't leave it out (that's one of my triggers, having food near my recliner). It's helped me get back down to 165, and I hope it will help me get to 160.
Eileen, I'm so sorry you're still having trouble with your knee. My 81 y/o uncle had one knee replaced 6 months ago, and the other replaced in July. He's doing remarkably well. Says he's ready to chase young women. His current wife is younger than two of his children. Uncle is a real joker.
Susan, $19,000, sounds like a good take to me! I'm sure the economy had something to do with it being less than previously.
Last night George switched us from dial up to DSL. Apparently a very stressful job. His major complaint was having to deal with tech support who barely spoke English. To top it off, our old email address is no longer working - tech support didn't know how to get it back, but suggested he call billing and see what they would suggest. Billing??? Anyway, since last night, we have a temporary new email address. This morning I spent 10 minutes on the phone with tech support talking with a very nice lady who had a strong southern Paul Deen-like accent. So say, "OK, now click on..." I said, "Wait a minute, I'm at work and the computer we're trying to get the email address back on is at home." She says she'll call me at home this evening and talk me through the procedure. How sweet! It ain't done yet, but my money is on her!
BTW, when George was through talking to India last night, he came downstairs with this total look of frustration and said he needed CHOCOLATE NOW! I obliged, handing a bag of Halloween candy I bought for the grandsons and got out of his way!
Getting back to work!
Seems like everyone has had better luck with their knee surgery, even old geezers. Don't know why mine has gone bad. I did my PT. Why am I in so much pain? My doctor sure doesn't know. He says the knee is fine, but I still think there's something else going on that isn't showing up on the x-rays and bone scan.
I hate having to use tech support on anything ... I can't understand what they're saying and they talk too softly. I have to keep asking them to repeat everything. And they talk too fast too. I'm with George on the chocolate! Last week Wednesday when I had so much trouble with the concert review (and no photos), I had a stash of dark chocolate Hershey's kisses with me ... I shared them with our writer ... I had two, she had two. It really was a day for chocolate.
Eileen, I certainly hope you find relief son from the pain you're in, it certainly is a shame when modern medicine does not work it's magic.
I didn't post anything on the Mouthwatering Monday's menu because I honestly don't have any beef recipes that would be so unique to you all, not a big beef eater, especially since I had this surgery, as other than steak, I don't seem to tolerate beef real well, but when you have a need for other recipes, I'm sure I can pull something outta my hat, as I've always been pretty good in the kitchen and a lot of what I cook just comes from what sounds like it might work together and more often than not, it works. . .
It's a beautiful day and I'm at my work station yet again, though yesterday I actually had some work and it felt wonderful to have a juicy document to sink my fingers to the keyboard in and a promise of more today, this is why I show up every day, hoping that they will need me for something I enjoy doing! lol
Anyway, I am feeling pretty good, had a good workout at the gym last night and I am going to try to spend at least 45 minutes doing some cardio after my AA meeting tonight, but we'll see how the day goes, getting up at 4:30 in the morning and not walking in the door until 9 p.m. most nights is tiring, but mostly I don't think about it, I just do it and ever since I had my surgery, I am not as tired and dragged out as I used to be and back then I did a whole lot less (lol)!
Well I hope you all have a wonderful day. To those of you with struggles, I wish you find the strength and peace to get through it all.
Hugs, Prayers and Positive thoughts, L
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I know what you mean about something good to work on ... I enjoy my job too, but sitting around waiting for something to do is boring! I love it when I get a good story to edit and a fun page to put together, with good photos, etc. That just makes my day. It doesn't happen always, though.
Laureen, I admire your strength to go to the gym after work and an AA meeting ... I'm so tired and in so much pain after work, I don't think I could handle it (plus nothing's open at midnight ... if I still belonged to the Y and the pool was open, now that would be nice!) I still don't have the energy I wanted to have after surgery ... I had a burst of it for about four months and then poof! it went away again. Ah well, sometimes it comes back.
Eileen... I sure hope you can find some relief soon for the knee pain you are constantly having. Everyday you seem to be in such agony!!
It is cloudy and looks like rain today. We need the rain so I guess I shouldn't be complaining. I just love the sunshine!!
