What's New Friday, September 19, 2008
Good morning, Vera and all my sisters and brothers.
Another night that I couldn't sleep. For some reason they are making a habit of charging into my life again. I get that way for a long time and then all of a sudden I can sleep and everything is fine for a while. I guess it is time to drive myself nuts yet again. Sometimes life just has a way of throwing a wrench to the monkey~a monkey wrench~get it?
I had my meeting last night with the District Superintendent of the Calumet District. It went well and it was as I suspected~Pastor put his resignation in and Sunday, October 5th is his last day. He just has to much on his plate with all the sickness in his family and in his wife's family. He also is finishing up his dissertation for his PhD. We had a nice talk and gave him many gifts last night of our words and our feelings. I of course cried and then told everyone that I do that all the time. I can even look outside and cry if the sun is shinning. The DS told us that she has someone in mind to take our church. I am hoping that it works out and they are accepting of us and we of them. The meeting lasted for almost 2 and a half hours and it was positive. But~I am still sad that he is leaving. I clicked with him from the first time. It has just gotten better through the 3 years he has been with us. I call him Friend and that is something that I don't take lightly.
I guess Bill is beginning to feel better. Probably because he gave the cold away~to me! I guess he took that part of our wedding vows to heart about the sharing and stuff. UGH! I would rather share better than this. I woke up yesterday (after another night of 2 hours sleep) and had such a sore throat. Well now I am coughing and sneezing and my throat still hurts like heck. Oh jeez, I thought I was going to get by without getting it. I guess that is what I get for thinking again.
I am thinking that today is going to be spent here at home and cleaning yet again. I sometimes get so tired of cleaning and yet I haven't been visited by the good fairy . I still wait for her to come and I think they have lost my address. Good fairy:call me and I will google the directions to you.
I better get going and leave some room for the rest of you to chat too. I love this time of my day. Early in the morning and no one else up and about, and that includes Misty. I can sit here and drink my water and visit and share with my chosen family. These are like the commercials say "The times of my life". I am so glad that I have the chance to do this and I tuck these moments away in the file and go back and visit them on occasion. Thanks so much for being here and part of my wonderful memories.
I am sending lots of love and big old hugs to go with it to all this fine day. Let us remember that this is the day that the Lord has made and let us rejoice and be glad in it. I am keeping everyone in my prayers and special ones for those in need are going up. Have a wonderful day and don't forget to
Yesterday I had a migraine so my day off wasn't very fruitful.
Linda had suggested I call my surgeon's office to make sure they sent off the info to my insurance for approval. I did and they didn't. After a wk and a half, they found they could not access my psych info cuz the release of info form expired after 6 months so they have to send me a new release. I wish they would have called me. I live 5 min from them and could've come to sign one asap. Well, can't change that so onward.
That means my wait from insurance will be a bit longer but...I've been praying whatever God wants for me is what I need so....I must be patient. I know I'll look back at this some day and laugh.
Have to leave for work soon, feel alittle hungover from the migraine but I've done this for years.
Question...has anyone purchased an infrared quartz heater that is fairly new on the market? They are supposed to cut your heating bill in half and with the cost of natural gas going up this winter and predictions of a very cold winter I'm interested in getting one. I downloaded info about it but would like to know if any of you have personal experience with it.
Have a great day All!!
I love Spring!!!!!!
It's the beginning of my weekend and I'm down to the final stretch of busy weekends, with this one I have 3 more activity laden ones and then I don't want to know from doing and going anywhere until I leave for Florida in November for Thanksgiving! Today, I have the gym, manicure/pedicure, banking stuff, cleaning, laundry and who knows what else in between, then I have dinner with a g/f and my AA meeting. Tomorrow I have an hour's drive to my oldest/dearest friend's twins Bar Mitzvah ceremony and then I will drive back home, get my hair done and leave around 5 p.m. to go to the party they are having at a country club. I've never been to a Bar Mitzvah, so while my g/f said I needn't go to the Temple, I want to see what the ceremony is like and since it is the lesser of the denominations, it should only be about 2 hours. . . Sunday, well I won't go there now, as I probably will be able to check in here then. . . Life is good and I am blessed to have the health to enjoy all that comes my way!
Hope each and every one of you has a wonderful day, may your struggles be met with the aid of God's strength to get you through and the knowledge that we have one another to lean on!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
on 9/18/08 10:42 pm - Park Forest, IL
I haven't been on in what seems like ages. Things are very hectic here. My daughter is filing for divorce. So we've been very busy helping her with our granddaughters. Last weekend her house flooded from all the rain. Just an awful mess, raw sewage in the utility room,bathroom, hallway and the girls bedroom, They all stayed here until we could get all the carpets out and the mess cleaned up. Her homeowners said she doesn't have flood insurance so no help there. We had to pull the carpets out of the hall & bedrooms. We have been there all hours helping cleaning up the mess. Now this weekend we will start putting the house back together. The girls and Jen are sharing her bedroom for now. Hopefully by Sunday we'll have the new floor down in the girls room so they can get back in their own beds.
On top of that mess my MIL is getting more aggressive and combative with the staff at the nursing home. So we had to make arrangements for a Psychiatrist to see her there to prescribe some other type of meds to control her outbursts... so we'll see what happens.
Today we will be home, need to get our grass cut and some chores done here. Still will be working hard but at least we'll be at home. Our little doggie, Skeeter (Chihuahua), is feeling very neglected and upset because we have the grand-dog here, a huge Rottweiler, named Bear, *****ally is very lovable, but is acting all weird ( whimpering and pacing) too since his family isn't here.
I don't know how my dear hubby has done all the heavy work he has done this past few weeks, but he is 100 times the man my SIL was or ever will be. The SIL came over to see the damage and the girls and watched us all work. He did vaguely offer to help but never pitched in. I guess since it isn't his home anymore he didn;t think he really needed to. Just made my daughter more determined to get him out of her life. It's too bad he didn;t help for the girls sake, to help get their room cleaned...
DH will be here soon with our littlest angel. He picked up both girls and is dropping the older one off at school and Sami will be here till later when her class starts. Our daughter will turn 31 on Sunday so we will be taking her and the girls out somewhere nice for dinner, her choice of restaurant.
I've been doing ok with my food choices, but still kind of off track with getting enough calories and water each day.
I miss you all my friends, hopefully soon I'll be back here on a daily basis.
Welcome to all the newbies. And hugs to you all, Paulette