Medical leave of absence from work?
I'm hoping someone can help me with this question. I already had clinical depression before my wls (lap band done laproscopically) but between the depression, my hormones going wacko, and my age (pre menopausal) I really am at the breaking point and feel that I need some time off before I crack up.
I come home from work exhausted every day, am not getting exercise like I need to, am constantly stressed, and can't concentrate at work.
I have no more vacation/sick days left (partially due to the surgery) and don't know what to do. I do see where people are unable to work because of severe depression. How does one go about getting the paperwork in order?
Any help at all on this would be appreciated. I'm getting desperate.
" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon
Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!
I agree with the first person ... but talk to your doctor, too.
I'd say get a doc on board with diagnosis and recommendations. Does your work have a "short term disability" clause? My sissy gets SSI disability due to bi-polar disease. But in the beginning she had to do the "short term disability" through her wor****il her SSI was approved.
Also, maybe your work has a "leave of absence" policy, that doesn't HAVE to be for a medical reason. TWICE in the 15 years he worked for a co. in OR, my DH got 6 mo leave of absences and we took our travel trailer and toured the US. No pay, of course, but we had his Navy pension and med benefits. But they did guarentee his job back when we returned.
Good luck. Depression is nothing to mess around with. If you need help, do all you can to get it.
I was in your position about 15 years ago. I had a therapist and a psychiatrist who helped me immensely. In my opinion (just based on my own experience) you should get the help you need before you drop out of your job. I was helped so much by the anti-depressants that I swear by them. I was told that I need to keep taking them forever... which I will do. During my clinical depression I was not sleeping and feeling sick all of the time. My therapist advised me to keep going... she didn't want me to go out on disability because she knew that going back to work after that would be very hard. She had me calling her at home every morning when I was wanting to quit. Looking back on it, I'm so glad that I struggled through it without quitting my job. It was very hard, believe me, I know. I just want to throw that out to you... get some help before making any rash decisions.
Hugs to you- I know it feels like there is no hope to be well again, but you will be well again.
Thank you Darlene. I think this has been coming on for awhile...and my gut tells me that I need to do this (take a leave of absence) if i'm going to get better.
Thanks for the kind words.
" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon
Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!