Another very busy workday today. I only have a few minutes to post for now.
Nothing new happening with me. I am finally getting over this cold/allergies/MN crud. I slept better last night and I am finally feeling like eating again.
My daughters and grands are all doing okay. Nic continues with chemo and will be going to New York again in January. I am glad he will be home for the holidays!!
I ended things with Mr. Wrong and I feel better about that. Friendship is probably not in the near future....thats okay too. I have a friend that insists I meet a friend of her boyfriend's. Ugh....not this again!! I am always getting myself in some crazy situation. I will meet him as a favor to her. I keep telling everyone I am not looking right now but they seem to think I need to be. Oh could be a fun time!!
I am still tossing around the idea of going to Alabama on Thursday morning. I am feeling much better about it now. I don't know what those feelings I was having was about. I have been praying about it and now things seem right. Guess I better start packing soon!!
I hope you all have a wonderful day. I will check in and catch up with the board again later.
Love, hugs, and prayer to all.......connie d
Hope your allergies/sinus crud is better. I know my allergies are bothering me too this fall. My eyes are really itchy, and that's on four allergy meds. Plus it seems lots of people have colds.
Prayers of course for Nic ... he's always in my thoughts, as is my friend Bruce, who is kind of doing a "Bucket List" of sorts and has decided against any chemo ... he is doing Vitamin C drips and nothing else. He was going to go to Germany and get some new radical treatment, but decided against it because part of that was some chemo that could make the tumors grow faster. So that was out. So now he's just living life to the fullest. He went to San Francisco a few weeks ago just for fun because he had never been there.
I'm with you about men ... not looking either. I've been on my own so long, I don't think I want anyone in my life. I don't need a man to complete me. I'm complete just as I am. Don't want anyone telling me want to do.
Have a good day, Connie, and I hope you feel better.
Eileen...thanks for starting this off. You must get so frustrated with the agony that you are experiencing with that knee. It almost seems like a malpractice issue for you to be in such pain after so long. You need to become your own advocate and really push for relief. Sometimes docs seems to just want to get us out of their office and will say/do anything to avoid dealing with a real issue like yours. Good luck, sweetie.
Susan.......WONDERFUL job with the race! You were a real trooper to sign up for that, and I'm happy for you that it's over and was such a success. $19,000 is a lot of money...especially in this climate.
My bedside clock really messed me up this morning. It said 5:15 and I turned on TV and watched some news then got up and showered. It was actually only 4:15.......aaarrrggghh. I think my daylight savings time thingy got hit or something. Oh, well....I'm up and showered and ready for my work day.
Yesterday my ex called (the one with whom I have two sons)....and we laughed and commiserated over our children and grandchildren. We both say we wish we knew back then what we know now about kids...we would have been much better parents. Our son is such a good father, BUT he spends so much time trying to negotiate/explain/be the middleman when his two little boys (2 & 4) are constantly fighting. My ex and I both believe at this stage that there are times when you just say "Go outside and settle this and you can come back in when it's fixed." the bedroom until you have worked it out. Or just "BECAUSE I SAID SO!" LOL
I was going to college to become a psychologist when my two boys were little, and oh how I tried to be the best mommy........"time outs" "working things through" etc. etc. No spanking....ever! My sons both turned out fine, but I think I would have had a much more peaceful existence during those years if I would have sometimes just said "NO!" I'm the mother, you're the child........period! Ha! And...having said that, I am feeling some nervousness about babysitting THREE little ones in January all by myself! Brocky is 4, Brady is 2, and Zane will be 8 months! It will be a challenge. This is one of those times when I'm so glad I don't weigh 319 lbs!! At least this skinny body can run, and jump up and down, get down on the floor, and chase!! But...I'm not 35....I'm 65!! It will be a test!!
I love coming in and catching up with you all each morning. We have a bumper crop of newcomers and that is so lovely. You are all so welcome and please jump in anywhere and share your lives with us.
Off to finish getting ready for work. Big hugs to you all.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
I had 4 of my granddaughters from June 14th. until August 17 th. Ages 10 to 3. Their parents came up in July
& stayed until they all went home, but for the most part I had them most of the time.
I will admit I was tired but it was the best summer I have ever had!