What's new MONDAY????
Well, chalk up another failed loaf of bread! I give up! I give up! I will go to a bread store after work and see what I can find and will be on the lookout for the Ezekiel bread. Damn!
Not much new here, bought new undies down another size! yay!
Went school shopping with Beth, that was a fun day after all.
Did laundry, took a nap. Nothing too exciting.
Had a dream that I was working in some awful factory job on an assembly line where everyone was really mean and I had to change diapers on a kangaroo! I think the kangaroo part was from a news report on tv the other night about a nursing home that had cats and dogs and a baby kangaroo with diapers that the residents loved. Anyway, along with this really hard job with mean people, I also had my full time job where I work now. I kept telling Tom I just couldn't do it! Then I woke up, thank goodness.
So, today I will appreciate only having my job I have in real life!
Have a great Monday!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, it's never an easy thing, especially when the person is so highly thought of. . .
Well my weekend was busy with going to visit my cousin up in the Poconos, which was a good visit and then yesterday I went sailing with two friends on the one friend's co-workers sail boat, at first there seemed to be no real wind, but then we found some and it was just a lovely 5 hours spent on the boat, then I went home and decided to just stay home and get to bed early, which I did, but I got into a movie and well at 10 o'clock I shut the television off and went to sleep, but 4:30 sure did come around fast and it's at work I am now, after which I will go to the gym and then get myself home to bed to do it all again tomorrow.
I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
On a lighter note, George and I went to see Tropic Thunder yesterday. Rather funny, but I'd have rathered a chick flick. Well, hunting season is upon us, and there will be plenty of time for me to see those while he's out hunting with the guys.
morning george and OFF family!!
george i am so sorry for the loss of your friend....cancer is just everywhere and it needs to go away soon!!!
well its now raining here in north eastern ohio...report just came across the tv that we now have warnings to stay out of the water because of the 5-7 foot waves and dangerous rip currents!!! still going to have some high winds...15-25 mph....not like last night but still dangerous they said...lots of flooding out there and people without power....its 64 here and gloomy looking til you look outside and see all the tree branches and leaves everywhere...what a mess!!! heard some have to boil water before using it...its not us so thats good but sorry for those that have to do this...
went over to ricks friend/co-workers house yesterday to see his trade he made for his harley motorcycle...he got a '79 malibu souped up engine 425?? street legal hot rod...has headers on it and skinny tires on the front and huge slicks on the back...sounds awesome!!!!! can't wait to go watch him race it!!!! he also got the hauling trailer to go with it!!! what a trade huh??
rick is doing ok after his seizure? just said he is tired and can't remember anything from saturday night after we got home...scary...i talked to his mom about it and she said yes it was a seizure and was told a few years ago when he was taken to er that it was because his sugar dropped and it could put him in a coma??? but its been years since he last had one...going to find out more on this....i am not familiar on seizures at all...
talked to my mom yesterday and mentioned that it was the anniversary of dads death...she said no its not til the 14th..i said mom today is the 14th...she said omg i am so mixed up...thought it was the 13th...said she was thinking that dad went to the dr on the 11th and then on the 14th he died...she said she went to the dr on the 11th and was hoping she didn't die on the 14th!!!! i told her to stop thinking like that!!!! she is 87 now and she could pass anytime...it scares me that i can lose my mom...i know its life that people die but she is my best friend....it will kill me to lose her....
my cousin is still in the hospital and they still don't know what is wrong with her...mom said she looks yellow to her and also her eyes look yellow...said her dad had liver cancer and thats what he died from...hope it isn't that for her...prayers would be appreciated for her...thankyou!!! guess they want to put her into a rehab nursing home...she is still throwing up and not sure how going to a rehab nursing home will help her...maybe sending her there to die???? sighs...
well i found out yesterday that jerry is using my stereo speakers in his garage!!! did he ask if he could use them??? NO!!!!!!! i am pissed that he just assumed he could use them!!!! then diane saw my little smokey joe grill and said she was going to use that for a camp fire!!!! WTF is wrong with these people???
next monday morning i go pick up the lease to look over and then in 2 weeks we go to sign the lease and then we get the keys and we can move!!!!!!! YIPPEEE!!! WE CAN'T WAIT TO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!!
diane was just home on her break from cafe...TOLD me to give her some cat food!!!! doesn't ask if she can have some just demands it...****** me off how she goes about it!!! jsut because we got a free bag of it doen't mean she has full use of it does it??? i know i am being mean and nasty but gezzzzzz then she tells me nicole (ricks daughter) needs a ride to and from work...she said she can take her but not pick her up...well where is her mother??? she works days not nights and SHE can pick her up...NOPE she refuses to do it....i guess she is hinting that i go do it?? oh hell no!!!!! i am not traveling to parts unknown to me after dark!!!! her mother is fully capable to pick her daughter up!!! i do not ever want to meet this woman because i will tell her a thing or two let me tell you!!!!!!!! she is a real piece of work!!!!!! good for nothing biotch!!!!! its all about her and her live in boyfriend that doesn't work and is into drugs and their daughter...nothing for nicole at all...not even her child support!!!! she uses it on the other child!!!!! we tried turning her in but the people here won't do anything about it!!!!! i do not understand it at all!!!!! ok off the *****ing wagon...sorry
well better get shower in while i am home alone...working today 1-5 then back here to pack up more stuff for our move to sanity once again....hope everyone is doing ok that was in the path of IKE...sorry for those that had some damage from him too!!! prayers for you that need them and know i am thinking of you all....
George, I am sending my sympathies to you at the lost of your friend. I know that it hard to lose those that we are close to. It doesn't matter if we meet them or not. They still hold a very close spot in our hearts and our lives whether or not they are physically in our lives or not. I have a lot of them like that.
Nothing much going on here this morning. I can't believe that I slept until 8:30 this morning. I woke up and asked Bill what time it was (I was to lazy to turn over to look at the clock) and he told 8:30 and I was shocked. That hasn't happened in a long time. Usually I am up at 5 if not earlier. Maybe all those nights with just a couple hours of sleep are starting to take their toll on me. I slept like a rock last night too. Another unusual night with that going on too.
The sun has been out all morning but now it is gone. Oh dear! The weather channel said that we have a 30% chance of rain today. I would usually say that is no big deal but with all that we have gotten that sounds like a lot to me today. It is looking kind of cloudy. Please God, no one can take anymore rain. Bill's cousin Trudy said to me last night that she is taking comfort in the scripture that God said that He will not ruin the earth by water again. I am taking Him at his word and walking with it.
I am planning on staying home and doing some stuff around here. Just finishing touches with the living room to do, dusting and such. Bill shampooed the carpets through the house and they look so nice. He used his nephews carpet cleaner and we want to get one like it. It is a Bissell something and it is so nice and easy to use. It gets so much of the water out of the carpets too, and so they never feel damp either. They look so nice and I am glad that is done. They were looking pretty bad too. Now things are starting to get put together and looking pretty good here. Now all I have to do is the 2 hall closets and the bedroom things. The 2 closets in the bedroom are cleaned and looking nice. I am late in getting the spring cleaning done but I would rather look at it as I am doing early spring cleaning for next year.
I guess I had better get going. I am sending lots of love and plenty of big old hugs to all. Prayers are going up for everyone and special ones for those in need of them. That takes care of most everyone from the sounds of it.