Nekkid pics....
.... of my knee 
It's kinda gross... but therapy seems to be going ok (although I have nothing to compare it to) and I am able to do a few more things.... I am now walking without a walker or cane, although my PT wants me to use the cane just to help with the timing and rythem of walking so I walk correctly...
I am hoping the bruising is normal... the whole leg, and especially the ankle area has a lot of bruising...

It's kinda gross... but therapy seems to be going ok (although I have nothing to compare it to) and I am able to do a few more things.... I am now walking without a walker or cane, although my PT wants me to use the cane just to help with the timing and rythem of walking so I walk correctly...
I am hoping the bruising is normal... the whole leg, and especially the ankle area has a lot of bruising...
The bruising or discoloration is often normal...bloody fluid accumulates below the surgical site into the tissues but this will absorb in time. If these discolored areas are painful or your toe nail beds turn bluish get to your doctor. It sounds like you are recovering very well. Please don't fall by not using your cane. Keep up the PT and you'll be better than normal soon.
I love Spring!!!!!!
I love Spring!!!!!!
Hope you feel better soon...I understand the healing process with this surgery is a pretty long one so take care!!!
You build me up, buttercup baby just to let me down....
Hey Nancy, what's the
You build me up, buttercup baby just to let me down....
Hey Nancy, what's the
Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...


Yup, looks like mine did, except I took my photos after the staples were out. Bruising is normal. You're going without the cane this soon? I was still using the walker. You're way ahead of me.
But then again, I'm 1 1/2 years out and still having issues ... although according to ortho doc No. 2, I can do "normal things, like bike and swim." Idiot!
Glad you're doing well.
But then again, I'm 1 1/2 years out and still having issues ... although according to ortho doc No. 2, I can do "normal things, like bike and swim." Idiot!
Glad you're doing well.
The first doctor I went to basically insunuated that i was just trying to get out of work.... even the nurse came to me later and apologized.... so i suffered for another 4 months before i finally went to this doctor... and of course he said I should have come in sooner!
Hate to say it... but I have had more bad experiences with doctors than good ones....
Hate to say it... but I have had more bad experiences with doctors than good ones....