Learned yesterday that my boss is retiring! Wed. the head of the dept. announced he will be stepping down as soon as the search committee finds his replacement. Yesterday my boss came in and told me he'll be working until the end of this month, taking Oct. as vacation and to clear out his office, and by Nov. 1st, he's out of here. Not a moment too soon, on the drive in yesterday I was compiling a letter of resignation in my head. Tues. and Wed., he chewed me out several times. These tirades, as usual were totally uncalled for and I've taken enough verbal abuse over the years. I was ready to walk over to HR with 11 typed (single spaced) pages of documentation of times he's made comments that were inappropriate for the workplace.

YEAH!!!!!! I am so happy that old man is out of there!!!! You of all people do not deserve him.....maybe you weren't the only one that hated him.....he did a terrible job of running your department.....Too bad he is getting off scott free...but at least you don't have to worry you sweet sweet head about him anymore. Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
Hopefully the old goat will find some (and give some) peace in his retirement. Sometimes when people are miserable, not able to do the things they used to, it gets them and they take it out on everyone else. Not making excuses for him as I know you have put up with way too much. I do have ex colleagues that seemed 10 years younger only months after retirement. Maybe he'll go fishing, take some pleasure from the small things in life. . . Maybe you'll be 10 years younger too just not having to face him. Any idea who the replacement will be????
Karen C